Grammar Gazette- Issue 4, 1993



Educating for understanding today's codets. cannot be doubted gaterculim. land^dingthat, W, th record"nemplo, meritlevelsin for thenat timein Australia's colo Ars, ^. longth. necessity oralu- niad history, a serious attempt is cationalq"., ification315dear. Bow- being made to rerundle bbck and ever, education in its widest sense white A1rstral^. hareverb"neonr"ed to the cos One of the best places to foster room We are formats to inVC in a tnn antic hymenyin our andmn codetyvhe"ideas are valued and a ishthechssroom. From PIGSahaund b informed mind is an asset of, beretbtsh"dreadytakenplace. The"Mevennntofthisindud" not Students, both primary. ridgeond only the academic studies that a ary, now have the OPPrimity' of sehodha"truly provides hula^ nudefu^g withCS of foreip ton a gentsr alto^ and ethic under. "ng" lite aimsq Japn"q Gen. standing. To thi. end, education may French and Imjin" Tnn is the PDUcy in recent years bus hereus. case at Girls' Grannmar where gnu ingy broadened to baud. a wider dents are not only encouraged, but bats for adminl orchange between rib mymmad to Icon the us^ of ethic communities another culture; tnn being rang onto rel eXchange involves ntsed as an essential part of educa. the reelprocation or ethnic back. donel devdopmenL gound. I is the bring of customs Other aspects of culturel ex. and trodtio. , a grip"rig of music, change are evident inside and our art and intersnn, . t is a view or side the cohool curriculum; copets history, andperh. a, 11. museo, the such as the OPPrfunity to study toting But above am, it is the con- mudcofnon. Westernsode"", Jap muleationofldeasandbdi&With nese and German handing, student AUGtra"a's mumeultural back. exchangepmyamsbet, "nomo, in pound, insth, scornm""cation that school and sistsr schools in Jap, , allows us to have a r under- hancoand Genniny, codo, coursq standing or cor ethnic ' L the enrichment and understanding International 19 as be- provid by the Aboriginal women come the catchphrase o our Blobal elders earner this tern The importance or education in mudties. it is perhaps a padud or

A Tribute to the Grammar Girl

10 111e dilo/ AUSbuy response Many thanks for the letter and the copy of the Grammar Gazetto for Term 3 The wide is excellent and I co - garniato you for covering all aspc, s so comprehensiveIy I can get all schools to take the sameinterestinthis matter, syou have taken, we wold change Australia s fi Daneial situation very quickly. we would significru, fly reduceunemploy merit and. most important of all. we would keep Australia Australian owned Harry Wallace President Australian Owned Companies Assoc. Ud Grade 10s object to 'racist' commercial

The Grannmar girl's a walking contradiction As illustrated by behaviotrr quaint just view the sort of mad plediledion She has for tings that should invine, CStraint

She has a coloured cap for all neonions,

And loves her blue velour. whichlooks so cool; 11'3 won ' class when working out equations But not when walking to or from school. ' She goans beneath the weldit of law bag - kid hares its burden climbing all those stairs;

But still she'" cultivate her shoulder sag Before she'll let her locke house her wares.

But collunent on her ' onsisrent ways You'll see alcok of blankincomp, ehension Or else you'll hear a muttered pithy phase Desigied to fuel the preferis' hypertension

The Lone Hamiguer!

44, \-;: a ,,., v~/

The recent CES. advertisement

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There can be Do donbtorthe about traineeships and 'alexpe- society, and the tsues or our day demand tha internationalism an value or erredVC discmjn. bon or rienCe Caused heated discussjo ' netst, Genthedjr. amongst gade ton students a Girls' cultural"riders, anal"gcometothe ideas. rid Grammy fore. The Bosniancontlic, , LA. forent races of our society. As the For IhdSe who have not see the ri human rightsl"""in co"n- mmy nations o10ur, Grid continue hits all over the world - am th" to cosertthefrindepe, "oceandrjgh, advertisemenL it depicts people of amindicato, ,Gramme, ,aging need to a place on the world's stagq CUI. many different races who are refused for cultural eXchange and under. toadunderstandjngw"hmm, Bunco entry to a Set of doors (the job). This is supposedly because they do not standing domein, myhintb, U. S. r^ cod be ark a, t rib, e an *.. ha trainee or pinch expn rice Auldb remit"bay, the The only successful neon 13 a conhavedal abo tsue has em. whatcan beginedhm bin^of phadsed tensions betweenmembers dunk^"alba, ^tm" White rson who is allowed entry, supposedly because she has the re- orAwirolia's black and white con- a era",."me fortsnnny. quired traineeshipand practical expe nence Many of us believe this no only Physical fitness valued Sport plays an intogal palm the couragement of proficiency in life of most Australians. and students lifesaving wasalsorecogiised with the at BrisbaneGirls' GnunmarSchoolare awarding for the seventh time of the no different. All students are required Grigson and Soden shields to take part in rinysical Education its- Obviousl not all students are co


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implies that this personis smarter and has had the opportunity for more edu cation and training. but also that the sys, em does not allow equal OPPortu nity for people of all races. This di$ criminales agimistthem", y runes re resented in mume"inurelAushalia. and supports a system that does not give these people areas to as many OPPo - minimes as whine Australians Mr Grey's 100 History class are wrtting letters to relevision networks and newspapers and organising polls and surveys to sup rt the inchfica lion or withdrawal of the advertise merit A preliminary survey of 45 neo PIG revealed 55% considered the ad veinsementracist, 45% wantit taken off television, and 27% were unde tided un is imponent that students speak out on issues they tomeve ale signifi cant ones shaping the Australia of the future.

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sons in recognition of the role sport reble of achieving such high sundards plays in a healthy infertyle. On a co- in sport, and to this end. P. E. classes curricular level, the muge of sports provide a mans of introducing sin available continues 10 grow from the dents to new foms of sport and physi traditional netball, swimmnig und ath- cal exercise. Many units also teach Ietics. to cricket andfendng practical skills. for example resuscita Girls' Grammar has a we"-Gsmb don. Wereving. and themnovativeself fished reputation as a force to be reek- defence unit for Year sondents Dried with on tire sports field in more Classes are not confined to die more recent times. however, this has ex- traditional sports. adsoeventhemo, e rended to we" beyond the sports fidd. unusual sports such as cinchg and ar andintoare"codiverseasthepooland chary are studied These adow son the mats. Tie sthool has become fa- dents the OPPrtuntq, to ample a wide mons for its prowess on the floor in range of different sports, and choose gymnastics. At the Q. G. S. S. S. A. Ar- sports hatsultthemiftheywish conte tistic Gymnastics competition. the up a new sport school won six out of possible nine Therewsportscomplexwhichwnl pennants. The Brisbane Girls' Gram- begin construction later this year win mar School Rhythmic Spinve Gym- anowforevengeaterexpansionin the riastics aub also continues to enjoy diversity of nutsportsprogram. Rh^- SPCc"CUIar success, both in club and nine gymusts win for the first time be interschool competition. This year, it able to trainin avenuewittiacompeti won tiree nut of four pennants at the ton height rerung. Onto cor sports Q. G. S. S. S. A competition. and later such as menul. basketball and voney w" mud the PCimer club in AUS ballwimbe. bletousethenewf"ihties nana at the "tion. I dues toadnindoors. This winkerrectaly in the POOL Groomer has ag"n useful in wet weather! The complex comumsbedil"Mrs. himwingfo. ce. wina"owformorecompetitionshosted Sw^Ig"ovi, bla^of glory to by Girls' G^, and theme^ come when, at the Q. G. S. S. SA. cum- spreadlmiimise"incomes caused petition. we hashd recond 10 State by classes in P. E. clam metob"rig. linghby only195points. This was the With the projCc" completion of best placing achieved in many years. tile complexin lire recoind senatorof Onee a^ill. a Emu^Ie number of I^4, the incentive is a^y hare to

Letters to the Editor and other contributions

These should be subnittted to Kristine Cooke CL 3.01 Resource Teachers' Room Ph 831 1300 Deadline March M 1994

Camera ready artwork should be submitred Paul Beanett or 2.05 Coinpurer Staff Room 833 2231 Articles and letrers- on coinputor disc Photos- with name and contact Editorial Committee

Reb"co monon 10 Liney

Editors SubEd, '10N Sport SubEditors/ Arts SubEditors/Featu, " SubEditorstSchoolNews

Kale El"jam and Angel, Vimn

Irull"IBG and MSDn Little

Sophie Blocklebant and Befuda Watson

Georgia Feinhilos and Franki Richardson

aenie Hellen and Buma Waddns

Staff Consultants:

Paul Bennett and Kristine Cooke

girls'eliteVCdselectionfor, CPEsento- continue with the traditional Brisbane Girls' Grammar School cocos) extends its thanks to advertisers for hair support The advertisements are tive warerpolo tony with two girls invdevment of the School in physical published in good faith and on the under star, ding that the contents are legitimate and lawful. BCGS does Trot warrant the nomad in the honor"y AUS"."an un- activity creating totally lullhy indi- qunlity of the goods and contees offered by advertisers and encoumges readers to make their own enquiries as to the der 16 tins' ream. file cohool's en- vidi"15. suitsbi"ty of the Bonds and services.

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