Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 2000

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leiirll!s Gran"Ina, 11~ Genel"Kan'ei^;

I^-11.19;tica, 1111y


Tlie conceri opened willI tile Olympic Fanfare und Tileiiie. coinposed for 111e Los \rigeles 0111lipicsiil 1984. performed b\ 111e S\111,110iiic winds. \\'nile 11tis is a coniciiipomn coinposiiioii. innii\ Drille girlsj, elforiniiig millc CITEcinble wereiiot 1.1borii vileiiilus piece was \\ Linen. Tile Colicerl incoipomied all exieiisi\'c range of 111"siCn151\'Ies Trolli, linerCUI eras and nations. Perlbriiia"ccs Inclridcd file 81 BiffcA*, 111 and Briogr^ 11,031e 81, ,J/, DoI Glibcri;uid Sill!iInnsclcciioiis C, /eb, wildii 1111ade minoris hi' K\lie A. finogiej . Tclinik0\ 514 's IN/, a. ,. 1.11, ,,

Katheriiie Mercer

Once '91/1/1tis}e"r Cii\ Hallcame all\ e nileiiBGGS 11rodiice(1011r '11/1/1al Gala Concert o11 Stilldn\ 4111"e. Tile inclne 11/15 lent was 'GII Is 01w, 11/11n, Ce/eb, nies ' anti rims was done ill great sly'IC Tlie concert Mas 111c collecii\c error! of de\Died 51;itI sniden!s thoui past and present) and parenis Tiley achie\, cd a \cry fine illusionl perlorni;ince. \\litcli\\as enjoyed by nicheiiceinembers orallages



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111d of collrsc. 111eiic\\' ECli00150/12 \71 \ enrs of lentiling :!rid o1/15i;111di", 5111, L"bolt. CliesiPCrfoniicis Peln 81\ 111 ;1,111"cineii! is a ,, rail Tensoii 10 cc!chintc and loini CUI\\111 added inclri"1,111s to 111c Lci\ do 11 Itellll" Tills VC did '11/1, rcni 11/11SiCal speciacii!ai. CTe:11/11g all e\ cii inure \ I\ ticii\ and 2,1510 professiolIaiie\'el Diperloriii;Inc. Or piiriiciilariiiipnci \\as Ihc in;1551xi clio!I or Mall\ Drillc PCIforiilallces were recorded o\tr 2011\ Dices For inclusion oninis \ears CD procluciioii entitled 'rel, br, 11/01/'000'. 0111/1c Tile Gal;I Concert corncd oncelcbmiioiis 11cekciid o129 Jul\' CD recoidiiigs also hagiii earlier in 111c > car. enieriniruiig look place ill Matiie Flailai Ihc Un\ CTSi!\ audiences \\jin a snowcasc of 111e 1:11enis of Queensland. Agriin inc piniiiiiiig orcmiiiiimr girls, pasiand preseiii. As Mr prepamiioiiaiid pro^Ce o1/11c BCGS 111usic Maik Sillli\'aiL Direc!or o111rslrumenlal performers and coiniitiin^' 11as collie Music. said ill his in Irodiictioii to 111e day. 's loneilicr 10 produce a nia"Inc. nt progRiii"lie. "011e 11,111clred and IWCnh'-11\ c recordiii"

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011r 1,111sic sill, /e, ,is "\celled illeJJJseh. CS itI "grill, of Jilt G"I" Co, ,c, ,. I

"One A""/",/ ",,/ hinty-/", yam, ,/!;"",, fry an/,,, Multi;'", null"""mad i, " ,, 001 room, , I, 00!;/""/,. I, /I I, if muffin/"

^17',,,@yam, or^a ,,^,/ I '^?e. Mad^ 247,747

You'll never be bored listening to this CD its astounding variety ensures a wealth of enjoyable listening While buying this CD E a tangible way to show support for the School and lis talented musicians, lis items showcaseihe virtuosity of the studenl performances 11 is most enjoyable listening. ,'11/11 s"rung orchestral and concert hana pieces including Smith's Into the 8101m and John V\!1111ams' 04, nipic Fanfare. The Big Band shovrs off !15 repertoire vriih both jazzy uD beat numbers like tile unexpected rend!lion of Wallz, rig Metalda and the 'sino. iher' A Nigh, 1119ale Sang in Be F1;e/ey Sq, Jare. A range of vocal items. ironi small to massed and combined choirs. provides quiet intense momen!s or lively sing-along n urn bers The popular Albinoni's Adag, o for Strings and Organ and a beautiful rendition of Summerillne by Gershw!n are just 1,110 examples o1 the range and talent of Ihe Chamber Orchestra This E the pertectlistening to CIE-stress your mind v, 1.11e coping \Mrh peak hour traffic or to entertain you on that longer trip To pureliase your own copy of Getsbrat!on 2000 for only $22 00 In dudng GST. please contact the School on 3332 1300 or admin@bggs. qld. edu. au

Tile one 11undred und 111enn-fifth binlid"\ of Brisbaiie Girls Grainiiiar School 11ns pro\idetl a fociis for inc \vliole Scli001 10 jo\'full\ cclebnite 111.1egac} or all who 11th'e pia\edilicir part in milking Brisbiiiie Girls Giniiuii"r Scliooltlie centre of leafitiii2iiis I'd a\ Froiiitiic form(11/12 \ision of Sir Clinrlcs LUlc\ 10 the dawn or Ihe 11c\\ ccniur\. lite collun:"tit\ orchis Gruntmnrli;is "him s beeii 11 inc forelroiii o1 girls' cdii. aiioii ill Qinnslniid. denimig ne\\ p;11hs und stilliig c!talleiiging sunidards Tile ricli 11'ridi!1011 or c\cell*"cc rind jinio\ ajioiiili"lis 111ejjnljjjinrk Drille Scliool is 111c prodiici of gciier;!1101/5 o1' 51niT and silldeii!s sin\'ing logcilier 10 richie\ c 111cir be51 ill tien' eiidcn\onI Ce/, bi. "1101, JODO 11ns pro\ided 111e OPPoriuiiih' for o\'er 400 snideiii in usICians 10 celebi;lie 11ns occasion and 10 add 10 lite tradiiioii Icongmhil"IC c\'cryperfoiTiierfor line way' You nave responded to 111e challenge willIviialily and dedication

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Mark Sumvan Director of/"shill, re, ,101M"SIC

Gin^44R GAZETTENO, ^inER 2000 -Page 5

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