Grammar Gazette- Issue 4, 1993

Barry Jones challenges st dents to confront the future




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in tits critical period of AUS halts's reus^^I of its cam masq Brts^ Gins' Gin^ School antiu"^"y wek^ the BOL "". fury Jong unLR. AirJo", oke ab", Iqn, entire the funr. ". Australia's ambassador to

The Mothers' Camp continues Ihe panel for the eventng, again to make a wingble contribution to chaired by Cherry I Hitst, was psy the lire or the Seto" Not only "d chia, fist, Ray Cash, cardiologist, the group raise $6700, but it also DavidCoquhoun, humanmovement comum^nthom, ok^mush spydalisL Tony Fader. and cola more invdved in and bowled Be- P^son and Iudy Somernne ribk about the school inVB or their The major fund raising func daughters lion for the year was a function at Fom general tireeting are held at SI Lucia Golf Club where the the School thronglru, t to year. The guests were entertained by guest of tilescineeimgs is to give moth- speaker, Famela Bomborst. then us the OPPrfunity to hear -hand the presenter of the ABC's 7.30 infoni"tion about setol activities, Report. ploy"nsanddevelopments. Titsyear The Mothers' Group also works the gongwasaddressed by tile Deputy to welcome new families to the Prime Miss Felicity Wil"ams. and School. in Mareh a House luncheon the Assistant PrincipaUCounselling was organised where mothers could Mrs Margot Lynch: Head of 18n- meet the seven Heads of House gunges, Ms haireThoroquist;Head whose role is to look after the day o Physical Education. Mrs Pauline 10 day care of our daughters. The Homey Short; and the libmri"I. Mrs group also undertakes the organi CarolCosgove, mm torsot, roereach- sation of the evening House barbe ers, Ms Kristine Cooke and Ms Nun cues for students of grades 8 and 9, Fadey theirJarnilies. the Head of House The group also organises spe- and the House Group teachers cial events. in May, following an These informal and friendly galh outdoor morning tea, the group Grings are held during first term hosted a panel discussion on worn. Within the Mothers' Group is en' s health i'sues. Prominent an active craftgroup who meeteach women it the health field. many of Friday. These mothers leant new them SL students of the School, skills and perfectmore familiarones shared their knowledgein this area. to create the original and clever Cherryl Hirst chaired the panel o products for the stalls held on BSther Andrews. gynaecologist, School Day and on other occasions Aidyth Love. general practitioner. throughout the school year. On Carla Patterson. n urnt, Qinst, SchoolDay the mothers also organ Glenda POWell. by siCian/genatri- ise a mammoth cake stall. Through cian. Carrie Ritehie, exercise SPC- these sorts of endeavours the Moth cialist, and Iudy Somerville. psy- ers' Group was able to donate chiatrist $10,000 fortwolarge outdoor rim The success of this even t brella and outdoor furniture which rom red a follow-u even ' rig have dane much to improve the cm which took the form of h ruden Iro ent or, thencal" on health issues concern- The Mothers' Orou welcomes ing middle age and adolescence the Interest and support of new Entitled "Us and Our Children ' members

UN. R'S. Co, President of the Austin"an Labor Party, and chair^ of the name or Rep, .. seats", CSS, .^Conmltoefu Long Tern Stint^Ia, ,". Joneg as a former Limbtsr ror Sthnce est. bush. d the Auldbn Con ribion for the Future Mrs Rancork, members or fill ' it:';en;I:- ;"!"b:: BanyJones andour^atedguestsin Gehimann Theatre Grammar assembled in the simplein tommyb, in to batimgthe sri^ cutien"y at the School Gehrmann Theatre on the after I^16 oreunor"me Anus^an 800ts uru beatleast21. Nowis the time noon of Thinsday 17 September. and services promoting the buying foreachfi, toredtizen tomake his Outhtsfualdnyofterm, hit ones or A^ian. ,made products, and or her contribution. spoke to a group or people con- coating an equitable and reformed Fomo, linerssp"ch, MrJones coned aim, , Anustralto's futone mm^^ "k .furs un^ hat an"endq^omandjo^son and ready to take the rapusibm- bead""medham^ble, dentshm^Cm^"hads by forthecha"008.8andrewards nor do they nana alpha cor acel- for afternoon tea ,h diga. s inherent in confronting the halts knt infog at^ don continued. thatchapetheA^altoc, tonor. The audiencewasalso reminded The At here anb was ape row. that the'tip drierve"13.01the any "^I to Mrs Mon'orb Mr Jong encoringed big an. only dabth. Auto"an pub- end "LP, Kath. rime Benzal y the students to dou The co"I red^I^ orA"* Lee, and rin. John Webh, orb mmg^e the importsnee or ae- info is co important as cor CCD- Faculty or^Isto^"bowere lemming e Id. " of our comic reamq, . As a united nation, instrumental in omanth the country - , NII"cony, A^ha xi add^ toth to^ v^ coda^y. nuke^lab. funim^, The dub vieomed nth. Joins ing the problematic tsues to be 1,110 this reus^"Its the asits, ,his to provide a toriim to our ti M , y Cure. t chats annual1.8 the ap discuss the type or important b. Irish"ingtha Arshalbabhad State and recoindliation between For all widents who are pre the potential for overcoming Abori, ,"land, ton-Aboriginal Any pared to undertakethed"tiesaad them. tmlb"s. The outcomes or these ae- "viaanchoredre^methe, "tire As our economic outlook bales ""I deter"be mush or the D/A. rstr. I^Berry Questsplred b*hta*, bendt. ,*is to purr"* und on^""I or nation a Ruse or p for the nat begln. Waiting for recovery was in the next centsry - when every year ~ and the nat mumry.

Encouragement to continue study of German




About120s, ladentsfromallover Brisbane took part The afternoon

Angela Wilson



Foreigylang"agesarebecoming began with a wereomefrom the Gen ' bS lad . on k map Depthnent at the university, or a roreico fuguage is u. S. d us a These were a quiz about Gen dadder when offering a Nation many Ontime Girls' Grimmer With tnn in mind, live German School won the Year 10 and 11 sec students in Years 10 and U went to dons), German word*nines and a Beermana, ,cmoono" October8 at anusston with corrent stonents or the Univerdty or Quernsbnd. The German at the university. aim was to Grit^ us to cots"er The thermon conel. ". d with careers invdving a knowledge of K. rendKuchen(corned cakes). German. Grade I O glimpse the fascination of forensic science As part of tile year 10 Science cmfuiginf"madon. aswe""mingu COILSe. there is a unit on forensic sei- ing stories atoll armal investigations. CDCe. During this component 11re sin- He also showed a series of Brides dents canardvelyexplo, Gundifferent which ranged from microscopic hag aspects or this field of science : finger Inents of clothing to the more gaphic printing, ballistics. blood gulp rest- - effects of fires and brutolassaults ing, and investigative method. This visiL and the unit of work. Forensic scientistsapply scientific have provided the year tens with a woredures andiechniques to filml the clearer insightinioiheprofession and requirements of the law. Evidence the world of forensic science and the collected from theseinvestigationsand real applications of science in the testing assist in solving crimes and workplace. This left many students offences with a growing interest in choosing On Tugday 23 November. an ac- this profession for themselves Claim Vatld, off torii forensic scientist was invited to Girls' Gmnumr to spat to tire year 10 stonenls about Its carer and what it involves. He provided intonechng. fog netseca hanrron &








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