Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 2000

Legr, reing Net?ei, Erg4i!s

IgoCl!~limb"C, !y 11^;^fukili^BS

Earlier tliis year 1110 subject 'Tecltiiolog Studies' was introduced as a Senior Board Subject. h continues o11 ironl line 11/11ior Design and Technology prograiii and involves many, areas of shidv. railsiiig from the Design Process. Malerinlslmesiigaiion Tools alld Processes. Materials and Salei\ coinponenis are jiltcgial to allareas of study I cliose Uiis 511bjcct as I enjoy. the 11niids-on work andlieing able to design and build Iru own pro^Cis We 51aried the ICnr I\1111 a sriiall \tood\corkiiein. vinalTierlinto Tenji2 ill\Tillcli\levereablcto design aiidcoiistnict a small piece o1 furniture. Some or tinc projects included a Ielevision cabiiiei. cliesi of dra\Lets. bedsidciables. 10\. chesis. clicss tables and main, In ore in Tenji3 \IC I\ere iniroduccd to inein1.1111erc welding was a new' experience for an. As a SIarter. \\e coinpleicd a skills derelopineiii project \Tillcli ccnired titouiid de\eloping a rel plain 1101der to lielp 115 gel used to tile ne\\ discipline and ICclmiqiies TlIC lanei part of Inai Ieriii brouglii an open design situation I'llcre \\e could desi"11 and cons!incl a soluiion to a need that we 11ad As a music sindeiii I need a nilisic stand



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Chi, ', C, ,,,,,,, Ig/1,111 11,111, Ile, ' 11/1/'11 Ilee, /ed 111,131c sinnd 11'111ch she 111n, /e in Ile, itch, ,o109. Silldies c/rrss, s

3/1/1011C Cull, pbe1/ $ $11eh. ,, in 11,111

\vlieiilpraciisc playing tile \, 101in. Ina\ e all inipro\cd 1100/1. Tliese aspecis must all be old one tnni is in a slate of disrepair and I Quilliicd as part or the 111eoT} Iha1 15 to redesigi1110 11/1/51c stand Incomoraling a Makc - Appmise approacli is clcfiniiel\ a linenie o11nusic collieho\\ I 1<11eu 1,011i 111c 51nrt 111"I inc Iirojcci \\ o:11:1 prtseiii somc cli"11ciiges bill I I\;is ^end\ 1.1' 'I'his it rill \\c tire ,blc i, L!CSRii aunt, us!nici 111,111. .\I 11/11CS I 11/01/'111 ill;11 SolllC 11,115 '11 11 5111;111 ;!11,111C1 1,111. Imjin'iaiS 111.1 VC 11n\ L 111c pro^Ci I\ o111:111'1 11 o11. bill 11,111 '01/1c 1,111i ;l!'urn 1111 111* p. I*I I till I ;1111 LTirr*!111 Sei'lolls 1:1\ '51/3/11, ". 1015 o1 ciic, 111 a, cine;11 ticsi. 11:11. , c!in IF a!1,101i, :!lull. C, illc, s ill 111 11,111 iru tin ill, it 11/11q!i, Multi-111.1Lii, 11 PIOit, I\ collij, 1.1cd t. C'. I I co1 11, "IC 10 dcsi. u rind coilsiriic; I\It h 15 a rcqiiii'eiiiciilllint nil pro^Cls desigiictl lirediicls. n 111nior anthillii, I PIOieci W. 1,111 and innde 11/10/1glioiiiilie \ e;Ir go o11 display incl;Ieillc innjor pro^Ci first. willcli\\1111:it;c ill tile Librai} inId it Is alliaziiig lion 111.1cli 115 11,111iip Ii11111e '11/101Teiiii3. Tile 11n"o1 recognition I in\e loreived fro"1111y peers. pro^Ci\\111 bc done iii llic reinaiiun" torni. 11 mistakes Inade and nungs that I could nave 1001,11n 10nTurd 10 the prosperI. goo(I \Lay 10 dc\'CIOj, limbleiii-sol\ing Iecliiiiqtics nudeiiliaiice 111\ rc"coning skills





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Iink, I'M, bi Ln, ,, t, , ,Ilelvo,


Anna Moon. e

Nit Wlicailc}.'s cousin. GIIiipie Landcarc with nan VC \cgctaiioiiaiid a sinnll area or CUInr"cd nabilnl for birds and bats. Tlic orgyntser. Air 1

As part o11heir shidies on 'People and 111e M'Cliiiiock pineapplcltiiTii\111ereIcon Eii\, Ironiiieiii'. Year 12 Geography shidents GII\Ironiiieiiial groiips and inc mildo\Ingi Ira\elled to 1111bil for ino d:Iys o11ield\\ork 11a\e collibincd to Ieplnni a jaildslip area ridj"celliio a slimll crc k. 11 '; I ,, I 111 111e Man'Ri\or Calcliiiiciii

Tile 511cccss of Gleii, in :illd Kciii's pro^Cis

ling led 10 o111ci'lando\Incrs bccoiiiiii!! 11/01i\ aletllo coilscn c 111.1r 111.5i \tillInbic resiniicc - 111eii' soil Firsi-nand obsen'allons in 111e field innkeilie classiooiii conic 111\'e nild create an junglecialioii o11ile-long iconiiiig Tliaiiksio Mr alld Mrs L:lull:11n. Mi Wheatlc\ alitl Mrs Moore for a 111ciiiornble concliisioii to o11r studies lit Geography

wediiesda\ rifleriiooii 5:1\\ snideiiis 111\CSiigatillg Iaiidslipsinline 1111bil proneri\ ntho\ c 1110 Meijionnl Trcc Gro\ c as Itell as stud\1112 ri\crb"11k vegeiaiioii aloii!! Y;Ibbn Creek. A refreslier course in c;1110ciiig b\' Mrs Lanliaiiicoiiipleic, Ithe allernooii acti\111.5 All early sinn signal I'd a bus}' da\ full oracii\incs. Eii\ironineiiial scieiiiist alld local hillier Glendn Pickersgill(stilloii cniiclics after a 11nsh' ticcideiii\\lien a 44 galloii Einini or diesel shrillered lier foot). snared her kilo\\ledge of re\'egctaiioii Iechniqiies and biodyiiaimc thrilling 111.1hods. antl callcod along the ri\er \\jin iis 110iiiiiiig o111 evidence or poor and jiltproving enviroi"lienlalinaiiagemeiit of tile riparian (riverbank) zone

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111 ille g! eelJhoi, ,, - Glendn Pick'ei'.\girl, ' foi, ,, secdl^, Igs Ib, ' fetegeiniroJ, of PI'upeJ'tv



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