Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 2000
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Grammar Musieians Shine
Theatre Dance
JanetAnderson, Jennifer Cheung, Georoina Pearce Music Captains
Am din Keriin &EleiiiAnthony Theatre Dance Captains
Grammar iiiusicians' deptli orialeni slione ilrrouglidiinng the annual BCGS instrulnenial and Vocal Competition \\incliiook place diving the week beginning 20 Aunisi. The week once again pro\. ed to be a rewarding experience for all In\, o1ved. providinu tile opportunity for Inariy girls to pelforiiiand participate inlinendlv conipetitioii\\niltheir peers
Tile winners Dime\artous Prizes were
JanetAiidersojj (12th -fileAcicNcxiim Gillies MeijiorjalPnzeforViolin Ed\funGcorge (100) - BGGS StringPrire LouisaYoung (12L) -BGGS fog"IPnze CullenneBradbear (120) - BGGS Brass Pine Dolltiinqiie May, 0 (12W) - BCGS Woodwind Prize Sally CanIe (110) - BGGS Perc!1st o11Ptizc
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ROSINi Goofrq- (8Bj -TileValda Ro\Tenta Gillies Prize for Piano Heleii Godfre^ (10B) -Tile WighiMeiiioii;11Nledal for Piano JaneiAiidersoii(12Hi. ElauiorO'Gorillaii!12/11. Tain-Gnc Leeine;Ier (12L) and Coll! tellay Liiid (12th - Gillies Ensemble Prize One Drillc 111.5i anticipaicd conccris Drillc 1111/5ic calendar. the aimiialArtisis un Coliccri \\as Ileld o11 Frida}' 25 Alignsl\\jin fullr filialisis coinpeiin. , for 111e presii"ions RT & AE left'ries Biirsai\. Tlie finalis is. Ed\\Ina Geor, ,c. Loinsa Von"g langt Andersoiiaiid He1.1t Godfrey. perroriiied e\ceplioiiall} \\ell. Adjiidicaior. MAInii Lane annoiiiiccd 111aiJn"et Alldersoii it 110 nettoniied .Idng, n Kl' ?, I by Mozart and I" 1111'I Curlce, In \b I ill G hill, I b\ Bnicli. \\as to belhc recipient oftlie Burstn for 2001 Paniculm' thanks ittiisi go 10 Ms Heleii SIIaq, for orgtiiising and eiisiiriiig inc 5/1/0011i
non/It DullerI* A""11 Inn, . ., IIJff
niluung of tile week-long coinpelitio". jind 10 111eiiinii\ adjiidiCalOrs tvlio pro\'ided tile girls ITillisiiclilielpful feedback and ad\ice Lasi but 1101 least. collgmt111aiions 111ust be c\tended to 1101 onIt all the prize \\11niers but eacli alld e\ err girl uno Dentiniied
The ygir 2000 11as been \try producii\e T!Ie lullcliiime perlbniin"CG o11 ine slage and successful for tile ThenIre Dance lawn pro\ ed to be a 11/05t eiuo\able a eiii Cliib. Main a, Grits anId perlbriiianccs and all perlbrniers arc to be coininciided 111roiiglioiii the year 11a\e incliided 111e o111/1eir excelleiii preseiiialio!I TaleiiiQuest. tileiiiaiigiira1 11/11chiiiiie perlbnnance. and our Scliool E\re Concert Tile Scliool Expo Coliccil\t's line Iugltiighiolour year. will1511perb perloriiiniiccs by 1111 Tlic Celli'111,111i
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nic T"ICiii Q!ICsi 11ns a grcai 511cccss \TillIa variety orenlriesIroniallyear Ie\-CIS. Tile I\'Inner \\as Krisi} Scandrett 1,111i lid' solo dance. and runner-up was "Bardol" reaige Gullibley. GcorgicPearcc. Jinic LIDllnnd EmitsinbcrtandUrsiila Semi
Tilenire11:15 biirsiiiigILitli c\clieiiiciii and energy. and 11tis was a \cry 111e"10rabie way 10 end tilej. ear All girls are 10 bc coinnieiided o11 111.1r dedication and colluitiUtienl to Tlicatre Dance2000
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in, ,, Ier @1n, e BGGSlibodi, ,,, of P, ,=e. Doll, ,,, Icy, ,e IVqLu
RT &, E1<, Iles 8111'sirry1,111, ,e" Ia, ,e! 1111derso, ,
rin, ^^ Drama proe^^55
51aiid onjin 111e CTo\\d. tryou wariied Ihe role your nearIdesired. in\inu to SIIow off your mient to obtain a part in a play is
cocli scene logeiher was an experience Tills year's production was one of \vhicli we 5110uld all be proud. Everyone put in a ITeinendous effort and tile \\ork reall\ paid
off Ninjai\\as left \\as for the andience 10 sit back and \MICli tile snow. as Drainn Club 2000 presenled the rimgicalplay. ,411ce in lid, dellu, ,d
Georgina Parker
Stage fright. andilions. drmna. tragedy. o11e of 111eliardcstiasksiliereis. 111 order fantasy and exciteritent are what acting 15 10 do this }ou nave 10 Inchc 1110se NIIo arc all about. Thc Year 2000 11ns brought aboui audiiioitinn yoii hana'e inni1011 arc tile all of these and inniiy oilier clianges 10 the one and only persoii NIIO Is in for tile role
Dini"a scene at BGGS. Tile greatiie\\ Draina roninsiiiihe Boarding House and tile 125" binlida} celebmiioiis 11:1\c all will ^cry differeni experteiiccs Dranin Club 100 11as Inteli o11 a lie\\ Inc. . 1111/11, fuss l{alriiia Cain iakiiin up " drollin Ieacluiig '05/110ii \tillnil 111e Scliool as \\GII us Diiccloi' of o111 dear old cliib Tile foulns}\ colour jind lungc or Din"in Cliib werc really well displayecli!us leiir will1111c prodiiclioii Dr. -inc, in libJuleJ. /",, d HD\\e\'er11 11:15 1101 allcas\ IOUrnq. to pui o11 this Mondeifulpla}. There \Iere andilio"s. nullierous relicarsals. sillisli coshiiiies to belliade alld pieiit\. orups and do\\lis aloiig 111c \Lay
011r pia\ prepai'"1101/5 I\ crc unden\ an' We pelformed all exttact o1,111t, 111 11,111frr'/",,,/ init\, ci, oils wincli 111c andieiicc reall\ eruo\ccl. Tile relicarsnls e\'en TillITSda\' alieniooii In line Qiieen. 111e coilsistGini! iaie Millc Rabbii. or tile o\CFCcceiiiric Mild Flailcr Hong cr 111nd ill\\;I\ s \\11:11cd 10 pelforiii 111e 101c or line QueciiotHcaris. After auditioning for J SCCOiit1 11/11c. \\ '11/1/1:: for ille resiilis Tell like allelei'1111\ FinalI\ 111e c;1511/5t VCIii up illid allilic 11ni'd \\ ork natd or At 111e beginiiiiig orTenitT\to. Drillia Cliib began. and fludilioii prep;iruiioiis \\crc 1111dei\\;I\'. E\crvoiie nanied10 bcilie genile Allce or 111e siroiig. <1.1criniiicd
One urine liardesl paris of perlbiiiiiiig nil\' anditoriiiiii werea jinic uruorkiiiglinrd play' 15thc andilioiiprocess. As allacioi linkiiiuiie\\ friends nildlin\'Ing clie o1/11c naving anat director who is uiJairuliar innst full nines I illink I nave 11nd chinii"lily with eacliindividual's acliiig style, it was mile at Cronttiur. \Vaichi"" incliia"ic of InIPOrlanlio Inake a strong impression and .. Ihce in lib, Ichr/in, d untoldin" as we pui GinnnfER GAZETTENOPMmER 2000 - Page 6
.-Ihc, INtioJ", Leii'131 wild Oiled!I by'Hem'isjGeoJg, n Pinke, ! inline, / file rindie, ,ce in riflee in lib, Id, 1'1n, ,d
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