Grammar Gazette- Issue 3, 1993





Inter house athletics: a unique mixture The A Grad of athleticism and fashion statements


team enjoy an artificial game Kym Hinton, Christine Peel

20 year longjump record set by S. vidual prizes. the announcements for, the aggregate house points, were announced The house Iha gained most points for the individual events was

Erlca Dungtan

The newly named AN. Z. SIa- Woolcock. set records in the I dium, formerly Q. E. 11, was yet years and under 1500m and 800m again the venue for the B. G. G. S. in times of 5,1641 and 23.03 annual interhouse athletics coin petition on August 31993 Ieppesen. 9 Griffith. set a new The early morning, frosty winds and cool temperatures failed to 10.99m while Bridie Potter, I deter those SIudents who had to Grimth, broke the 16 years loom the first few long distance and field house set a new cord for the 17

most as I you are playing nity and one artic"Iarly The surrace is much raster than grass and the players letic and mobile. t is al.

lowed by Oriffith on 495.5

The relays cup went to Griffith

Roo veldt's dictation) uus, e

18 points ahead of Lilley.

The consistent perform.


years and over 4 x loom relay in a ance and teamwork of Oriffith

was eh allenged by he is much faster and the ball is much faster and the Schoolgirls' hockey team to inter at10.81 matches are a game on artirlcial turf at played on artificial sur We were not at our full schoolgirl teams at this st e. g. h as on of our star op o tunity. After this

new time or 55.26 seconds

House meant that they wer

with students wearing an assort-

As day drew to a close, and

merit of often garish colours. The with it girls' energy and voices, heard rising above those of rival group champions and overallcham- cheer squads, as she led her pion. Zoe Arseott, 8 Gritfith, house in war cries of victory and claimed the 13 years and under age

house points (575.5). The other houses followe in or- QEIT

der: Woolcock, 533.5

players Bridle Potter was a member or that Queens- had other commitments. The rest or the team bat

486; Gibson, 483; England, 474.5; 0'Connor, 458 it was agreed by all that it was a most successful earni- val and thanks must go to aulin Harvey-Short and the P. E. department for organis ing 11, to all the staff who

ex erlence, we were in. spired, hoping that one day


Grammar students were soon to prove that, at this year' s inter-

9 England. was awarded the 14

green and gold.

school athletics, they will be a land 15 years, Bridle Potter. I strong force. Many athletes Gritfith, 16 years and Deema Aiken, long standing records were bro- over championship. Ovenll aime. -

We ro to the oc asion

tledon-onehalfo, the game losing only 3- " to the

against her - as we played

thoroughly enjoyable and

ken in both track and field ics champion, awaaded to the athlete acted as officials throughout who gains the most points from indi- events the day, and to the parents The thirteen years and under vidual events. was Zoe Arseott whose ears survived the noise

have playe all season.

for the hockey players an ade us a o e confident

Playing on turf wag a

age group saw Zoe Arseott break a

After the awarding of the indi-

rare an exc, ting OPPort"- and integrated unit.

to support their daughters

Page 16 GRAMMAR GAZETTE. Term 31993

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