Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 2000

Meeting the Ch@'!/61^811

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ILOclkiir^11 Irur^vanrdl


Jacq"elme W" & Kantie Balla"Iyiie


Tile aruLotl:s orEninia MoiliagLie. Varies ER fillsJ, ,ess, ,, till. ' staled Emma. Wlieii Rolli\\elland Varies5:1 weekes were clioseii opening the cupboard the audience 10 represciiillie Scliooliiiilie Metlopoliiaii disco\'ers tile persoiialilies and lire Norili region exhibitioii of 111e 2000 experiences of Bob tiltoiigli cacli piece of thinsicr's A\lards for Excellence ill All '10/11/11g. Inadc b\ lising pinstCT. Collages "ninja Moiliagiie's work I\as seiectcd 10 and \anons ICcl"uqiies of pailiiiii, , \ICrc be nan or tile ceniml sinie ctinbi!ion and applied ill eacli dr"\tel'. Elmiia's artwork SIIe \\as also iru'ited to nanicipaiein inc alloITS Ihc andiencc to physically e\inure 2000 \\orksliop prograiii 11ro\'idcd b}' 111e tintl Gillo\ lie^irueiili\ e anti crc;in\ eI\ork. Allnrds progi'aim. SIIe was o11e or o111\ ACcoidinu 10 111c Millisicr's A\Lards for forty'-si\ amtorns ili"I were relecicd out of Eteneiice in An. Enuiin was clioseii;is liei approxiinaiCl} fifteen 11/01/3111d silldciils "/,, g/, A, Intel, !e, / 1,131in/ 1101'As rlrs 11ni, of who sindy Senior An in Stale and lion- ,eco, ,,,."b/e ,VC, //e, ,ce ,, J, ,/ Slate Secondnr\. Scliools q, ,nfi{v reininal t/, 1/10/1511"!,,/ Alei, $ of across Qiieeiisiaiid is a prograni innl niliis 10 pioniole and recogmse the excellence ill Ari Ediicaiioii tsarcsirlt DIEiiuim's \wintiii" Dintis award across Queenslaiic1 11 encourages senior SIIc was granted 111c OPPorhiiiit} to allend an students to achie\'e alliglislnndardiii a live day art \\orkshop airau"ed b\ 111e tileir creations. Snidenis selected in the Ediicaiioit Department. This coilsisted of prograiii were supposed 10 delnonsiraie a \anei} of \LOTksliops. tinllery ouiin. .s. nitougliilieirITork "in, ,billty to fineip, ei. discussions froni \, arious at lists a rid etpress and collJ, ,,,, 111cnie Ithrt$ fowl u, I Ciiliiir;11 e\'ants. Einina and tile oilier 111depe, ,delli v, eiipo, !, I. mr ,, br/, 11 10 awardees were encouraged 10 e\PIOrc 111G pursers, ,Ig 1/1e He CPS, ,, I I c!, trill'111' in, d "!fat""h, Ie 10 $11cc, ,of 111 Ihe inv!Id of file Miusicr'SAT:mis for Excellciicein An 1.1s, ,"/ ", vs





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Ileel very proud to be thenrst BGGS student these trainees hips are available, eg to be given a school-based trainees hip in Hospitality. Agriculture. Catering. Veterinary Hospitality. Even though Grammar students Nursing. Retail. Sport and Recreation are considered to be high achievers in academic areas. there are a number of girls I am very appreciative of Mrs Hancock's and who find these subjects difficult and Mrs MCConaghy's support of this scheme. sometimes unrewarding Nor everyone wishes to go to University and given this opportunity. I u rge all students by beginning a trainees hip while still at who are interested in this school option to school I can proceed into the vrorkp!ace contact the Dean of Students, Mrs next year with qualifications and experience MCConaghy This has given my self-esteem a welcome boost Hopefully your parents will be as supportive as mine. who helped me realise an OP was instead of going to school on Fridays I go to not a necessity for my future and this work at the Brisbane Tavern where I am allowed me to discover where my real treated like a valued employee I even interests are receive an hourly rate of pay. which is an added bonus To have been able to experience eventhing that Grammar life is. plus having this extra I would recommend this direction to anyone course. has made me a happier student who has an interest in the areas where as I knovr I would feel very apprehensive about my future next year it I had not been



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Philharmonie and Friends





011 11 Augtisi. flit\-o11c taleiiied 11/11sic silldenis Trollilb!IT Brisbaiie scliools nanici illccliii " Colicer! with inc QueenslmiclPliiliinniioitic Orclics^a. GiniUcd "PillM, ,1,111, ,, IC inI, /A', endr ". T!Ie scliool snideiiis Dial'edllnee piercs \\jin ilic Philli:Innoiiic Orclicsiia. Gh, ,I'd \ 01. ,Jimv to R, ,$"/,, 11 ", Id L, ,,/,'11/1, I. SIra\ illsk\"s Ci, tv, * Folk, , and Brineii's fir, "lions tillt/I'll",, e o11 trillc",, q/Pillc, /I. Tlie clialleiigiiigiiiusicl"Id been \lurks!lopped and relicar"d o\er a period Drillree weeks. led b\ conductor CallaiiiAbboit. T\\0 50/01sis featured illilie concert Fern} GID\ c's Manjie\\ rugby' jind BGS's Win-KGuii" Lee. Tlie perrorimutce \\as a 1,1051 eiuolable and eclLicaiioiial experience and trille op!, ontinth is presenied for shideiiis 10 late part agriiii. 11is inglrl\ recoiluncnded by all 1,110 were ill\ o11cd. A bi. , Inairl* ou ones to Mrs IL, ncock audit SUIli\till for allowing tinsloinppcn. and also to 111e Pinlharmoiiic Orclicstra for creating 11ns Mondeiful OPPorhiitity

'11/11tr Atolli, ,g, ,e J rel, cied run o, I, . Nicel Bob Idell14ij', aJ, "Awe uJ, of etnli, "re 1'131, "I differciii sides and ripproaclies to art witiCli PI ob/erus. 1111 e, ,ni. e, I'S, . ei', dellce o1 included 1151/1g lullliiiiie, Iin. 111\ CStigaling h, gilli, del',/ayed coJicepi$ o11.1s"n/ rills Illsinllniioiis :111d e\ GII pailiiiiig \\11n inn ",, ,, biff (I' to 111"Ie 111dgi, Ie, ,I. , 11'11/, cliocol"IC lopping. Tile OPPoriunii\ illsce, 1,111eJi! in Ih, ,,/eci, o11 ,,!, rl pro\'ed 10 be 'h 11,031 '17/11rtb/, dpi, /I'd1,011 of 111g/1/1' ripj, , up, ', rite Incl, ,, JAPei, ,,, CF " for Eininn as 11 ",,, 11n, /Ifc, ,/ tiff d I, '11/11q!, es. " Tlie norks seieciecl ill 1/1"I 10 ,, I',, 11n, q/'irui'$ to ,"PI ", of, ,, I I 111e sinic exitibitioii TCPrese"I 'excelleiice' nullAh, / 11ndi, o1.11c",!111eJv, I' . Eininn is ill cocli regioii Lience. incsc altards 11n\c 111\esligaii"g a career in design loi' 111c pro\ided PIiblic recogiiilioii or 111c funir. \Gals Minicli silo"Id dctinilel\' be outsiaiidiiig ;ichic\'eiiierits or senior tin assisicd b\ Ihc I\orkshops snideiils. 11nicli 11as allowed 111e piiblic 10 apprccinie tile qiialii} 1111d tli\ersih or The C'eiiiinlE\litbiUoii. willclicoiii;tills 111c art\\orks prodiicediiiall secondary collools. ERICcied \\ork of Eiiiiiia * .lire, Bob. I\111 evilibii in 111e QLicciisland An Canen Elm";IMOiiiagiie's relecicd arucork. called bel\Icon FCbniJn jind April ilexi \ car lis lirei Bob. 11ns a painied cupboard willI pan ora 10/11 or Qiiceiisland fortheiie\I nTixed Inedia illsiallaiioii. Tlic surface or IMO \ears So. doll'I 1111ss ou1 o11 \o11r inc clipboard represenis "!/I, 11,111"/ OPPorninii\' 10 see Ihc pierliiCliOii CTCaied 1,111 oof, ,ci, o11 o1 lite pers0, I. 1,110 looks by Einina Nioiiiagic an '11/1c yoiing in leiits 11ke $011, e $1ereo !VPIc0/ 1111d, /!e-rifled or 111is Slate


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OffEC!or' q/'h, si, '1,111,111n/ All, ^, c. ,Ua, 'k &,\, I'dF1 o1td Conch, eru" Gini, run ,, 160!I 1,111, sri, dents at 11'1111hnr, ,10/11c und Frie, ,ds '

GR. it^ GAZETTENOPDBER 2000 -Fade 8

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