Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 2000

Sydney^- - 200-0

71, me 9""me del, loom@" I ^nat@" poit Inf?1/1

pip voluoteered for t^e time of lyer life

Nicole Martin

Tile profile or women in sport has Improved Johnson. I'd IC Taylor. Sasha Cuffe and Carly signifi"nily in the past year This Is eken, pithed Cronin who are cuIrently holding QAS by Ihe AUSlralian Women Waier Polo players, In 50/101"rsliips and represent Queensl"rid in the U20 Ih"r quest for the Inclusion of Iheir sport in the Nation"I competition 10die. Sasha and Cany Olympic Grimcs program and their triumph \\-, Ih lullliered 111.1r achieve menls this year by a Gold Medal. Brisbane Girls' Grammar Scliool representing Australia in the U20's un a most students have played aiolc in Ihe preparaiion for successful tour oI Europe These girls tile nisl ever Wonien's Waier Polo games in Ihe acenmj, anled by PICSenlGrninmar students: SUEie 01yi, IPics 11/15 year Fraser. Jessica Moles and Anna Moore. displayed Ihcir proni, sing skill, in a curtain raiser match to 011 Thursday Iunc 15. J group of keen Water tile 'Flame Game' at Kawana The outsianding Pol. SUFpnrlers invelled to Kit\\. aria Whieis. lite achievements o11hese three $1udenis have been nulli"Ig camp I'Dmc or 111e Allssies. to witness recognised un their selection in the Australian Ihe 'Hamc Game' The AUSiinlian Olympic Squad YouIh U171e"in. Fullhermore. Suzie Fraser. one ballled willI line USA IOUnn" team. in a 11nhiiest or 111e 1999/2000 Water Polo Captains, was match to aid in tile SGIcciion process Squad selectcd in the Queensland and Australian 1120 members included pasi Clammar 51udenis lulla Squad. as *Tell us being offercd a placein tile QAS Flaskas and Nikila Curie. boil, or \\, lioni were this year Anna and i'ss \\e, e In viled to play 10, 5.1ecled us reserves for lite AUSiral, all Olympic Soulh Australia at tile U20 Nailunals and have ICam Litllc did we knowlhatihis game \\, as 10 be since been Included un ille QAS training program a preview or inc gold medal mateli in Sydney Both 11/11n and Nikila 1.1ayed \viih skill and The 'Flame Game' and Ihe curlnin raiser match sportsmanship, and werc a Tai inspirei!un 10 111e left Grammar spectators in awe of the Gramniar spectators ach, cvcmenis of our Olympic Water polo lieroes. whicli was brought close to nome willI the Following in 111e footsteps or these role models involvement or so rimny Water polo players who are o1her BCGS Water polo playc, s C"TDIyit 511 in the same class rooms as us everyday

Pip MCGrath

I{orv many of you know Ihai 2001 nag been \. ery sorry. but you don't speak Spanish declared tile Year of the Volunieer, There '11/1er That 15 nut to s. y. hnwe\. er. Ihal you have been so ntaiiy Ihank-you's. gcsiures o1' are unable to under51"lid sinfulI amounts or Gennan being nilered by the seenriiy gLiJrd appleci"lion and acknowledgement o1/11c work donc bv the volunteers but work, ?11 aboul everything from tile broken coffee Wo, k consisled orlonking alter tile '11/1eies machine 10 tile inncli menii Not only and 510cking a re\\' fridges 01,101fridges) I under51and. hut also reply. and produce a vras parlorthe Snorts Staff Team for FCncin, VCry surprised r'spon*e In English

workiii" in Ihc Athletes and Omcials lounge This nieant innt \\. hell the nthleies caine Into the venue. our teamluoked after Iheir gear and fetched drinks and towels for the aimleies until ille day's competition began

All Drille language barriers were UV. TCUnie fouly quickly. and the Hungarians In Dallicul"r. weie very amusing Most of our shifts sinned one or hvn 110urs before 111e '11/1etes were due to amve. \\. hush meant inni we had more spare lime on our hands This

Our main task was to look after Ihe athletes and nthcials

lime \\'as well-spent us tile Hungarian rct^ees proved to Lis after a bel. Ihal\\e \\ETe. really. \. ei\' had all. okcr Wc 11.1d uni *rid ui'Ihc deal ind inLi, hint"111 now to 1.1a\ situtins and cli. ,11. rind clieal 111c\ ,1.1 Tilt\ werc caLi. 111 rilll*\cn. 1,111iJ \\1111c\IIJ c"r, :.. 111.1d, 11.11, .i's "rid 111,111ci, "\ 1,111cr dciiu. is Inclic* 1'11c. c runriiing. "r, ,. 1111*h 11. u. 111\ ,Jiiic to In\ ,I\ * rim*! o1'111c 101u"Iecis o1,111c silln S, \ cm1,111.1al* ,rid c\ '11/11c ncc"skill"I. 11hlci, . pulling C\ Cn One 111 a 2.1. d ni, ,d to sinr! inc Un\

during ithe day. "rid Inat proved

to bc litirlv $1mjile. inc ,11/1elCs



cumj, .led all Un\ In, Ihc uniti"is Iud. ,. I jil' ''"'":11, ,,, Tills 11N"n! inni 111, Toiliiiltei. were jibl, to 511.1itl a kill 1/1/'11^111 o111/11c I\"1,111", Ihc 1.11nii in 111e 11.1, Drill"\I 111e sprintiig nrc"" As a nilcc, rind a '01/1nlecr. 111;IVC lite be 51 o1' bulli UUTl, * As a itnccrl could Under, I'll, alld fully ;I'llreci"!c \\hat was nani, trill, g un inc pisleS I sri\\ 111, currenl\Vnild Clinmpion 11ninin, '11/1/11c All"111" Gold Medal1151. I sri\\ Kunen bi, nkllie Lump, ", I


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E\ en one rcin"111. d cliecrhil 111ro"gli, 111 lint Jn\. p"111.11\


P, ,*, & Flu*", I G, '11/1/1",' 11n, e, polo, /"Iu, IL-R! 10the T"1,101: C"lull, , Joh, ,, DJ, 311.1e F1w, ,,: A',*,,,, C""'. I", IC, ,1101cs tilld. 1,111"1100Je tillIle 'rid, lid Gn", e

... f \

dt, e to litersople \Inn bcc"inc 1:110\\11 as 111c

11np, \' 101uiiicc, s' Tlicsc PCuple \\ Jlked aruiind inc 11,115. '01/1d, rs. 510rci, rims and IOUn, CS "11 tin\ \\1111 briskls oilollie. rind slain"s to 11,111 111.1nlm:: tile it's111\'c atmospiier* 111e\ .11Li nit exception"110". e, ,11 o11 inc hugic, !. 111usi .11,551til Un\s Ibi allul'Lib hc!11ndihc Scull*S

The Best Hati, lily Ever - Syd"ey i, "if the G, ,mes

Null!e vim painle, lineirinccs and MOILAusli, 11.11 nags 'rlic\ all ElmrcJ lite spitii nild I did 100 I

EnkaCl, "tani

could undersinnd Milai niade Sydne\. Okiiipics As "Inpn"es. e\ch"rigc silldeni from Tsusliima "111e begl c\ci" Thanks to lily lingl fomily and Girls I-jigli Scliunl. I \\,"s lucky to go d. *\11 10 Iny lingt SISier's cousins. innd 111e Innsiinning11c S\ dne\, for Ihe Septenibcr 11.11da\s hecausc my 11mc in Svd"cy liea!I\ \\,"nl to sri\. "thank You' 11.51 DJreni* \\ CTe \\ orking '11/1e 01ymj, IC Gaine* to inc"I all

*Iran. I. hull! nil relicin. ;ind. e\ enlii"Ih. I saw' 111c '11/1etes rig norm"! i. e. pie 111nnl. "I'LL ";,\, toriii, 101"115,111,111ie** timid*11/11 '11/1cles '11/1/1dul* \\ cie. nil, r nil 11um"11 Tlie nihlc!**. 11n\\ a c:. did 11ni 11"\ e jilt grimcjii"bleiiim IC, ,rutu 115 Mnm \\ nil. cJ 51Niglii I'm I us Ihoii, 11 I\ * v. FCii'! 111.1c. nthcrs 51niled rind rindde. 111ell, . rind 5,111c inni; Ihe ,recliii=!* in jilt e\ironic. Tlic Cubaii* beg"it 10 r, gald Inc as a ,. rid incl chn!in. " ,run1 110,101ir. '11/10/1*11 Ih, ,Li1\' 111.1 ac. o111/1a"led this i'sk I\as. to 5.1\ 111* I"*I. n hillc $11,111ge E\'ei\ 111n, I*"\\ one Drill* Cub"113. I 51nilc, rind binccd lit\ \GIIT, Tillc Incvil;Ihle 'inn' tin inc lien, I Many' 'curiuml' c\"tiltnccs rim*e ,lullii, ithc I\\ n \\ eeLs o111"InIng rind unin"'11/10/1 Tnnl 15. ,1.0urse. 11'cullu"!'IncluJ*sinin, !I, e\"1,111!11,111ie \o1,1111eers ale nullii. 1111 1111,11nl. ,inn llin1\o11d. "'I. in Ihci aciunll\ s, e"k I-11/11, "11.11 o1 11nlinn. rind 11n. tnn', e

Tills 110,111\c '11/11u, Ie un*

found c\'cn \\lierc All '10/1n, I Drilling 11nrhniii. .\*nonc was millglisj, mis Tile aim, guiler, \\ "q clccinc. 11,111. ul"rl\ at rugiil it 11.11 111.1c \\ cr* lire\\ tills '15/11"\ s. i'sei .how * rind jinii:I

us \o1uiilceis Ithdn'ickj, .cito go to S\d"c\ at all. 50 vileiiI 11c", d I'D"I 11 I I\as sri *\ciic. I we I'll Biishn"cull 14 Sc, Ienilk:land alli\. d


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lite Games \\1111 o111cis Sonic 11.0ple ;. vim \\.!e slaving '11/1eliolelmilie ';' city' \\cic \'e!!ing "A. I'Sicl Aussiel *, Aussie1" 11.1n inc baicuii\, \\, hat's .: runic. a 101 or Ileumle \\110 neard Ihai ICplied. "011 011 011" We also wenl -;.:* 10 \vnlcliili, Gallics mine sindiiim I .:\' was really lucky 10 see Ihe lienis o1' ItI Room running. loom hurdlcs and hammer into\v There were a 101 or







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