Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 2000

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Oneiting with an address by the Guest of Honour, the Honourable Dean Wells, hit. A, hintster for Education, the eventn@ focused on the history of the girl's educaiioii within Queensland and progression of Granunar since its establishment in 1875. indeed those attending the function were Tenjinded of how far OPPorru, tines for yountr women had developed in 125 years' in particular Ms Hancock in her toast to the school reflected on how educated women were once though, of as 'uinefuied'. a situation almost impossible to comprehend in 2000 Master of Cerenionies. Dr Ian Brown member of the Board of Trustees and Chair or the 125 Coriumitiee. had the Iask of guiding the guesis throngh the everun" and inIroducing the speakers and the rimsical interludes. Presideiii o1' the BOGS P & F Associaiion Inc. , Carolyn Mason used his prestigious occasion to presciii Cherrell Mrsi. Cliainnan of lite Board or Trusiees, with a niajor doriaiion lowards the scliool's building lurid The BCGS Big Band. conducied by Mr Craig Dabelsiein, treated the audience to the well-knownjazz sundards. F1ig/, I of the foo Bird and F1v Me 10 1/1e Moo" The BCGS Chamber Singers performed the by-now traditional Tnnr* What FriendsA, , fo, '. Then. choral teacher. Mr Paul HOUey Undoubiedly the musical litg!, tight of the evemng was the vcoal and piano duel by Old Girls, Madeline Corolos and Naralie MacCorimck, class of 1996, who received such an enthusiastic response they were called back to stage for an encore. As weU us this. current students also displayed their great Grammar spirit banding logeiher and enihusiastically shouting the school war cry, joined by 111e voices or manly past students Requests for tickets flowed though the Old Girls Association and various members of the Planiting Comumtee. More than 1001etiers were sent to past Head Girls and many years were represented. in some cases by as niany as twenty past students Their delight in meeting up with old friends and withessing how the School had evolved seemed to Inariage the impossible by teaching and successfu"y cajoling all attending 10 sing the new school sonti Nil Sip, e Labore

in their absence contributed to the convivial annosphere of the whole eventng amongst those attending were more than forty meritbeis of BGGS SIaff whose presence contributed 10 the faulty atmosphere of Ihe whole evening. Members of SIaff had been aciively involved in the planiting of the Music program and John RoweU. Media Co-ordinalDr. had developed a wonderful multi-media presentation of past Images of school life. Those members of Staff preseni, including a number of past students, showed that hemo a meInber of the BCGS community was as Important to them as to the In ore than 00 Old Girls who also celebrated wiih us Many or our current Year 12 students created their own party within the pany and marvelled at the support of so many for their School. Along \viih their parents, various sporting support groups and faintties. mends of Ihe School. special guesis, Inembers of tile Board of Trus!ee*. Mr and Mrs Hancock, stair and Old Girls, they wimessed a ninhi Ihai will not be forgotten in the hislory o1 Brisbane Girls Crinumar School Fina"y. Head Girls Eleanor 0'00nnan and Eleiit Arithony were called to the stage, together with Madotie Reld (BCGS 1929 1933). 10 cut the birthday cake. As this occurred. masses of balloons cascaded from the roof of City Han. bringing the lit"hi of festivities and celebration 10 a colourful conclusion

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