Grammar Gazette- Issue 3, 1993





Antaretie challenge Agoup ormor"than fifty"cou. reasoirsforgoingtoAntarctica. what rageous" trainers andtraineesstag- werethelong-tennohjeclives? What gered from a breathtaking jinmer- agreements and coinprunti"s had sinninthe"rindersorAntarctic"by been struck? The groups then had to way urn video collage toutingeiher work out how they were going to get by Media Co- ordinator. John incirn, usage across to the rest of the Rowdl) andadram"tic vimtaiionof camp und the wider audience. file the ghost orSir Douglaslvlawson needed 10juslify their claim on Anti Iranlitated by Philip Deanj. arcticn. On Friday afternoon we struck camp. Tliednily taskorenvironmen. toI control indying up I and climate Expeditioners' Training Camp mr controlidosingthewindonsi, vuscar tied outwith the help or manyli"nth. namly assembled "props" and "costumes" were ink"n over to the Jennifer Riggs Blinking in tile bright surrshine and carryingh"an. packs, 8 Fand 8 H arriv"d at the Antarctic an rigorous week or prepamtion. it"y were scheduled to spend 30th August to 3rd September on work stations. worksliops. with regular theatre. pinus were calcn. pr"senl"- visits from classroom trenchers and lions were assembled and then the a good deal or personal reamrcl, parents arrived fur Ih" exitnipor" and group dig"usion. only cinerg- finale. They saw inc opening video. Ing mr language. art and music a most professional presentation b ' classcs. "The Press". short "promos" by Ih" Trainees wer" nieibyhls Penn> groups and a "Hypothetical" I'd by Gum, who disiribuled personal Rinwson's gliost. All groups had a training inianuals. Then nit train- chance to speak out for 1.11nt inc, "us w"re I'd to the PIiyslcal CIMl- believed in. Ienge orlhe acclin, attoiion station So much for NII"I we wer" all to bringhonie10th Qinihe reality or doing. But why I, ere we doing it? froslhileand other climaticlra"inn. wouldn't therebEcnsierw"ystoleach file Thaiim, g Centre war hellin people about Antarctica? Perh Limal impart and infonnation re How"VCr. there was a lot more to it courtcs. with Ih" work sintin, us ar- than that. runged for easy. act$ inICre Mas him, y parents have shown they patroneb, : tilesdenceotpoUulion und"mood our aims. That is it control: the coal and omance of a warding. They noted particularly penguin'sthve: the pusaT, ledistribu- the@agemesswilliwhich theirdau"h lion rimim, erals; creating a Penguin, Ierstalked on heirday'sexp. nances. Song on the keyboard; maim" col- even to the point ormonopolising the lages: onomig camp"tio, us for the car and dinner table conversation. Ul 'b' . . e paren also cuntmenled on Tuesday saw a visit fromIlvls A. They saw that tile students had Tourist, suitably equipped, and a learned about the cold by reeling it innv" into special interest groups lire on a base by inking dir"cily to a representing o11 and minin". tour bagele"der, the effect ormining and ism and myr"ajion. and fishing, as oils"ckshycond"cling experiments wellas scientists. environmentslists I . environments 1515 Themlegrated natureorihe"Ant and innguins (representing rind111e arcilc Training Cantp" uus 11i h in generalI and a \\'orld Forum. lighted. Some parents saw that the Themedia"us alsorepresenied with organisation anno, ,"I th" students to docu-journalists along to record rin 15 s a ring o record apply subjed area knowlcdge I, ilh pronee, lings. 'ino boundaries" 11 was an excell"nt pronee, lings. Headqnart"rs arcas had han and perhaps more realistic un^ for set up. briefings given and selected "different points or view 110 bel retire journal articl"s supplied in Fact hencedandu, vierslandtii extend"d" Folders for cocl, group. Rcpre- One parent wrote : SCntali, us started to researchandto "I upPIaud your confidence in I : h g P ning unpolished'group work country. \lint aspect rifthelishing any competition hatweenlhe groups industry? us often happens The enjoyment wedn"sthybroughtaworkshop and depth orlonowledge gained from on negotiation by Sheena Boughen. Ih" wreck was well demonslraled consullant to Greenpeace Interna- through the hypothetical. rimny lional. a past pupU or this school, thanks to all concerned. " whohasher"if b"tnntencher. The Our endeavour was to respond to following day tills concept was ex- recent umeial reports on education. tended by one or the trainers who and to the expressed needs or em demonstrated the nerd to move to ployers for young people who can WirVWin problom solving through workindependenllynri, Igroupsand compromise and lateral thinking. who are effective thinkers and rob Negotiation was often hard I'm solvers. fought. Concession and concilia- Our framework was taken from lion and treaty making were dim- educational research aboutliow shi cull. There werepress conrercnces. dents lean best ; through interac round table discussions summits lion. pmdical adjvilies. OPPnrluni. and phoin OPPoriuniiies 910r" as lies for reneciion, and a variety or well as bulletin hoard cuminunica- experiencose"gagingrlilTerentleam Iious ing capacitics AIDtivatinn to heroin" wall in- in their CTaluatio, us the students minied was higl, : ignorance put reveal they learned 'heaps about the on" at a dis"dvanlag". Antarctic and *, nat goes on Ihcre " For nt"ny, Ihe high"gl, t or Ihc They akinbviouslyhad'fun"andfeli week was tile julephon" link willI they were "accomplishing more". Australia's lvl"wson Base in the filey espeeia"y enjoyed the active Antarclic. it nature or Ihe tasks and umethnents, Allan Grant, was dear to the very ithechorolatechipbtsc"its werepopu back of the theatre as he answered kiri. aswdlastiiephmrecolltoMawson the students' prepared questions Bam. Liony or them did not realise Telecom was on ourside; for Ihun, how hard they had worked until they "lawsonis part orAustrelia. The had Maded on the experience students had a chance to become "fany or the '*minus" saw the parlorlhe 'tear Antardica. week as a special treat and one wrnie Tile process of clarifying focus : 'Overam, ithink hateveryone who that look place during Thursday madeihaweekhappendidamarvel. and Friday was not an easy one. 10usjub. Thankyou. " Each specialinterest group nc"dad to Ire clear about its own interCSls and

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Rebecca Hannon & Claire Valkhoff Sunday August I saw the opening or a three day COW'S, s and CarpersErpo. held'at the Uni wersity of Queensland. SI Lucia campus. Over three days various de panments within the universily offered advice and inforniation about their courses and employ merit prospects on completion. There was a central displayin May me Hall. The displayinclud, d information booths representing faculties and other universily s"rvices. General information about the university itself. course descrip lions and entry requirements VCre available. This display also rentured a multi-panelled photo graphic essay and a video about the university. Staff were on hand to an 51, er questions. Th" Vice Cl, uricellor, Prores. sorBrinn \Vilson. said : "we hope tnnlCo"ryes andC"FFer Week will also be helpful to nilier people contemplating post-Brad "ate Study. re-training to adjust 10 technological change. or who are starting tertiary education later in lire". Courses and Career week was beneficial to secondary studenls who are now making decisions which may shape their ruture can r"ers and lives.







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ind@enous inhabitants of Antarctica make theirpresence toll


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