Grammar Gazette- Issue 4, 1993

ider rest eiping children cope with hospital Grammar forms Taryn Bums bronchitis. The "traditional" Centre ably mm by the Red Cross.

such as asthma, cystic, Ibrosis and butthel"Iseveny. arsha, CSe. nthe labulousjob. o artsation. T Ih Management. coin ladn man hand -

collection and distribution of labom. should help next week at the Btisbane porting of results at Wegrinead HDspi- The ream has not been told which unlinedon in the production line at L but all members aminoldng forwadio & K :Ii their week at work Over sixty percent of student I. e. Total Quality ariagementisabout ommendations have been already inn- Improving the processes involved in PIemend into the work "achees of business so that opfunum quality con the coin 'CS concerned. Stove in be acheved at all levels. Cost efii Gross, Personnel Manager. L& K. : ciency, realm work and sue^mad everi said. 'This type is work emuri. work practices someobvious CDCeis of more benefitto the organsa. efits don. and students' than the ad-hoc type The Australian Quality Co is o work 'ei, ce t DonnaU co. committed to training th manage o tomorrow and the Schoo is d to cots of this scheme They"e lostudy ' alto

Priya graduates in classical Indian dance Many years of hard work siCal Indian music and dedication have paid off for Bharotha atyam an grade eleven student codent art of cm^ Prlyadarshlni Srinivasa, who mindiancul The performed her co^I"Bharatha is requl^ to dorm Nab. am Amusetrem", cramd". exam, e dale. hand none ajion ceremony, on", exthSep- ,,^ vigorous too tomber, at the Sthone" Theatre, merits and vin"us had University or cousinnd ceremony took almost re was in curbo, "s complete Most or tits, cm ofar, by r originge Priya camedmany tender rise. She's prisen"y dances und wore a range o atom. da vialVldbyab inhamthaNa^mustume^coe- GrindbnDa"e, clamymadelnimdbfortheocca. she continues lobrnand sion. Theseccofumeswereglori- feet her and has given OUEIycolo"reda"deachcostume many performances in Bri9 was highlighted by exotic, 8thI. bang totingjewe"ery miswonder, "ItDSEePriya The audience was spell. preserving her rich Indian bound. Priyacaptivated them heritage, contributing so with her intricate movements much to themulticoltrralso. and graceful ness as she dety here in Australia danced to the rhythms orclas us. to

Girls explore careers in mm, ,,,,., by, ,,,,, am, ,,,,, ,,,. science and engineering mm, ^^, mm""-^, a, ^;^:^^^;^,,, am-",^"^, rlebn Flint the day began with impressive seien- Heatwasappliedtoaballoonfilled '

^, V a. tsot^,. s """" ' mm'"re^ much--- or mm"."^.". am am "could co, ,. re, ,,,. on, ., .,,,.,., us ha,

20 Tolaga Street Ph: 3763954 I:::;*';:;::I:^':"P^I'^:11;:^ ''an ^:!:;"' '"Vim"'::toIcop. it, th. "d thing, ,un, j, b, .,,,_ Westlake 4074 018 071 439 ,;::;;" :^"';myline'^';;^' ;:'::"'P"!^'ork. ., wp, kgiwith y, line ^, "^, bi, " hag. OOFi. .

Our next stop was the Gateway of Engineers, AUStra"a


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