Grammar Gazette- Issue 4, 1993


Intogr ted studies From work experience t work Work experience at

ThreeoftlreimtsgaredSti, dressti, - dents fronthisye" have, ECGived full. sigL Meia feels that bowing about alexcellentco, minimcationsldllsam timeem loamentasatesultoftiietiine all aspcots of this industry can only requid to getimough to fom, mmds "arts "e conghy they spent at work experience help Irer p. %, co" potssionally or interviews required in^sing tinugh corking tonexh for an .corentireship in I^ing In' Visual Art and resign CG^^. with SIGfo^ the has derovered to Still very interested in g^ic re- ""min, coneentradon, gad humour.

NonmlAaron and Kats, Tonald 10nk"ts, were the foal tusk More Moggill Fauna Reserve Naoml Aarui &KBry Toft ,ho ate pellets The native birds, cockatoos, galahs, king parrots,

andaFordwasplaceda, Amigaft Keni has always wantsd to be a nattoo, qu, techattoex"cluben ondr own mowing tea. ate mm working alumgh a specially devised her good formae andlooks forward to hairdresser and thoroughly enjoys they arched at MOBS"I Fauna Re dents confided that junk food was program which provided her with tile charrenges of tire world of work. meeting people and intorusting with serve for work onpenance on Mon- 1118h on the agenda. ) "in xis4n" experience in gapbic re- Reb^Multiisenjoyingl, errrew lirem. Tirese opinto, us were confinned day I November. They would be in the afternoon the students pad, ,cing. view of life nom the toriieth level or when sire completed a week of work working with native Australian ant- sweptpatli$ domed cages, emptied Sire was then formnate enougl, to the Riverside Centre. Rebecca was expertence with tile Srefan organisa- mats, koalas and hangarots They bins amp"ed and radial leaf con be offered an apprenticeship with this offered full-timeemploymentaherlrer flun in November. arrived only but were rug, re or winer, for koah& company"agaphicreprodt, cer. This week of work expertence at Blake Once N"on I and KBty Shallus aimadycomple, edcourres ,hat to e^cL bus traditionaly been a mule conch Dawson Watchon. Someitors The two into gad Sindies shu- watched an autopsy on a koala in hadressing through Quirensland anditisexciimg"rotAlidaisb, aking Rehacca has rap, usianiq. for a DistoriceEducationandtheSoutt, bank dents firs"y met the fom rangers who had been hit by a car. it was new gnund in this expanding area range of clerical duties with this fun, , Insttu, e for which sharecoived excel- and one, Kakina, showed them a sad but interesting experience. She win attendTA. F. E. as part of and sire is netsrmi, d 10 continuel, er lent results. aroundtheR. "rug Themobs, ere orbe photographs show this. Ask her willing"Idw"ICOmpleielrertime study on a part-time basis nexi year. KGlli comments that she was apblnedandtheywereintrod"cad one or the students to show you. with Printersft with both experience She alreadyl, "acornficatefrom Kan- never a model student who en- to the animals Ed. ) and credentials galoo Point T. A. F. E. in Communeial joyed study, although she loved Every mowing Naomi and Kats, Unfortunately, many koalas Albaconu, rented that her sinner andOmceFunda, nenialsandslreplarrs her five years at Girls' Grammar. domedou, the babies'cageandfeed were brought to the Reserve af in in, ,,, matics haired in the precise to continue her studies in an Associate She has found that the work cov. them their breada. tot Meaty-bites IQr they had been hit by cars or meaninements required in fung up Diploma ered in Small Business Studies andbirds. ed. Then the a, ,dentsred attacked by dogs. This was a and processing the material. Sire is The skins shadevelopedatschool helped her understand alittle more the mite, grimea pigs and TS! tragicexperience, especially one also gateh, I for the work covered in musadproc"singsye^needng", d how businesses are run, and the The mire and rats also ate Meaty- koala who had been savaged by Computer SUIdi", paincularly the desk-top rub"ching will confu, re 10 oral skills developed in all sub- bites a dog. This was especially hor Pagem. ker and Coreldmw packages mumb, ,re to the achieven"nt of her jects, but particularly English, Nan"I and Katy then had the rible because the owner bad set with which she had worked goals helped prepare her for the inter- rapnslbi"ty or ham8 the the dog on the koala intention. Anda atton"d Ba^inI Daigy Kern Boucher did not realise that views and the handling of people bie, withered wirey kangaroos ally. andT"1,001ngyCentrefu", gint", e job intowiews could be so rulelha& in a work situation. year's"r, orbrT. AFE. co"iesand mume. or prolonged. in competing Keni bus been offered her ap she devel, ^ed her skimsin design. rid with omands of carer yin, rig to prenticeship. She is surprised Bad pleased with

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lady Dadswor"I & Any Boue misD"ember now and readers malevalcity, sti" enclosed malls. It w"quite a chock. Accustomed to the or the Gazette may be wondering was a chinning and ramming place added fifestyreofGra, rimar, we were omanad at themek o rules. Weaniin whatever happened to the thirteen to stay During the first two weeks the tile bus of ou clas, co at lire Maria- Grin"ar Bins who left for Ger. many in June Did they ever re gouppassedthrouglidozeusoftowns Wach"er Schule and were sumrised and cities, all rich in culture and his- at tire noisy re. Although turn? Yes, we amived back ely and. lory. Although Gennin, y is now a the clanses more relaxed and five months laner still talk about our united country. the differencebetween hare was no school uniform, most of themoremodem West'andthe more us preferred Grammar to Maria- wonderful experiences fire goup left from Brisbane air- austere at xi drab "East' is still evi. Wachtler potion the menu of June aceompa- denL o the trip was occupied The One of the most mumorable days with atour Ihmug, the Black Forest to nied by our two reachers of Gennini. Mr Miles and Ms 1,011e. and lime of ,halourwas thevisiito Budienwald Swinerland, WIDEre we slayed by the other adults. We dirembarked thirty Concentration Camp, wluee"hirem- shores of Lake Tinun. s S hours later in Fruitur, . inner tired ber was confronted with the horrors of werebreathtsking : gian snow-topped and grumpy. The Inembers of the World War U. Each one was deeply monnlains mirrored in the onmuni, e group stayed awakenmughafullday moved by the experience warersofthegl"milches. Someofthe Alter passing lineugh many cities. more adventurous swam in the icy of siatLtseeing before CUIbpsingin o1rr CIO whale we net tire students popping overto Austria forthnnero, re Suppliers of SPARTA14 SCHOOL BAGS with whose families we highL The rowan^ with a fun nigii waddlive and with whom at a beer hall in Munich! A^t L, @Be * matchfo from Thereis cornush morelotellaboui we would gotoschoolover foulp", dweanfinishedfinnltiends at major rotor sting tire next week gundeveryonelookedforwaad Rollrenborg is a beautifully pegwi 10 attending school the next day. 11 including Weimar. Dres- watersofLakeThun. making sureilrere den, BerlinandLubeck. the werephotogaphsto prove it. We soon an^RTLUG^GB 11re border back 10 Germany. group arrived in BSsen. bon in Romenb. Ing ob der Tauba.

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Althoughaliuleap"e- The memories will always be with us. hensive at first. we soon The whole experience is one we all felt at ease with oar host recommend


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