Grammar Gazette- Issue 4, 1993

Support for fencing on the increase

Fo u r state representatives in water-polo Woollongong last year. losing a mum Crinumar's proud water-polo close finals-4 to New South Wales tradition The team played courageously and These students were chosen in the with great confidence to come back Queensland under 16 wateryo10 team from 4-1 down in the third quader to cumpe, e in the national champion- Kale Bunning won the award ships heldinCanbermrecen y These for outstanding female goalkeeper were are Bunning. A1ison Ready. or the tournament and, along with were Darnelle West and Miehaela White Miehaela White. was named in the The team went ex, reine y close 10 honorary Australian under 16 girls' retaining the title they won in team Four Gruntriar snidents are con-

Left to right: Salah Gauvin, wette Vineent, Hamette Lawson, Aletia Johnson, Milanda Sin

The second competition was the whatthey earl do in a male-dominated mar team had only taken u fencing every, "son to believedIatit will next this year season when female fencers willshow

Harrletle Lawson

Fencing is a rare sport in girls'

Left to right: MIChaeb White, Kate Bunnirig, Danie"e West,

schools but it has grown strongly this traditional Queensland schoolcompe- sport

Hardette Lawsm, , Sanh in UVin, AllsOn Ready year at Crinumar. The intonesI and lidon. This developed quite a "Grann talent displayed haslead to aGmnimar mar" flavour. particularly in the sec- Alitai, to Siu. were Vineent, mena . ream coinpg^rigin the two separately han for years eigiit and wine female Jomon. amiawescTiffanywae. and Special profile : Bridie Potter run competitions. coinpetiiors. T'shen Dromey, year I. e. ^ Man M lting and Vield Grammarwasthefustgirts' school eight and Sad, Gauvin, year nine, Muller making the Girls' G^wonng Cuminar has many CUMand. Queenslanderin that age goup teamin, Dundrobin competition. This were both placed in the competition futonaayWed^aya^Iwitii ingathl. "sbu, codlmentionmust Bridie also and bead harm. Bridie, whose mother as Diane romanus corned Brideaplacein the mar fencing squad Thereanil"donly A final for female competitors was Newnre, ,inanealwaysnelom, al. haw- AlbumwontheSchcol SportsBromh Queensland Schoolgirls' Athletics one victory but this was san quite an proposed for the individual events in 1965, representsd the School in Team. f which she was awaaded a ever achievement given the relative youth which are held after themowing bouts mishapddi^in 1994, tosoortwi" timee sports: softba", hockey and ath- Blue. Th ream cornusres in the un of the Oralnmarfencersin comparison where students compete for their gain new Finddpa, Its and. thong, the Ietics tionals in Deconiber to the competitors from the other schools. Cineumsto, ,ces did not allow comechvewch", dadnof", etam. bind A swift and skim outiielder for Perhaps, however. i is hockey in schools. Also, ,hemqjorityoftheGmm- for such a final to proc^ but there is on near^a of 1993 was held between five schools at the and helped secure Grammar's overan tileBoys' tatami""ariaB. GS handedBE, ato^r, ""*^ the 100 the aromae, .and the 11,911 of tire fencing seam, potion in record place sad^ in- She brad""donge^yam by 100 reiny in h^ fire The lean consisted of four girls The Senior Division. wine much cohafure, ,^fumelnre^yq"ay o, 000r"rig at^inL at the same competition. Such per drown hinthosehaiimgintheGmm- larger. had astrongerfemale presence. be^ a e^ctire cod gymxti, e ^

the A grade 50thall ream, Badie is a whichBridi truly shines. She plays A quiet but derermined player who con. gadefortheSchcol and Division Ifor tributes a steady and coriumitted plus- SL inchew'sin Brisbane women's ence on and off the diamond competition. She gained her second For her efforts in athletics. Bridie Blue fortheyearwhen she was chosen has been awaaded the Kym Moss Tro- in the Stare Secondary Schoolgirls' phy for the most improved pertonn- Term once. She cut 2 seconds from her time Brideisnowamemberofthestare in that most demanding event : the 400 unde 18 developmen squad and has metres. At 11re Q. G. S. S. S. A. Athletics been awarded a Queersland Academy she came second in this event to VC- of Sport scholarship for hockey tonica Look from Some 'Ile ouse. 1994 could prove to be an equally who ran the fastest 400 metres by any successful year for this top a ete


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Bridle Potter in great fom at the a. G. S. S. S. A athbtics

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