Grammar Gazette- Issue 3, 1993
"What'-are .*they--'doi'rig'-' now?"
Shadowing the Law
Johanna sing driers during the week pro*ed to he . ~ whiteiris"c"at", h -Deuse. . . . incl Court runy just be one of the for the dennce in The Queen v B. Stale. indeed. ,, Drk shadowing ,, ith ingskill, ,hich t*pines the rufusiun '~"" "~ ' " ' citing glimpse otiumicein practice. on"n stem withn"ipurnuse. ill\, hith .". ": **!;;: '$ '' ''rePilnS Challenger. Heriaje
make it to fit people who are as nil as I am ! I. I don't knoll wliich is Inure in Ihe entire sth, u1 11300 girlsj. being able to Fee the lops orevery shun here!I. having 10 clean the toilets and Ih* sinnronm everv-
Ingrid Hadgraft
day. along with Ihe resintniy cl"*s niaic" I Japan'se studeni* du all Ih.
but exciiingallthesanie. and an ODN*
Naomi Just
c eaning on 111eir scliools - and noi in 1,905hesan"in Thenoyrriend I;are ' 11 . . . . \er> well. I might add!!. or caling a in, urn\unAudiiorium andin 1991 <11e 51ud ' " ' the U. K. . school lunch which con*isI* or rice. was in Thc klikado at Morris Hall. * 'd I . . . ' sealLead. pickl*d\*"cluble*and "Teen Cliurchie. Bui haren Laine. now 10. her*Decialis, area: one'elm. Herdreani 1< 10 play Chrisiine un Tlie Phanlhum that I'm 51udyiiigclieinisiryandi, iaihs Sincelimshing school haren has been riftheOpem. Remembering halvaui\ all over again - this limein Japanese! 51udyi"g at the Queensland or her voice re\eral years anti wh. I mes' Iha I t d'd ' E , - . 50 was us I y us. orkjng imp. liently for the lime haren relum\ to gince the \1:12** "husk home" trigonumeirv!I big forCJK cainc Kann*Labunkr"ICianmiarinwi HotVC\er. lily. juicy"gc jibilky. inI- \\'1111e*In 1101id"viiiLond, in. Kareii jus7 to 1991 "xi. IN writj, innjy. ,..,. pro\. s a little ticli my. \\InI\, tit all or dccid*d to ripj, I\ for a stud . exclinn, . \\", in Calmmu ;unJ "!lit'r clroin "KIMt in wadij*I. .. , , 0. eini*nininui*inIeniew. willner of Ih, S*ni, r Vocal Camp*nit"I Jul!th. I'llerie* Bunt, in 1991 *"in M. Nth:\\hidii*quire" "1,111 1.1rncd in10 on* and " 11"If 11.1ur\. Sh Bur Harenit"\, Inc orihuse 'uli ci!y. torii""lintl, ; UN xi I run ,, ticn un\ recalled Leteral rimc\ till hub*e. rounder\" Ginniin"r wen, to nunur unitcd with un "v. .c I\ hich anim~,**. ,"Id qu*ni tin\. rind \,"\ "\Ltd to \11 10 ; Shc ;, iru played in tilt A-"lade \o11*.
Girls' High \ery 111uch. in spite of B. G. G. S. unitorni six 1110nihs after have liked to wear the A1. G. H. S. uniinrni but was toldihatihev don't
,.,,.;,;; *
anim"it"* ciih, I"\,**. Inc. N, * " un\ my* by I'mn. us I walk "lull, . minding in, u\\n haulre*. nullilicn, 11'"re. .*runil
Sc\, 1.1 \\"eL* Liter .. 11. r*cei\*d n. 111c*, 11ni\11* h, 111 bet'millercJ"pi;ICc tvciiili, lush JPplic"jinii* had han"IIJ cl, ,\*d innnih\ kinre. \Viih *i\ wetk\
.111d al\n a H"UV On, up Scninr. haringh"*litrl\**""g\Namh, go, ,nab:,, re"joule!", 4"' Nam'* \*,"it\ .f ,UVic* Lull up I, '. in\c fuki fur rot'"I J*"I\"I athit\* iru. rib. "11}., in \\. un vin, Ruling gri run";,
IruhliC\lipinUreirlr"kankll, .\, re*I\Iu* mintR, I}"14c"d"in\. to *Iud, *ingiiig.
*"IJ aru \mm at me IWC"ut I ."n "
Ina Leiiada1.1.1coiii"civilh1*1111 to organise the neA1 \ix \ears of 11. r
\jut\, I Janen - the hid and tile net ; und ,111h, !12h at tint I tit, Lisljj Incni Uut us \\'"tenii, "I at Japm ni, ^ be I"- MMng. un", fungalwithis panicul tireirculium"xiclrr."tom'ill, kit, dun, re. ,adjit* tireir untili"" ch*. rinuun of reli
jilt. 111c prosNci \L. "s "Iiiile d"uniing
SL, it
;I. . .. '* . I. --*
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I"eL omiti!emu* \\hut niu, liteubey"I
. I. -. - - . , . instk:toty. "rinirviarKe, lintirhNnr>. 10 _ . ..- . "' . ~', '. funi. ,wiewnthin, ,11kcilieirh".\icdiei
' ' ' " ' ' " "~ " ;-' '..'...^..,:':.:*** all-and Lullenitdoe*lakenew'idea,
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""' . "'.", .- '*'.'\,:, I***.'**..'.' - I ' ...:,..'..,-. t-....~ -ycar-
Karen Laing has a good reason to look pleased
Page 9 GRAMMAR GAZETTE, Term 31993
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