Grammar Gazette- Issue 3, 1993

$11>^^^iiei. ^111fea-tUre

integrated Studies Program: sometimes an alternative is b tt A different approach to sohooling. Three work experience portraits

merit 'hiledevelo Ingvorajjonaj, kill 's ''' Chum" at Kongaroo Point and responding 10 tile needsofindusiry

Manse MCConaghy

have confirm"d these 1110ugl, is

Mange MCConaghy

-,-.-^, Kale will crimplcteliv"subjects Binnca Thies enjoyed her stud- townr, IsherCerlinc"tern Childcare its in year eleven ISP'Creative ET

The grade eleven and 11velve girls In the Integrated SIudi"Program have

The girls Inlegmie and develop what they have leiimi at school and

15 Important in the snaping of this spy

before she leaves scliool at the end or this year. as well us hawin" at cmedalargenumherof hourswork experienceaivariouschildc"recen Ires, kindergartens, and pre schools. Kale aims to graduate with a Senior Certificate, a Certihcale in Cuminerd"land Omce Fundamen talls and three quarters or a Centn cate in andcare. Reb"cca Nuntz has covered a wide variety orhospitalityandlravel subjects UV"r the past eighteen monllis. Last year she attended B. G. G. S. campus on wednesday af lemonns from 3.30pm to 530pm to particip"tern TAFE travels"bierts andlhis year she haspursued hosyi winysubjects such as Foodand Din ing at COTAH. H"r twork exp"ri renee has also focusad on dev, loping her skills in this ar"a.

participated aciively in a "different" cial course. Brisbane Girls' Grainmar rip ToaCli 10 Senio S h I. . I s, h I I .. TAFE through work experienceplace- pressionso muchihatsheis develop. . ey awe 15.0vere atBris- 050P yO a'"iberal. broadbaSededU- incljce the k'11 . n I I ' provide a challenging education while work Experience Co- ordinalDr. has responding to the individual needs of challenged by the ideas and rigours of es"blished strong links with industry She is working towards acquir 51"denis who are being prepared for a the more traditional rare or such sub- and we value the support of the em ing her Visual Art and Design Cer- rapidly changing worldoutside school. jecls as English SIudies. Maths in So ployers who nappily provide wonder tincai". Besides working for their Senior ciely. Environmental Sindies. Druma ful OPPonuniiies for our girls Binncahas also enrolled in a five Centficaie. the girls are able to attend and Communication in ''dition to the school TAFE P Ur P acemenlS In- Wee Course at arside Columnntty TAFE-College courses of their own choice. both inside and outside usual courses taught by Grammar staff on preparation or art folios school hours. A number or the school our own campus. we also have outside Blanca aims to attain her Senior sialiareTAFE acerediiedieachers and TME teachers use our school as a Certificate. a Visual ArtD"sign Cer- TAFE units whicli are parr of Centfi- campus. SIudents from surrounding tincate. a Certificate in Commercial calc and Associaie Diploma Courses schools have gathered to partiapaiein Iiciiors. and Omce Fundamentals this year, are embedded in Board regisiered sub- such courses as childcare. travel and Over ripenod of two years, the ISP as wall as having gained valuable Jecis undertaken at school. Thus. sin- engineering dinwin" 51udenis accrue an impressive army of work rexperiencein a numbcr of rat- dents graduate with accreditation from A privilege valued by the Year 12 skills. expertence and material tonheir relsin this area orinter"SL both an Ihorities. ISP 51udcnis is their rinlii 10 aliend This arrangement w - ,,, , ' Purl On OS. Some girls specialise In Kale Flockhart has always 'arlywellinCompujjn". wjjerejh c, ll, ,, 1,1 . , . , area< in Which Ihey, see then15.1\es wanted to work I, nil children and dents become very pronCieniand Telt amil, use of

lime to acquire a varieiy or skills and e\orn, lices \\"Iicli Ihey use to Ilelp with realistic and informed career choices

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Attending another school




cliildcare centres and kinder"artens. with park rangers and maiive animal aliendanrs. in VCIcrinarypmciices. hair dressing salons. ridio und leievision siniions. phDiograp!TIC 51udios. dental surgeries. reiniiing. grepliic repraduc lion. beauty nitropy. and fashion and travel agencies. A1niosi wiihoui excepiioii. 111e in leanied SIudie*studenisli"\. ereceived glow:rigreponqlrom employers which they nave been able to us it relerence\ NIIen applying for work. A sriinll pro puninn also recei\. e inb offers an a direci result nilheir worl, e\reli, nc*. 1110uglithi* is ccriainly not. ne o11he alms o, 111e program. worke\penence einployers coniinue to offer places to our studenis I. e. au




oilhelniegmiedSiudiesProgmm. Five SEPnmie weeks are allocaied for work experience over Ihe Iwo year course. Preparation for this henin< on 111e very first day of scliool \\. jibihe digtri buiion of handbooks and carefuldis cussion. especially ribouie\peciaiions. The yeariwel\res are a\. ajiableto tellor the, r experiences over Ihe past year and tile year elevens are \erv enihusi A great deal orcareisial;enjo find placemeiiic that match each 51udeiii's preferences in terns or furure \. con lionnlopi, ons. T. A. F. E. subjectch. ices can also innuence placemeiii choices: if cliildcnr* orlinqpiialiiy subjects are undertakeii. then correspon. ling place litenis are generally found. Students'reindividuallycon, ulied and encouraged loinvesiinai. an umber or career pathsio broaden 111eirknuwl edge or tile world of work and 10 lielp Iheni Inche more realisiic and anpro priale decisions. indeed. ithc I S. P. students have the opportunity to expe hence live different areas or types or Uirougliour the nigiriry or this course. students have beeninvolved in work experience in legal omces. ad VCriising agencies. major hotels. work if they so desire.





Every Monday. four in legale Sindies sink"is. \, irvinia Hulli"y. NICiaforLl. Cairn're Biniaiid Bi"rea ruts. iruve Girls' Gnui, nor 10 alle, xi tireBainro, alDesigiCenircaLBallrunl Sue Impi Sclmnl This is a mugain run by T. A. F. E. \\inch emul. s tile 51thIts to chain much"Icyperiei"tin funeld01visunl arts addsign. nre myrs" Driedmn for a year anId are centiicaie amuses SuitesstillerLadenlsr"tiveaCertilicale of ViqnlM amItsip Sulcus collre full hidi Kimois innnalln\rerBri*originkeA*icyS"Ie 1114i and Stunt"line. Tirey ami\. e at Bitlnual at 1.00 pn, ithJ leave at 6.00 on Tire renrre uric"; six subjects garlic daigi. fine rut dungnpliy. fashion desigi. mien'ord"ipi. admin mulelevi, inn. Biancaniiesliopcs to become a graphic artist. Iler course involves four in:!inr piece* a year. which are all crimpleied on paper using mixed in, din : charcoal. pencil. and paints. A1 111e end of the year. 111e Eludenis are required to give an oralpresen"- lion o, 111eir work The course involves occasional fieldirlps to places orinicresi. like 111e Bolanical Gardens. They also have guesi speakers from dirtcrent fields. such as animation. These speakers tell 111e Eludenrs ribouiihe importanceandrelevance orgyphic designin theirp;inicularworkplace. SIudents also learn how to use cum puiers in design. us, rig them to cre. ale logos and I'llerlieads Swine also crimpl^d a pi^- wilyw"tinwhichi!reydts*dup. took pinus or"rerunlier. adjcorrred haw to develop nam in tile on^n in the graphic desigi course. Ihere are two teachers who are there to answer and advise the 51udents However. all the work the students undertake is self-paced. The 51.1 dents for us on hands-on experience rather than tileory and learn from theirownmisiakes. whichis. in some ways. the most effective way


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F Kate F10chart eru'oys her work experience

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Confidence inspired by experience

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Gatherme Brett on the job at Printersft

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