Grammar Gazette- Issue 4, 1993
Beanland House e-emerges Because Dr. he growth in numbers Terrace" of snidents at Brisbane Girls' Groin- The news of the Te-formation of mar. another House, to be called this Houseprompted greatinterest and Beanland. will be leestablis!red in lively discussion. The possibilities 1994 sparked gratenthusiasm from allycor Mrs arumk. lire Principal. ex- levels. wi studentseagerto be parlor plainedil, enew coreis, laded, oftlre tonew Dune. Over onehundred yam Haires remain an integral part of tile 10 stiltsnts alone volunteered restorel care sy, un". Next year 9th Mrs Cmbavoriy. Bunlruid's fu 8Horisegm, with theirHm, secroup lure Head of House. remarked: "if the reacherswillbeabletogotohnb"only mutings twith the sindents) are any in year. This win 1.1p bond tip indication. Beanland win certainly be gulps toBellain a way hat', earnps an exciting and spirited house. " in letter gulps of tire past fow years There e an e 00, volu", cor helpers, ere able to ask the game material as the school questions or the Principal and skirt win be availaMe through SPE. Kr18tlne Cooto Preparation tsue"advanced for raise ideas an items or concern. dai, prepaid order from the cloth the coltslructio" orcm, amor's new sports complex. Site preparation is Rancork also gyve news of a change part of the School uniform in the set to begin in December with con. to the uniform for 1994. Slacks in winter tenus. During this discussion Mrs ing shop. These will be an optional 51n"floristsrtingonJanuarylO. The contract completion date is 31 July. Mrs runeockdiscus^, his new conpl" at a mowing tea given by 11n School on Friday 13 ternber to thank the approximately 250 vol untoers who contribute so much to the School thin, gh their generous efforts Ms Humusk descrihad the new banty as 'huntque" and said it had been 61". d forthespedalneeds and talents of the School". She sir^ad how important fibers is to Melong codes, explain^ how it hag been proven that "personal fit nessand sporting"hlev. meritsgive 81th confidence" An open meeting in the Gehrm. mm Theatre followed the mowing tea which ms hdd o the A S Block on a 91 b Sine"ts, ,, ode! slacks for the winter ream ovaitoblefrom Ihe lawn Spring day. harm8 this time the Clothing Shop Self care confronts relevant issu s for year elevens ^ At the beginiting of each class, a useofomitraceptives were also aniong simple 'Varm-up" exercise was un- tile topics raised. Many differcmi as denaken, inco rating a relevantis- peels and responsibilities of relation sue. This enabled everyone to focus ships were covered mineh BC^ & Fror"co Hasts One recent education reba in on the topic and relax at the same Nl of 11re topics were Teleumit to Queensland has focused o whether time. Students were often given lire students and what is considered schools have the right 10 intoerare is. worksheet. .that helped Ihem explore morally correctin today's society was sires like sex education unto their c . Iheir own beliefs and clarify their delibemied ideas. Class di ussion look up the nomum. in a non-judgement al atmos Brisha, IC G, rls Groinmar School majority of Self Carelessons andlhis phere. year elevens were able to obviously hameves that awareness and provided a Drum where opinions debate their own opinions with knowledge in this area are vimi. with wereexpressed freely. providing SIu- our feeling pressured. Everyone each gade discussing tsues that are dents with a range of 001nts of view. felt comfortable talking about is appropriaie for and relevant to their Each student r'specied Ihe Ideas or sues that. perhaps. were Iroubl, rig others' BSItwasempbasised that there them. or may concern Ihem in the age group Yeareleven. this year. wasinvoived are no clearcui answers to the prob- future I Self Care cla^s which dim, ,^ ICms life offers The year eleven Sel. Care pro Class discussions covered drugs. groin is a cons, Tuttive and valuable infon, runy scenarios aha. It relation ships' aswellexpanded oninfonnatio alcohol, smoking and their effects. course which created an open envi provided by ScienceandPhysicalEdu. Sexunlly transmitted diseases. suchas roament where issues relevant 10 Aids. GPatitis and s 'i's, and the today's students can be confronted canon un prewmis years' " H ' a, Jammer13 i's members iru^CFthg to Bam^ Ho Foundation Day to resume celebrations in 1994 Contact our friendly staff Pellegrini Old AC. N. 010 339250 Upper Edward Street Brisbane, Queensland 4000 Serving You Since 1890 Phone 1071 ^22916 Far (07) ^27095 428 o1rs "rid procticalr^us, the, read brio, awarded topux o, thesehod W^ CAN HEW You with our 1.00^n Relrsr Unlike some other Australian and is presented on S Day, high schools, Brisbane Girls' alongwith"knowledgnentof"her GroinmarScbooldoesno, celebrate academic, sporting and cultural its roundatto" Day. However, next achievements for the year. year celebrations wi" be resumed Foundation Day is symbolk or on the weekend clusest to March thesehad'sb"at with onin^. 15, the onei"I starting day for the ence from Brisbane Grimmer. re School. Planning for this occasion also dpi, leg the foundation or the is being undertaken by the man- first non VC geolReli 'ous, Educational and Coinpuier BOOKS . . . Oreliry selecti'on of Oar' ' Gins for all cocasions . CANDLES of numerous si^s and colour. . COMMUNION CONFIRMATION REQUISITES OREGAUA . alURCll FURNISHINGS. Page 6 GRAMMAR GAZEFrE, Term 4,993
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