Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 2000

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Caroli"e Hendry

Tile clock slitick si\. 11t 11uiidrecls o1/10uses Tile ballrooiii restinb!ed 5,111eiliiiin rroi" and ripart111enis aruiiiid Brisb;111c. girls \\ CTC all. tIler \\ o11d. All 111c siress ami \\inn' of PIaciiigllic fillisluiigioiiclics10/11cir o111fils. Tenji T\\0 11ns Ibi'::, 11.11 as c:1.11 Grilluinr I I{iglilieels werc put on. lipsiick applied and "in cii!cred inc diniiiict1 1001/1 Encli 1:1ble I Ilecklaccs r'siciiccl Htindrcds or doorbells 1,111ired allclnbomic cellircpiecc orcoloiirtiil I tierc rillgiiig. re\trilliig scriibbcd-lip bo\'s ronin ers illicri\\'inkl juju willow\' Irec beaniig boilqucis alld corsages for 111eii' boilglis. Mill a base of "cibcras. null nild glowing 11:1riiicrs greenery. T!IeInbiesitcrcinitiinciilaieh sei I\lull\Itiicliiienilluii"11.1cdb\ I\\o nickcniig Clinmpagie \\'as popped. Demiiiied spinzcd candles. 1111iclinddcd 10 Inc loin! annospliere and sinnes riaslied us 1/1/010 titler piioio was Drillc e\'eiung Inteli b\ proud parents. Liinos. laxis. biises and cars were carefulIT cnlcred and repairs Social isill" coniiniied once inside Ihe madeio Iris!1111/1uteiiiiisscdliairt"Id sinndgerl ballrooiii. Colliitless piioios Mere lakeii maltc-up. One last checl; millc car 11nrror e\erroiie lineni o11 capU!ring 111.1r SPCcial alld ii\% as 1,111e to ICn\'e 111,111 o11 min. .Anei a brief \\elcoiiie front

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it"' I, $111de!, is '11/1t"aid 11 g, ,n/ 111g/,, ,,/lend

For 111e Year 12 shideiiis of BGGS. 22 mile Head Girls. Ellie inId Eleiu. everyone was 2000 \Iris amglitio relneinber. After 1110/1/11s scaled and a\Tailiii" dinner. \\inicli \\as of dress SIIoppiiig. 11nir trials and paniier delicious. AllerdiitIleriliciiTiisic wasiuriied hunting. 111e 111ucli-anIicipaied fomial was up and Ihe girls nil 111e dance nonr in a finally upon iis. Tile Brisbane Conveiiiion perlorinaiice of tile 'Gramnar Dance' for Centre played nosii0 111e evening. willI pre- partners and teachers After this co formal drinks and appetisershamg served in ordinaled enterlainnlemithe dance noorwas the centre's foyer For oldookers it I\as a packed as rims and 91ys danced the winlii sight to reineniber as nundreds of beantiful at^ay After a brief slop to retile1 o11 11/11d girls entered tile binlding \\'jin 111eir parents cake and coffee. dancin" continued willI and partners in dresses e\, ery colour 111e requests and tatvourite son's keepinu 111e rainbow at""aim puni, ing Everyonelooked sriuuting and the Tooln \\as Tliroughoui 111e night professional alive willI cometa nastier. Iauglttiig and a photographers were available outside 111e genemlairofexciiemeiiiand e\peciaiioiifor MirooiiL withinostgroupstuidcoi!piesmldii" 111e c\. cning allead Once friends 11ad been nth an lage of the offer for lastin" meIn ones reuniicd. partners introduced and lickeis ,Alllio"gli tile dance nonr was 111e cenire or collected. it \\;15 nine to sal' goodbve 10 ticii\in: nuni\ people wereliap!,\ to cliai \\ith pareiiis '11/1eiiier!lie function ronin As earli mends antii\alcli thc aclioii willI 1.1eni\ of collple entered the bn!Iruoiii a \ ICleo cainei'a space 10 sit alld rcln\ or 1110 Dpi, rimiiii!\ 10 c"pinre, I rcnciions 10 jilt e\. c-calchiii, dancc all 11/21^I. incre \.. as '01/1elliing 101 decointlolls as a \ ei1 o1 spnr!:11/13 bubbles c\ cnoiic :it 111e GrilluinJ' Foulial non!CLI do\\" o11 111eiii. ForInnl Cointiiiiie* Rel, r'seninii\ es HDll\ Suiiili. Calldncc Sadl\. lit '10/11;th, IshLct\ICl\calldilreFoniial Millinnii"rid Slit!I\ E\CLIoiilind cr*rited Ihe titer. 10 a close. Tilluiks 10 111, nani nori; of perkci '11/10splieie101 tile hiding111 or o11r innii\ nunle :111d the c\relicii! brim\1,111 of ingli-5,1100! canci till11 \ 1.1'nili ticc. Injiniis. the gills and liteir p:Muleis o11 111e in alli. 111e In\'o1iriic 1/11/51c. c;111dleliglii initl a cliiipj, .I- 2110U FDitinl was n 11/12c sricc"s alld will be cliii!, lien! an e, .clij, lace reinenib*I'd IbnLil\ for\"rs 10 collie






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.4", elm I",, ke. Ills, eer ROAf, ,. a. Sod, re FeJT, s tilldRnc/, delBoker girlie Fom, n!

Togetherness at file fror 12 Boarders FDn, ,"/

Gl^ER GAZEnENOPmmER 2000 -Page 16

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