Grammar Gazette- Issue 4, 1993

S ot Volleyball teams in record breaking season lory of Brisbane Girls' Gnunmar Sc1,001. AM four vo"eyball learns games each losing their first setof tire the Queensland Schools' Cup and cocoon. Under tilegui"riceofMSS"e the National Schools' Cup. Hav hishad undefeated. ant final games werethe decid- Die ens, these athletes nulled together ing come a close second in the like the B 9th. came from be- national competition two years CIS aad, as hay were against Store high, we werealldeienwinedtowin. hind to take tile gums ago, Grammar is determined to The Agadeliadaconvincing win. win "gold firefirst^lushivolved theB andD gad" and, if these sindents wantsd With Mrs Piispanen's son as our Grammar volleyball fielded to lake a few years off newe spans numbe one supporter, how could we four strong and skilh, I teams, but of the sumorrers, they were most not? the secret of their success w" the successful Six of Grammar's players were enjoyment and team spirit shown B ginde had an extremely close alsoselectedtotrialfortlreStateunder by each individual. There were ino game, with the lead altomad, Ig I. e- 19 volleyball team. These were %. d sports" and everyone played toren tile two reruns. Finally, it wag Meredith Bochmann. Tiffany us a unit proud to represent hair the leaniwork and determination Flecklington. Katie Charlton. Kale school Belh Williams shown by all Groinmar players that Kilpatrick. Beth Williams. and Kale broughtthem backltom a 13-Odencit Bunning ithas never happened in the his- to win the game in the near fuiure. Grammar C and D codes also had close has Iwo competitions to enter

Grammar gymn sts compete at national championships

Back to front: 130be, Dades. Gaulfu, Hunter, ronin Hobso, * PhDebe Pap@,;Ib"rqfGmm, mrb elite rhy, hi"'c gum^

should be given to Rebecca Shatimi whonotonly toeo, ,^ with, Quail

Garnin Huntsr

The A grade roweyba" team in action ear of success for in r questrian

titionfrom, .",~"wives from Students from Brisbane Girls Grimmer Setol have ^in ex other sums. binL aim with a paly dig coned"n the field of gymnastics when lambd shoulder. Sire ve, ed to hay performad at tire National Levels compete ' every one on bermutine$ Championships during the September igichng her injury holidays. An students won me^ Mery apus, a mm, ,un staff Crinumar were member. and arena Papas 51u tve students chasenin the Qneen, land forthe denc shariahened Gummar pres 1993 Semor Gymnmiirs Cmmpion- CDCebyco"hagaadju ' through ships held in Finnkc, on. Victoria from outthe R. So. sections of the coin '- Seprember 30 10 October 2 "on

A Stroke of Success Georgia Pe". ohllos &

KitsienHamon, SophieAshover. Anna Kernson, KarlieGreeirland. andKathy

Cathchne Auld

Kale Leadhaa. er

This year. under the guidance of Henry. Special must go to rumson

san member Rob Overell. the Groin- Hamon who organised and co Rebarca Sintham. year 12. coin marequestrianieam"hievedanumber ordinaledithe whaleiremto music from Cron, nor hosted its first rowing re dinievei9 of the women's artistic etition was most definiteI the - Bed"Iv and Ihe B, "$1 ofsuccesses eatlain conjunction with SL Peter's gymnastics category, while ISObel nal ni"hi o the championships Allison explained how the rid. L"themn College. Considering Davis. yearlO. Toma HDbson. year9, Level 10 male and fernal ' tic The team brought home high PIac ing ribbon placings from all events erg were dressed in costume repre. Grammar's comparative lack or ex- collin Hunter, year 10, and Phoebe gymnasis coin ated in Ih ' finals entered. Theres"!is achieved show the seming roles from the film. Allison perlencei" this sport, B. G. G. S. was papas. year 9, perlomiedin the rhytti- and elite R. S. G. athletes maled for depth of talent and dedication of all herself as The Beast. Anna as very we" represented selection in the Australian re 10 rule sportive gymnastics division Beauty, andiheoiherrider< us char team niembers The races be^n at 130pm, and Both the level9 WAG. learn and compete at the World Champion~ inanehampionshipslieldatPineLodge ride did not echo the storyline but Girls' Grammar gain two first ts for medals in the all round T he venue was filled with an daring thesepiemberholidays. rubson included troop drill and dressage p six seconds and four third team events. After a week of intense atmosphere of excitement as the Homon qualified for the individual movements in time to the music. plat" attic regatta The victorl"us trainin . the asis left Brisbane audience watched in awe inna 15 showjumping. Unfortunately. shedid From the results earned this Grammarcrewsweretbeunderfon, L confidentofperrormingto theirporen- executing incredible tumbling runs year, the future for Girls' Grammar teen fourth crew and the first danL dai, despite the 5.10 am instr not place in the event and contorting their bodie, into The School also entered atomn in equestrian is promising. As the The final race wig by far the They were strong chances indeed. unimaginable positions tire Ride to Music. The students per- number of talented riders entering most ezdting or the afternoon The as both of these^, ns won silver med formed extremely wellbyplacingtiiiid the equesirian team grows. Gram- B. G. G. S. first ash consisting or ais for their state . a well-deserved oveullandfirstin originality oriheme. mar seems set for an excellent 1994 Malady debt stroke), JO Urgen, result for tire efforts expended. Thatcameonsis, ed of rumson mmon season On the 7th of August, Girls' The highlighto the wholeco -


(coren) apedenc" its mrs. v^ry thirdplaceoverellinthe R'S. G. results in thts rigto. The dadka"on and in level7B. Tania's routines scold handworkputinbythisa. wina"y effortless in execution, qualif^g her paid or as their boat ars^ the for all I^ finals : hoop, han, and finlsh line moments before the rope. With her upbeat. fively rope Some^e crew performance, sire achieved a wetide in only two year^ Girls' Gram- nerved homer^. Toma aim won mar rowing has achieved remark- a silver netsl, as did ninebePaps. in able some^as con haseen from the freehaad. whaleihare was a^e-way realts of this regatta. tie for second place However, St Margaret',, St CongatolationsmustgotoPhoebe unda's, Br^restate Highs. bool, notonly for heron^in his s"ton St Peter's, All nanow's and hint also for her drarnatic ball routine Somervme House continue to PIO. She achieved afourtt, placing. Cainin vide extrandy chate^rig coned. Hunter performed in the hoop final ticnwhid, ensures exdfugcompeti. and 150bel DRvies pertomied confi tion ror thencod or the River o. 11 dendy and sinomhly September However. tire awaad for binvery



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The ride to music learn in cost"me

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