Grammar Gazette- Issue 4, 1993


Athletes excel in tremendous team effort

Meredfth Boohmann 81ro"s her winning style JillLarge Won e " ve , emen rise ea . the Grammarsup

Filchg, adjs: Julerie Westn^, d

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e .nitb team improved their1992pl"ingand finished the competition in sec

med with mmy addng individual some cradle"t readts. Tm that 1269 mmads ms the told, br the the"^. Tky"out^a^chum

bathantha, CIM^ithBoch^ Romey in the 13 years and under only 49 recoints hmmd the record Eon^, ith 134 points ond position. Their main Meredlth Bonin. rin (above) threw 25.06 metres and Breada forthe , has stood due T^. hadrondfidd team, glad strengthlayin theirb. thug with incusLLB BEUTBL miming 6 cutoffour comb She, ,riots foal 14 ream By forthm"tenthn. Iconts and Jacq"elm Bayll, . rumck). home runs resent- '"inner* of 13.29 seconds rig ,." as cub~ Bombto Uuson in the 15 yam rch, ,. ThaGirb'C"^17^re ^y but. mm^lobeprt. , 81.8htoing ai On, ing her OPPdtionln the 400 riches shat pat, Zne tramtt in the 13 undoner^ayt^, on ^h theB the 17 ram cod antiB day an and 811, played before the withelOOmetr"Lurch, Mallth years and under tongj"rip, and and A Dlv, 610.3 When ricena unsS"us^Gin^' crowd at to Ga on '"y nettorman~ when she cos the see and over highjump. SharonTodhuntor, andthea^DB urinal and co^I ton ^r of tire T^ Tat ^ AUS endkgoftbe4bylOOmetrg17yea, s rely Joy^in shoned great Aun Denk. ,ho bad already mm copper, bone. n^ringo^ din and New 7"I'M congratulations to s^, h and damnhationln the them in^ink to the to*for from the at^ than nabs of and over relay Mendith was not alone when it 14yearsageg, up Shearhk, .aa themrelevant, them^r"CUDn thetam"" rin^. vidyy to. MEREDITH BOCHMANN can'to Grin"", firstsT, DSPxhl secondln dkyB and nund hisha, or the ^ cone to We At the rid to co^atobte the a^" co KATIE DOERBY, coE BER^ redormnn"s were by Zoe Bcor who p"L cond"glen or the atto' ^g thdrimpl^ pertom^

and BRrolE PurrsR or their selection in the Queen. landath letics team Congatulations also be extonded to PETER NASll. cor badgeoach. whohasdeve opal on bullets 10 store sun^ intoneA HO, year 9, spent Friday 26 November to Sunday 28 0vember in Cunts at the StareAgeTennisChampionships Girls' Grammnr has only re toned to rowing in the I two years and harefore it was an nut standing achieverrent fortsFiist Eigl, it who won tile Stole dumpi onehipsinRockhanipto, I. Tirecrew were KALLIOPE CONOMOS us100YDBLAAT IOHanNA LARSEN unCHELLE Rico LARA PRESTON ZOE Pun, merinoN VERGmiA JAY SALLY Mou^ and ER^ TAYLOR 0.1 Monday 8 November. ton B. G. G. S. captsins of sport were hares cos at tile mangyml Worn en's SportFouradation Dinner for Q. ,consland Sportswomnn of the ear. AXELODY DE LAA 1.1 centie stage as ale prize hasty and was @vein a special thank yini by honoured uest, Evonne Cooloogong Cawley

Grammar disp ys dept of ne. ba I talent Erlca Dung, an NGtoall is a with a long and and richall mm. ^' 9931"s p a reusen fudag haswondie portsB, ^I^furs only broken and set Ms bur also number o the ian, rider 21 made momy offa. d nam yintlre"acorn. arm, dunmba 'coldly 8^n o I OS, udaitsu"rid wiserch She add, Wha Ms could do wing for 'o1rs in one or toad, . that or the A Grade my team With arehahigblevdsorenthu as been a hachion for the mar neimll lane raced lire seamn the 8B Icon. This 'ves her the confiden"y. chance 10 develop her leadership in the finelplndngsoflhe^ascus. Aru and coached, he 8B team to a con QG. S. S. S. A. urns, gee for A men able second rude. finished in lop three. Tile proinisin icy of the .,. n. than 'n. andthe

lade a nabR10, S

Photo: Julene Washno, I

Dowries the BS by An a in the 10 come

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