Grammar Gazette- Issue 3, 1993
Positive approaches suggested for problems confronting students ^1:11;^^^;- kiwi~,,""""hymn"." by. "un mm, ,,,, p, ,,.,* mm ,,. .. Qn ing $ U ents Kristlne Cooke for early ting"in on and InICrvenii. n inn*ed by 111e exircme cases 111.1come grou Malions. es '. 11 " h' I ' ' ._,_, and Ihe promoiion o1 ripp, ,prlale role 10 Ihe lore. nowe\er. Inuch more CDV- "inner ' ci f I ' d ' P ' r a in Pareiii* and lentilers are only' 100 models. nic focus should be on tile err bullyinn exists. I .. re ' , ''qerSIU enl Onen h, coiling sponsored by the Par cnts and Ri'ends' Association held at the Schoolon the 14 July Thosewho aliended heard ILL. o ex perlguestsj, takers :DrJudySonrer, ille and BriarFittGerald while Dr Somerville. past haul Ing studentof this school and a psy chiatrisL spoke on the dieting diso, ders. anorexia nervosa and bulimia mervosa. and Mr FitzGemld. an Her Majesty '5.1nspecior of schools Ironi England. discussed bullying indriy and boarding schools. haul speakers em phasingd howimporlantiiwas for skiff and parents'o understand the adoles centsin tireircore and to henware ofihe realiiies DEIheirli\us in their classes and in their funilies Air FigGemld highlighied "the need to know tour) students \\'ell". especially in ICnns or sensitivity to the changes in peer group reini, orighips. Dr Somer"ille alert*d the audience to the impact-that SOCio-culluml factors. the media. ' and Ihe "pressure to per form" also had upon young people. Despiieilreinclihattheiwoiopics and areus of expertise were qui!e dig 11nci. both speakers stressed that par en, s and iconrers need open eyes. un derSiandinggtnUineCOncem andj, OSi live responses to any problems that may arise Dr Somen. ille Torused on the per sonal. social. and environmeni"I pres. sures that alitci some 51ndenis. She said 111.1 diciing disorders were "often a searcli for self worth" but that Ihis senrcliwas"littledbyamnge01caus"- live melors The "idealisation or Ihc female mini" promoted by Ihe media w:us "di recied at increa Gregory Terrac Brisbane. Q. 4000 ^;,^ Telephone: (07) 831 1300 Facsimile: (07) 8326097 EXTENSION EDUCATION AT BRISBANE GIRLS' GRAMMAR SCHOOL CLUES Term N begins on 23rd October until27th November (6 weeks) Antarctic Challenge - Ages, 01300.00am -, 2.00noon) - Douglas Mawson has st d ff h note to lead an expedition into Problem Solving, Scientific investigation and Great' Th' k' : Philip Dean. " ' Rhythmic Sportive Gymnastics - Boys and Girls - Ages 412 (8.00am - 10.00am - you ve seen it at the Olympics: balls, hoops, ribbons and grace. Students ai k'11, self-confidence. Coaches accredited with QGA, AGF and Australian Coach'n C 'I. Soroban - Japanese Abacus - Ages 12 Adult 0.00pm - 3.00pm) - Opportunities to w k t d international competitions. Trainers from Soroban Association. Cost $30.00 er in th. Creative Thinking for the Younger Set - Ages 58 00.00am - 12.00noon) - Proble S I ' , On Construction, Lateral Thinking. Tutor: Beth Johnson ' CLUES - CREATIVE LEARNING UNLIMITED EVERYSATURDAY TEAR FF APPLICATION LIP Name of Student: Date of Birth Course(s) Address: Phone No _Business Hours Parent Signature Ienclose cash/cheque for $95 ($90 if cheque received by, 5 October being payment for the k h Cheques are payable to B. G. G. S. Extension Program. Numbers will be limited - please return as soon as DSSible. Page t2 GRAMMAR-GAZETTE, Term 31993 .
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