Grammar Gazette- Issue 4, 1993

Girls' Gnunmar has once againi dence of the rich culturel herimge that shown that it provides anch andvaried our artists-in-residence had brought to environment for its students. On sat- the Schoolovertheprevious week the urday 16 October. the School opened inaugural Arts Week. Two Aboriginal women elders and their children from its doors for everyone to inspect the fari"ties andtherange of macademic. the AnatiguPtjanqarakuLaiidsofSouth Australia, together with Dr HeIen sporting and culluml activities it was that time of year again : the Payne. a expert in indigenous worn Brisbane Girls' Grammar School an- en's music from the University of nunl SchoolDay. This is the one espe- Queensland. had been in residence in cial day of the school year when the the School. On School Day, as they whole school. the curriculum. the ac. had daring the week the women dem on sunted different aspecis oilheircul- 11vities. the sandents, are on show And this year was an even bigger lure. suchas painting and in baldances Therewasalsoanauctionofmemo- experience. There wereiniei"tingdis rabilia from the "famous" to raise playsofsniden work. enter"iningsport in" demonstrations. a showcase o art. money for Amnesty international. Bid even bigger srills. This striving for ding was en, husiasiic as 11 was for Ihe excellence in the wides, possible range Latin"slave auction" earlier in the day One special ferrule look place in of activities Is a Grammar tradition the gnudioin the Communicationsbuild- 1993 saw School Day combined with Gride 8 Enrolment Day and year ing. Sentor English students filmed 10 subjec, selection for the firs time. activities from the inaugural year 8 Antarctica Week large innated Each faculty at, d intones190up orclub devised displays to show tire renga o choices offered tire School, only orir, -o01ning students bu also for Witi, in the coniculum this year As wellasthesedisplaysof School members of the present School ram"y S School ay: the School on display 01aire Valkhoff & Rebecca Hannon andgoupsinthis sportruidenter, amed an enthusiastic audience with their gate and skiUs Also on the Stage Lawn'was evi 1:9!!gum in the I w the attontion of manypeopletothisspecialinitia, ive


The School celebrates a year of achievement

The auditorium was the venue for activities, therewerevariousstallsscat the welcome and infonnaiion session lediliroughoutthegounds under the trees and umbrellas. These included for 1994 gade eights. it allowed a place or parents and sindents to meet the famous sweets stall, which did a muting trade. and M thers' Grou adlaynmo, GabonttlreSc1, o01 CD. Warnw, t @, d 993 . Estherlentins and I, at', h adwe with School Day itself gave these future stall yhich maintoined its high shalld members o the Schoolcommu, tits. the ads in mainly hand-made goods. School at the of e@FASse", b Threwasavarieq, offcodavallable opportunity to ge to know School : A"an titsades were "UVi, "d by a andtbe students parent cold. Wig a gulpoE^a^Amantsqueezedfresh One wonderful way to see so much all in Julces, ra ers proved they ha e efficient culinary skills with their o day. ' His muchrer Grade 81 , also hamburgers. the rowing support vonshire teas in enJoyedhe. Introduction to thesehoo group Dreams "ifeel as if Iwantto sun on Monday. the boarders' dining room where many past students sat reminiscing I con'I wait to get here. " I life in a range of Senior e unro Cha ICnge Gup, G"s' that war surety finl .a USBw"dforService. artsC. jig was no g. drive or orig Them, usid"Ientsofthes, udents ManL in, malal in awarded to a also to a hidi. Buts, , who pathdpated in and centiib. ,led to nets. of School calendar

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gave powerful performances o at Bri. ume@iq, am Guest of Honour. Her Excellency Grand Mareh from Aid" by Venti and award to a upit Qin grades 10. the Governor of Queensland. Mrs the March from Pomp ", d Cine"in. who has roven herself ,o Leneen Forde A. C. , addressed the as- stance. ThemassedvoicesoftbeGmm- bestin wor . sport and ublic spint combled School community and pre- mar Singers sang the Choral Anthem was won by Christine eel, year 12 send an enter mining speech about "Song of Songs", a richly lyrical and Christinc also teeeiv Ih dy growing up and education, especially complex piece and the String Ensem- Liney Gold Medal for Dux of the targeted at the girls in the audience. ble. with a violin solo from Pulppa School. as we" as the Prize for She admonished them to be active WestplayedConcerlo"Unim"era" Latin. The Westpac Prize for Math and positive in their approach tonfe. (Sping) from Vivaldi's The FD"rSe@- Ginatics I. the Prize for Mathemat ics 11. the loan Tuffley Prize for MsFordeespeciallychallengedthose so, us with sensitivity and energy The Governor presentsd the prize Chemistry, and the Hilda Sentors who were leaving to be like nonence Nevi"e Grant Prize for those tai mentioned in her clever winners with their awards. it was a quotation : 'There are those who pitchs Iha, eelebm, ed the academic. Physics The HeadGirlsfiom1992, choose what happens, those who sporting, artistic and service activities Otter, dC"willawainuniglit, ,hen pre watch it go by, and those who don't of students Medith Berm^, year 12, was senred to the School the gift from their know what's going on. " Many students enjoyed Mrs awarded sitver goblets as School athlet- senioryear : a pontaltof Ms Honeock Forde's address. One said it was a its clumpion and for basteiball and by Susan Bleakley. mother of two past "very interesting an informative moresigthcanUy, hexceUenceofper- students As the End of Year Assembly speech. 11 hadlots of hints for tirein romanceinatleastthaeA Gin*s^ts. it. She madeitinterestingbyspeak- tile coveted Sports Brooch Machth and Prizegiving was the final day for the grade 12 students' there was ing in a more personal and amusing also, oreivediltis awardlast year Jobanna Sing. founding coeditor a sad. but relieved feeling amongst way, which we could relate to. and by not using big words to impress of the GrannniarGazetre. wonTheBe, ty them, especially evident with the WoolcockChallenge Cup for an origi- tears vying with smiles during the everyone. " Another thouglit Mrs Fordegavea in al essay, the bibleen Musrd Liney final hymn God Be WITh you

SomeoEthedisplaysincludedThe about the days when this room was Great Debate (Girls' Grammar versus the Assembly Hall for the whole Brisbane Gnunmar) which explored School and past Principals would the topi "that"ICUnisexageisacurse". express their praise or displeasure at the activities of the students' musical entertainment from a number Brisbane Girls' Grammar orschool andensembles, and a fencing demonstration on the Singe School Day 1993 proved to be an Lawn. TheRhythmi Gammasticsciub enjoyable an busy experience for all involved hosted a Slate competition for pairs

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V. am p, ,vil^I I, rippl" .FIXERI I, BRISBANE GIRLS G^^MMA, ! cor^L

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Fathers disphy their domestic talents at School Day

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