Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 2000

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Who Wants 1'0 be Millionaire???


Maria Barker

Years of a mis-spent youth in a bygone asking 111e questions is comethin" that coll'I educational era. remembering names of be described", MBOwimn said. "The stress capital cities, lists and dales orbattles, rivers orthe situation is unbelievable. but yotimust or South America and the presidents of the try to uet it working for you. rather inari USAfurullypaidorrforBGGS thills teacher. against you. Fortunately forme. nilel adjiie kick Bowman, \vilen lie appcored on 11710 anticipate many questions andluckil stutter lib, 113 to be a Ah\, o, 101re tilluly! As a bio out the rinlit answer on in o51 coatsion'!" prize I'lluier. Nit BOL\TIT"1111en rumlined for 111e Sule @1the Cell!1111, ,1111/10/10Jre Sneer at Many girls nave asked aboutliowine snows whicli\\as televised in OctOILr are recorded. and about the

burstry froniing Faculty or Biological in tile May issue of the Grin""Ior Gorelle. lily. selection as parlor tile RID and Chemical Sciences of the Uni\. ersiiy Tinto AustraliaiiBiolog}, Olympiadiemii oraleensland. Prolessor Peter Greslioff. was aimounced. Followin. , InaL ill July. I Head of tile School OILife Sciences and competed in the I Pintemationai Bioiog}, Ms Ami Methen Dim \, isiied our assembly Olympiad whirli was lield in Allialya on 011 12 October to present tile bursary Professor Greshorrspoke to tile asseniblv tile 0011/11cast coast or Tiirke\. Tile AUSlralianleaniinanaged10 suni\Gille 011 the Various pro^CisinIvliicljhis sw. GIIeiing 50'CIEiiipenitures anId antinor researcheis are invol\ed and minised tile snidenls 1111/1 his "asseinblies are like a earthquake 10 gain one gold. tito sil\err nljinskirt" analogy: I\\as formnate and one bronze medal. \, jin myself recciviiig a sil\trilled a!. Inlusladmijjliaj CiiOiigli10 11n\e pre\jously spelli a week 11 was 1101 allliard work. I round Innilljad \lurking mone o111islaboraiorics where I Caine :ICross projects 511cli as anIPIeliine10 eitiovlhelu\tines or o11r sui}enjodiilaiioii in leginies and aCcoiiuiiodation. a fi\'e 51nr Mediierraiienii resort iioici. conipieie ITiiii biniicliiiig ninjaii!s in peas. Professor Greslioffexieiids a 11.1coine to allio \ isii waterslides and a pri\ ale baacli

personalities involved. According 10Nh Bo\\TrialL Gleiui Ridge alld Eddie MCGiiire are both deliglitfiil people. willI a good SGIrse or 11umour. They, do every111iiig to niche inc contesianis reel relaxed(amioiigliUts often not Is acliieved!) Boili snows are recorded Melbourne's in Clianiie19 SIIidios. willI limitiple 51/01\s being IECorder1 o11Uie one dan

Tlie Sine special Tenjurcd Ihe lop 32 Trolli Contestalits Ih //, 011trJJ'e and spanned ele\'cii ingliis incliidiiig eight lieais. two selliiniials and a giniid final. FDllo\ling IN O strong performances by I*Ir Bo\\Innii in 111e lieni and seijiifina1. 111e encounier hen\cell Mr Bo\\Tiniiniid his friend. 11a11-111illioii dollar \winer. DrTre\orSairer orAsple} pro\Cd to be a darere"I kenle orrisli

ins Inborntories or 11n\'e a tour. Titose linereslccl siloiild coilsiili willI 111e rele\ant depariineiii prior 10 \is11/11g

As a result ofiity releciion in ille AUSiralian Biology'Ieain. ITecci\cd a











- a real runlbiier I\till Ihe \\'ily and kno\\'ledgeablc Doctor Mien asked 110\\ lie prel, arcd forqiiizslioI'S Inninalely colltiiig ouillie \vimier. "1'11 enjoy Nil' Bo\\inari said. "It's 1111porUn1 10 GII'o dn\'ingiliis red Alla when 1\10rk o111 NIIcrc learning. A broad colloolediicaiioiiis a "real 111c conirols are". Trc\or said Mr Boniniui's quizzing jus pro\GII lobe a interesicd ill hislory. Ian"nane jind current poiiii orgreat linerCSiainong the girls, with affairsis limporiani. wide reading. Un\ e! and Inari} newBGGS coin cris to the excilciiieiii a broad interest ill a \ anei^ of subject areas or tilese snows. "The adrcimhn nisli and tile fuels all inqiiiriiig In incl and continuin" throbbing lionibeaiwhoilGlenn Ridue skirts interest" ,,,^j_Deco Montizons I ^I^!_ A1 recoin. K"I, i, "ini"g with re I The Year 2001 inny see Kale Clarksoii. a for Rowin" If she Joins tileAnil . SIIe win I I melttber of tile School Executive (apronl be able to lake part in the rowing programl I I of Club Sport) swapping her Granmiar in the Defence Force. 11 is an exciting time I blues for Amiy for Kale as she tolliidatioii. ino1beconting 100 liarro\\ ill \ our in Ierests. keening all Direii 111iiid and hem" -------------


A1nivn racerI, es he, ' b, ,,'.,",,,/o111 Plotssor Pele, ' G, vs/, of nild Air. 1,111 AleiAe!/DAI,

2',,,!^^5'^s ''atrf^*I Clandia Waibellias been aiBrisbiine Girls Craniumar Scliool on shident eXchange from AUSttia. Claud:a studies at a sport g\, in11asium innie we SIeru pm of Austria. SIIe is presently the AUSinan minor Fencing CIMnipion and her goal is to participate at the nexi 01wnpic Grunts. 10 belleldinAtheusin2004 I~Ii ts

Clandialias assisted our BCGS fencing leani1,111ilielpful hints andiips about correct fencing iconinqtics

y 111 One Oilier Option that may Canberra. Kale \\. as , come to fruition. An I

Clandiais pichircdliere \'11/10urimii\e speaker fociurd Hamentil; alllte recordiii" SIMdio orRadi0 4EB 11'11erc 511e was ill\ited for alli"tenic\\

I First Eiglii Rowing :"\.;,; Massaclitisetis for a I f








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I Slum^Id ,in be will I'm'e sinn. iru, d I I 511ccesstiii. Kale \\ill decisions silould ithis I I be off to Callb. rni 10 nihil lier dreniii or Dpiioii becollie a\'nil:Ible to lier I I ionung 111e An11\. Since Yenr 8. Kale 11as I beeii limit. ing riboiii 11ns e\citing CPIioii .As 10 mine and torniiie - Kale glis. "111.1i toriier future. SIIe enjo\s tile busli as 511e Jimw" ,/, c 101, ,Iger snidei, I, '01/1,11 10 grC\\ lip innie colliiir}. and as SIIe say s. "I Ile, ' tint/ sth, 111.7i inn' 11 o1, /,/ like 10 be 111, enjoy CliallGiigeS alld b*ing Ciiullenged". I'd, ISI', cogi, I"o11 eJ, o11n/I . \muleiiiilieAnii}; Kite plansto complete I all Artsdegreeiiujortiigin Geograpliv and We 1,151i Kale allihe hasi as she: I I PE \\, illl a \, Ie\\, to possibly tencliiiig after DJ tm, ,$11. ofu, es " andp, ,"fly does 111 I I binving tile funny. I

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