Grammar Gazette- Issue 4, 1993

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K hleen and On the streets of 'Our 70 n on ard Shil am v ' t' sh o1 . After a SIX month rehearsal period theseniorproduc, ion, 0"Frown. too to the stage on 14th, 15th and 16th October. padubtion was of lire innugi"at School Arts Week and was a tonendous success for an in volved Naoml Just

ale one for this School. Kathl"n was Athoughtfuldepiction orlifg asnidentatGmmmari" 1930.3I where and death, the message of O", Town

Krlstine Cooke

When talking to Kathleen and $1.00mpletedgades9ar, d 10. Leonaad Could not have been daivered withinit

one ano11rer's sentences. myself " wlren 51re thinks of a suitable been as successful without tireir cointeiesiedin people; nettortl, emitie Bothartistsh. dinanystoriestoieii Tire laywasdirecdby penny from the realities and mundane details lives as artists, They spoke of the Padiretion. She sai e since she

of 1993. KBtt, Icon, oldthe HeadGirlsofirer members of the audience. and the dj The HeadGirls"rsonallyc^Ire tine at Gammar. She spoke or pink rector, andit was a gen moving

The Shillnms were, aken on a tonr or "Blossom" as she called her. andas onhe backstogecrew. Bach of the School by the Head Girls and KBrhleen said that tiley were all "in One'userotheoccasion. We'refortii.

a mudstone plinth. time Miss Duey banned the school the Opportunities are given so readily. Glen aimsreiiso, I who was cast in lire lead role of the Stage Mumser enjoyed working in the CU01L

O" Town was a satisfying way to express emotion and a 10 of drama. adamantinewaytoendArisWeek She added illmd 'rulmled onombition to move an nudiei, ce 10 tears cast also in duded as well as ,. Does Noon" b mother blow churlhL, ?

01bbs. Derren Moss. Pa"I Anen and tiences daring rehearsal and perform- with tiersmoke maclime.

formances. had lobecomses fortwenty mining at by Inembers of the amie, lee. Head contribute in important ways. Simone backflips and high kicks on stage. and eerient!". Frillci and strong su Buckley was assistont director and someof us wereengulfed in masses of porn of in the school Mrs JanellePaielconiroUedevents as stage tullefor that infamous wedding scene. rimeock, primal tire outstanding rel Backstage. the crew choked. Grit displayed by members of the cast manager

Tile subject of the erulptineis ap war cry. "So. wiren we went to the propriate for members of the Wildlife school sports, all the orher schools Artists' Association. Indeed, the sand to spontaneously toke rums 10 Shin"nsshowmnlcoinmi"renttopre- say their war cries. Wiren cor rum serving our wildlifetl, roughtheirads- ume. there was silence except for a small group or boys at xi old girls tic Interpretations Theseulptineitselfisacompelling Est!retaindJudithdid noiseemtothink piece and lives up to the criteria the this could happen today! KBthleen also designed a book artists thenEelves use 10 define a work of art ironaad saiditwasilre "overall plate for the BannerId Libre, y while a design" and Kathleen. Ih "impact or student at Grannmar. a project that sur tile thing". And the sculpture does vives roday. She was pleased at the make an innnediale impression. it is range of artistic experiences currently also an approp, *ate choice for students offered to the students' explaining it pined arche edge of newtsponsibili- wag much more "ausrere' in her day ties and challenges. The cormorant The two artists have such energy sandsco, finentlyon aimlrsia stump. and enthusiasm for their work. They iris aware of its surrouulngs. ready to setuptheirown foundry. developideas launch itself at any opportunity that for a runge of media. and often work using quite differentapproaches on, h nuny arise The coulp has been on tempo same project. Ka, hleen said the "first my displayin the Library. The librar- thing we do is quarrel about Ihe ian. MrsCarolCosgrove. explainshow method". Bui us they hastened to ex even in the very short line the sculp platn (together) : "It's terrific fun" and lure has beeninthe School. ithas made "We'rebothaiming fortlresa, nething a tremendous impact. Staff and shi it was wonderful to meet two dents stop to admire and many aminot people who love life. Leonard said resist touching it 11 seems a very "We are fortunate to have experi tactile piece. in draws you enced the horse and buggy days to The choice of a piece by Kathleen the age of push buttons and coin and Leonard Shillam was an appropri- purers

A grave scenefrom 'Our Town

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