Grammar Gazette- Issue 3, 1993
choo n
S JenaW odho se rite in Residence
A 910
I experience
Tire foUowing neonionnl colunm airs a "shaper"look at schoolbehav ionults Mitten by a lirember of lire
enjoyanimprovedf", une when our SClroOI Cullunumty mm shall onI be generation provides the leaders or mum as The tinier, ^
Jill Large
On the xi of July, four year society. eleven Economics students at- Professor Goldsw"rthy also tended the Global Education Semi- stressed that extra effort is needed A. I. E. S. E. C. , an international uni- ing. He said universities should vetsity student organisation asp, re to excellent rather than an"ah Boreham, illl rge, staying comfortably in the old
years ago. Jena Wondhouse said she
Naoml Just
..,.,,, remembers scribbling poetry down
welcomeJena Woodhouse. our viler- ina'orin En '
in-residence. During the week Mrs Russian. Wondrouse spoke 10 the year Iwelves
Walking and four hundred other high school students were cineo"r. aged to become more internalion
The students attending were
unit and conducted a series or creative in the Greek Islands and she coin wriiing workshops for students in menied on her fascination with the
taint it was to rocus the business ally aware and culturalIy tolerant sector of our economy on i, tern, . grades 8 to 10, as Wellas reveal indi- language and culture there.
'n Personal international ,,, -. , . . y PC P e go to e movies Or, he thea. workshops. She is a ublished I. Ih -. ' "
Caby Kennard was the first woman to ny solo around the world und her talk was highly moriva nounl. ian roeman is the Director orcheClean-up Austinliaprogmm. 96 countries for Clean-up the Dean or the Faculty of Business at Bond University, s eke about achieving crechen in education and in the conn, "nity. He pointed
granon is necessary rer the inn p vennent or human rights. We 51b, liti" o multi-culturalism be- cause isolation and conformity Henry Dorianlski also said You may onlysaveonelire, but on
Bars, and the inov , r - - eelurer and an editor. cal inspireiion from the world around
way 10 the front in order 10 ply
highly accla, med and she has been
mall beings in her. wrtting and there
munchies they lake in with them. The theatre is mercifulIy a 1:111
including The FAWJohnShawNeilson in her own way.
Awaad for Poetry. the Rothm"rig Foun mole civilised: many managements dation Poetry Prize. an Austinlian
Jula Woodhmise has made very inI commit conUihiitioirs10 Austinlian poetry
Greek Trove I Award. and a Minisier
food ordrink within the auditorium Who listened inspiration and pro. thus permitting iro, , ,h, ,,, b, ' or ' ''ts Q'' 'nCOUmgement Of the brine writer. Weiook ONard to of the thate uniter. Weiook ONard to fore they left home to hear the ay proJCct grunt by the Linenry Council. onomi"rent malex^visestie binughrto The day was a wonderrul edu or concert. undisiLrrbed by crunch cational and personal experience ing, slurping or fukive rustlin of she began whiling seriously only 12 tended. the schoo could make i students
und opportunities, our society will
could go to Assembly via a Candy probably pay $1.50 for a Mars Bar through the reports. Don't gelyour hopes up. Firsc each wee in norood environ merit. so that everyone could actu ally hear whatwas said, unimpeded secon jinagin being napped in wad through them ass of wrappers, un one limited area
The social extravaganza o the ear
Sarah Morgan
wide range o ouchts from Western
From gade eigh many students gear to sophisticated fomial wear. their Stuff' dow it, ,,, ne ig ighl of the para4e on gade twelves. Then it is their tom to Conoplia. BrookeMarshandChtistine Peel. To, he strainsof Too Many Fish hope will be the best yet. The gindetwelvesof 1993 were no down the calwalk. This wholesatirical dine, en and, because of Ih impor- approach was hamily enjoyed b the
anfor. N@0, ,, t us, capi, ,resJe"" Woodho, ,s in prim,
C'est a nifi u
The reef tri : an ex I siv e e
Franki Richard80n
Girls' G fj Bellnda watson responsibilities, there is no set pro.
Warrawee. eirie. lis aim was 10 The group travels to a tiny de- walkman or readin An '.
Compeles coursgeous: Kdffe 8009ings and Salah Morgan umee this event has taken on. decided audience loinvolve as many peopleas possible On Wednesday evening our mis in theirextruvagarm. Therefore. 160 tic gymnastics captain. Rebecca models ap^art on the catwalk (80 SLatham, was able to use her special each night), with an additional copeo- contacts to recruit two members or the stale gymi"stirs team. David leifries bunnies. David and Greg crinumlled versation. enthusiasm. lime. and en. the audience with backflipsand walko. exc, reinenLgew as groups we or Having twosepyraieparadesmean, filled. and posters plastered. Girls tamed the second evening for ano1her debated over male tolent. segment night of greatenieriainmeni. As well themes. and choreogaphy as this. the twelves were able 10 Finally. on the eveningsof15 and misc $4000 for the School 161une, the auditorium was rocked to The only problem was after it was 'Too Funky" as the catwalk lit up lighting. sound. publicity. adjntnisti'a- and GEEg Morris. in outfits from Snow tion. or lick rerung Everyone believed Ihai the con-
edge of he French language in a an exciting voyagein a small boaL thatcher dinner, I 1.1h
were given in French; Ihe program island and just err share, there are late enough, you can even watch th
live French speakers, watching "I felt like ary Anne on more "traditionaF' Sch I' W k
program was the concert on Sa . girls' Mr and Mrs Lanham and a vides a unique experience. it is an
Francais. year twelves to forget their school
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