Grammar Gazette- Issue 3, 1993

CIOmmu:11^ity. -.^nil^^11vs Making "a home away from hoine"

Three days in a bush classroom S p. o rt in the atrly hours of July 12.25 brave "roup chose to test it out wiih apprehensive year I2 HealthandPhysi- Iheirlightesimenit*r. and foundiiwas cal Education studenis 8,111ered at quiie safe for one person at a lime school. They were prepared fortlnee An o1her group was not so "resource days or menul and physical endur- Iul". choosing 10 swim when they were halfway across the creek. a firoup H. andP. E. campihaiwould delennine or schoolboys walked over the bridge. are in the middle of Ihe bush with making. The map and our safely were nothing bullhe conients or your pack in our own hands. you can 51ill eat well and seive meals file camp was a development of w, Ih flair! Preparing for 111e camp the grade IOCamp. but more physically in\o1ved some groupsiakingihe shops demanding with walking. swimniing by. storm. bargain buying cainembert and canoeing up 1022 kiloineires each cheese. choosing Ihe begi chick, n day. we had 10 rely on our own initia live andieamwork. Kym Hinton Kin Kin CreekBridgewasbl, cked off with warning signq. However. one breasts. and even atquirlngparsley mr Stillconcemed about food supply. the "IOUghesiofiheiough". nor even trying to hide their amuqe The 51udenis had been organised In10 groups of six. each or which had a Ieaclier "observer" \vlio was 1101 al- lowed 10 help in any of the decision men! at the girls' pledicameni Ano1her foalure of the camp was oursDuniieicooking. Even when vou

Taryn Burns

Many immigrants who arri\ e on Australian shores confront a major barrier - English. Often these immigrants have little or ulmust rin English language pro finency and also havelo CDP" wilh a totally foreign country and CUI. ture ' The An merley Immigration ban" T. A. F. E. . helps these jinmi grants settlein and adjust to their ripw lifestyle. The nationalIv funded Adull", igrunt Educ"lion Pmgrnm IA. "I. E. P. I is their first port or cull once they arrive At pr"sent many immigrants are fromI Taiwan, while in past years Vietnamese and people from SoulliAmerica were siron"Iy rep resented because or war and civil conflict in their countri"s. Titis explain why jinmigr"rins from Bosnia are mrrivingin intreasin" nun, b"rs. With people arriving from such Iranum"tic conditions and th, n finding thems"Iv"sin an '"lien"land. a servicels required to enable 111es, people to creat" tally on the needs or the jinmi- grants. A1 the start each person takes a lang"ag" proficiency test. on whicl, the results are scaled from 0 - 5. The av"rage AUStral- inn would score a 5. winle most new lives in Australia The immigration Centre pro- raise cancli "sindent" to a 21evel. when they are moved on to higher Unfurlunat"Iy. us jinmigr"nts are only entitled 10 510 nouns at the Centre. a certain number do not r"rich the sccund proficiency level. Their progressis dep"rident upon the prior education of the 51u- dents as some. for example those from Ethiopia, have little mrmal education because or conditions Immigrants senr" un - I





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The campenabled up to apply skills learned in Ihe classroom. filese in cluded navigaiion. busli skills. and group decision makin". \VChad been warned before tvelen that we mislit have to swini thin"., h a creek. But we did not imagine swim mingihrough the NODSa Ri, er aleight in the morning - with full packs. it really was a very chilly e\perlence. we were comforted only by tile Iaci Ih"I our teacher-observers. includin" the famousLanhams. had to follow our lead and swim with us.

Belh Williams haul. , along her fish ing rod. However. her allempi* to catch fish in Ihe middle of Ihe night were unsuccessful hastyearin oursIudies orexercise physiology. we learn! all about Ihe lactic acid in the burly. This is what makes your muscles tired and sore This is something we exj, erienced firsi handon the campbuias we understood what was happening and we were able to are nuni for Ihe pain. 11 was almosi enjoyable!

1974 saw Jan Salzman as a pitysical cduc"lion teaclier at Brisbane Girls' Grammar Sc1, o01 where SIIe hadlaughipresent staff members Kristine Cooke and Pauline Har\ey-Short. Jan Salzman has also co- ordinaled youth camps and has a son and two daughters : Innogen lyear U B. G. G. S. 1992j and Kend"111cur- rently in Year 101. This experi- ence in "d"cation and organisa- lion has provided a string back- ground mr her present position. A1rs Salzman is pleased with the support which the public has offered by tutoring students. As elderly and mothers coping with young families in 111eir own homes. "Irs Salzman rexplainsilie lullion is practical. focussing on language survival skills. Tliis is why only nullientic texts sricli as newspapers. junk mail and let- Iers are used. This is to h"IP students cope Nilh the day to dny problenis they race. Apparently B. G. G. S. newsl"iters and school programs have been used aslearn.

ing classes at Ih" C"ntre on Th"rs. day afternoons within their C. A's. service crimp"merit. They h"IP out with lessons. The in, or" English spoken in class. the In ore quickly the studentslearn to adapt t0111eir Erin williams. Year 12. and Angela IVilson, Year 11. bulli commented ninthe eagerness of the students 10 I"am all they could about Australia and its people. In this way volunteers such as the B. CG. S. students can become integral to Ih e pro grani. Not only do these tutors gain satisfaction rrom the help they provide. butthey also gain a genuine under sin"ding or The next lime annoyanc" prevails when confrontcd with a non-English speaker it is worth remembering that most immigrants enthusiasticallv at tend English classes and that they ar" one" required to learn under VCr, . stressrul condi. new environment. reinrn.

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The aim or the centre is in many as 50 volunte"rs tutor tlie




tinns. in Iheir country of origin. Ing resources. Applying for ajoU The starr and volunt"ers at A visit to the Immigration andinterviews are also dealt with the Annerley Immigration Cen Centr" makes you aware of the in Class. The underlying aim is to Ire are doing their u tm"SI I Special qualities needed to teach Create Productive members orso- provid" a stable learnin en vi there. Jan Salzman. the co_ Cietyintheshorleslpossibleiime. roninent for those new to our Ordinalor or the Tutor support B-G. G-S. years eleven and country. All volunteers arc Scheme, is one such person twelve students have been attend. we ICOm ed with o ren arms. B!, E, ee. ,:,!^" SpecialI^1179 in Pron7 I' Service for HOME O * ICE, I' I"":I, . REPAIRS #^"'^:;^:*"I\1STALL-ATIONS . DATA CAB ,;^^;, HOT WATER






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GrammarTennis Surges to Victory

Mrs Robbinsadds. ', believe ill"510 be won on the consistency o11he players. " Much of Iheir success can also be allrlbuied to VanessaLunsch. Van"" is a past 51udent or Girls' Grammar. alld hasial:enonihe challenge of mat ing Ien"is her full lime occupation. Vanes sri's enthusiasm and howledge of the game have helped to mould this team in 10 premiership contenders. Without a doubt this group have. arguably. the most effective term dig cipline of any or the B. Go. S. Iennis teams. and their prociice sessions dig play their commitment 10 excellence within their sport. fullre dent and deramiriadon of tire Jultior tennis deremu're "re fullne of Uus sport within lire kinl. Gramirr reads lookq sellbra promising run.

Allson Little

This year. under the guidance or past student. Vanes satorischand 51.11 member. NickiRobbins. Ihejunior9A tennis learn has had a most successful season. The learn has been undefeated all season and .on average. the score has been 36/6. This shows the eximordi nay depth wiihin Ihe team. one of which the School. especially Ihe bud ding young tennis players, should be proud. One player who deserveq mention is Andrea HD. Andrea plays at stale levelandisthe undoubiedlyihe number one player oriheieam. "But the premiership won't be won on Ihe performance Drone player only. "

ore56 ' ' " ^^t, ,,, ,^^;^ 1/25 Bishop Sfreef Kelvin Grove

Page14 GRAMMAR GAZETTE, Term 3,993

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