Grammar Gazette- Issue 3, 1993
Ar s An invi at'on to ce ebr to A The inaugural BCG. SansWeek
e Week Chamber groups in concert
Dunn weekday lunch hours, ac tivities will includea concertby music ton, umees. roving, tiaranists. amime
The pieces pertom, co included works by Chopin, Handel, Haydn,
consland) will be in residence dor ing the week
Kym Smith
GundayOctober 1010 Sanrday Octo in the lire of the School. The work of
troupe, theatredancers, and a rh thin' g" ' 'n. ' Vin. 'q'. O activities : ,,, ,, peej no q we per.
students will be highlighted and guest artists and performers have been in vital to stimulat the interest or the ronination will be available throughoui uss and tire value o the Arts. The special highlightofArtsWeek
'S event will give 511ulenjs the , groups I cine in the television re
The audience was treated to a traditional hanginal women's CUI- . emoonwi acelebmtoryCon- mai women elders from A angu i, ,olved. , I I brass ensemble, the Mozart and Ifthlsconcer, ' ' di I' I h in this Yearorlndigeno, rsPeople The two women elders and Dr the Junior Percussion Ensemble, as B. G. CS" future development Girls' Cmmniar is proud to sponsor oar rolented musical groups and rea- HeICn yne(aspcialistinindigenous drama and moverrentitems. women's music from the Universit of combles assured o_ Queensland. formed by the Mozart Sinng Quar-
What did Lydia do? c ^to^,^ nest
S"^I^ 10 Omen Opening of Arts Week
of talent
Cornmedia del Arts Street Thane Mime R. S. Gumiastics
Chantal. the resident bimbo" in the produciion With a hoaad or Westfield Super lish Iunati Greek dramatics. and a
We should allknow by kilow what exacUy it was that Lydia did. Those who saw the Junior Production on Alexandra "c Tavi8h August 19 and O know first hand Speech and Drarna staff member uc lionaridorganiseamtherraucousbunch or studentsinto adors. This must have Sybil Curds. had to write the Th audience was presen, ed with redonnances from actors in gades nine and ten. Tunny of whom were been a daunting prospect
Kate E"ham
Venue= Mayme Hall Adult $5.00
The B. G. S. 1993 Senior Pro
gang or Shakes^nan madmen with ductionofQu^
00 s Nest was juspiting to say the
swords. you could not go past the
Monday 11Afier stho", erhouse Debating finals
Wasserman's play. in the hands or
mayhem and enter"innen, .
Crude eleven students undertook the actors' from both B. G. S. and the stage managemen roles and sarin B CG. S. . wa compelling drama
Lunchtimco, in and Tonfo" Drama Pertom"rice (Year 9 students Venues Gelrrr, unn Twine
Morgan was a committed assiscon di.
N^. Ideals with the horrors patients suffered in psychiattic hospiials. Such institutions. which employed the barbaric treatments of shock thempy and frontsl-lobe loboiomy, were most often places for ial misfiis. As is the case in this play punishment was often applied by ^S ^eat is about the struggle or one man against the unq. ustioned au Ihority of the nurses and the rigid synem'. The central and demand ingroleofMCMorphywas skilfully corhayed by Mumel Domey. who brought humoi, r and sensitivity 10 the role. Jay, playing the female lead. cor trayed a chilling Nurse Ratehed while Shelly nitf as Nurse Rynn CandyStorrbroughihumourtotheir roles. Ben Eltham andJames Miller should also coinmended fortheir strong pertonnar, cos in the hands or director. Bill Henderson. gnz' Cuckoo's Nest was an vivid and chilling presentation of psychiatric neoniienr that inn never be re pealed nurses
Now that the production is over
F^i M . origing am un the school and run
'"he Gnu, unaryhones"
7.00pm pre-concert wits, concert - 7.3 in
Ranhel, and Marina-PontaAnthony as was worth it
Venue:Gemmann Theatre Adults $5.00
it'sdry f201d Girls' Lunchtime Music Concert yen"Gem, nann Theatre
Lunchtime"ager Venuel Ie Lawn - BYO Juggling Balls We'resd. y ranchtimQLD Wind Soloists 12.30 - 1.05 pm VenuesGehnnami Theatre
LunchtimCovlng Street Artists
Theatre Dancers Venues Auditorium 12.50 - 1.15
TEE. :^... fib' q",,=duet. ,ON
Art Show - Library Lunchtime. ,me Troop VCnu6iudio
Theatre sports is not for the faint-hearted
it",, day Unchain"mina aub Production = extracts
Period S & Glene Weaver Public Speaking Competition
for. win. The semi-, in 81s proved oem abou stamp collecting, inn prov, sung a shared story about
HeIen Christirison
On the 31 July, the Detach. able Earrings. conslstingof Bele"
Venue:Gem"ann Tinea : .30 pm
Christ irison, Annanda Lane, The Day's tood still" and hang JanellePateland ClalreAddelsee, ing u , suffering immensesorrow A number of Grammar singers competed at Kodak Beach. and being extremely lustful the coin led in A. . .A. A tinl' Southba"k in the initial round of Detachable Earrings were National ChorelAssocianon)Fes, Con the theatre sports competition through to th final four cert I on Saturday 31 July in the The Detachable Earrings W rough hard to make it Q FA. C. Concert H I. They were parr of a 300 voice secondary school High'sMy League, and then went improvising riballet entitled 'The choir pertonning sacred and secular into the semifinals at Suncorp antelope and the wooden spoon". works, incl"din A FesriveAll I ' b Piazza on August 7, We made it to the rinal two, and John Nickson. Of N I ' " b at Kodak Beach, he Paradise secure. 81,351" . Beach Acting School, consisting An hour later, we were back Early this renn. Caroline Wilke for the Grand Final and the team Christne O'Neill. Tashen DIDmey, Theresa Jenner Eva reredoes round, we were leading the field members of the Queensland Youth noderan, competed in their inI- Orchestra (11) which toured North 11.1 round. Unfortunately, they to play Little Red Riding Hood in Queensland. They redonned in many The Camem, asingersrecentlyper the second chance round on Au- liked it the judges thought we tomed at the wedding of stair mein gust 6 and, after winning their wer a ", ad" too erotic and, after her. SumanihaBolton, 10siev G
Friday J5 LunchtimeRS. Gym
Lunchti, 11^peah & Druma Recital CTorenbeck)
Evening, Our Town"
Sal"May 16 School Day
Enrolnrent Address and Music/Damn items
I 1.00 am Opening of Art Show 12.00 Music Concert 2.00 pm Music Concert
itorman by Private Speech & Druma sondents CTorenbeck) Eye"ing: 'Our Town" Venue Gemnam Theatre - 7.30pm
heat, went on to the semi-finals scoring poorly, we wereoverlaken where, heywereknocked out (not by the other teams and placed
Church. They congo" nineEyesand OCome yeso"rqfA, ,. AnnaHawley's solo. O Pel, c, Love. was beautifully
Parents are in vined to atto"d any of lire daytime performances. If you
August 7 dawned bright and themetaehable Earrings were out
Page ? GRAMMARG. . g. . E. Term 3.19
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