Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 2000
L^73ng, ,4'418eis:.'Oti^!--!21- -Thinlyj Erggli, SII
Study This 30nr's Shid} Tollr to Frillcc and Germany coinprised 11nrn\tar 11 snideiiis and 1011rieaclIers Tlie groupsim\elled logetliei to Lolldoii \vilerc 111e} sepal aled for their respecti\'e deadiiaiions T\\eiii\- live snideiiis left for Frolice. live for Gennaiiy. Tlic Tours I\ere o1/11rceI\ CGks diiralion froin 14 Sepiciiiber- 7 0ctober wilh sindeiils arri\Ing back to SclioolJ1151 in nineio ei!joy BCGS Expo 2000 A carefully planned jinierai\ ensiirecl tnni un\'cl arrangenieiiis roll SHIDOilil\' despi!e veryiigliiiiine lilies in Lolldoii for coinieciiiig nighis. Tlie Geriiiaii snideiiis dep;med direcil\ to DiisscldorT\\herc Ina were inclb\. tileirlioine situ' Riniilies tilld students froiil Maria-Wticliilcr Scliule The Freiicli snideiiis left for Palis Milere ille\ spentllrree days exploiiiigihe city before departing for Angou16nie 10 111eci illeir 1105i fanTilies and shideiiis froniL\cCe Sipaiil Dutiiig incir sinn line snidenis an Gilded lessons at tile SISier Scliooi alld parlicipaied in 11cli\Ines at scliool find willI Iheir fannlies Also 111e\ nanicip:lied illa 1111nilier ore\ciirsioiis In inc Regioii Milerc line scliools nre Inc:lied SindC"15 hillid jilt C\11.11CiiCc u Qini\\ hilt rind icjioitc, .1111"t 111*\ 11,111c"!11c. I ,11, rill, 11.1\ 101'111 111* *._!1.11CiiC* Li\ ling 111 " :;1111/1\ 111 " ,!incl*111 ,tm":* i, ! 1111t. ^\ c, !.* I. 1101 "I\, n\ * ;111 c. ;s\ ,\PCIici:c* .111.1 tills F " iru c 111C 511, ,kills 3,111 111.5j jin!!I 111*, L Toll, S Tlic\ 1.1, ,11cLlili": 1/1/'51i, ! ;11\I:I\ s "hill" ,lid "ciij, \ riblc" bill 111.1 relrosji. cii\ c1\ 11 11 as \ ei\ bciienci"I rind 111c\ lull'lied a 101,011i cLi!Ilin 11\ alld lingtiisiicnll\'. Soilic silldciiis salt1 111c\
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Germapy wouldn'11n\e 1111ssed 11 for Ihe \\orld and eiicoiiragc girls 10 consider going o11 111e Year 11 Shid} Tollrs ill filmrc At 111e sting nine 111q, warned Uiaiihe experience \I'as at 11nies sires still and delnaiidin" Drilleiii and tileir advice to girls in 111e filmreis to 'exilec1 111e uneVCIed'. itTn^ 51udents liare coinmenicd o11 now' tile experience opened 111eir lull^ds and Inade then11nore appreciaii\ e The Inain ainioflniigusiges prograiiis is to lentil to collmiiiiticate in a jailsiage oilier innii Eiiglisli and the sindy 1011rs enable firstliaiid experience ora ciilliimlconlexiin unicli 111e langiage 15 rised As SIIc11 111q-' sigiiificaiiil\ eiiliniice snideiiis' lingiisiic and cumiralde\elopmeiii Girls cle\eloped all rippreciaiioii of a different world view and \Iere able to accepiihis lion illdgine"Iaily toI 1110slof tile 11nie Equally Importaiiily aleinierpersoiialbeiiefits. The e\penence oman clliiigiiia large group required cooperation skills. Snidems 11n\, e coinincnied inni a sigiulicaiiil, eiiem o11he 1011rI\"s getting to kilo\\ and appleciale tile oilier girls
An integral part of the languages program in BGGS is the liaison with our Sister Schools. Over the years the School has built very strong connections with these schools in China, France. GemTany and Japan. Student exchanges and short and long term student visits are strongly supported We ridy Parkinson, Head of Sister Schools, reports
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.Sri eel. 11'1 in .~IIJgoi!", Ile 7/1, hill/off, I" 1001:s 111', M is 3-chineii, fond/. 11'hell 111 fief " Is n p"111niig o11 ,, ffrli I^ at/
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Allianee Fran9aise eompetitions Eacli}ear tile Alliance F1anqaise de Brisbane incorpomied conducts a runge of acti\ines alld conipeiiiions for FTCnc!I 51udcnis The Concours de Podsie Annual Poetrv Conipelilionis ah\ms popular \\, 111
snideiils :111d 111an\' girls across all year lads cinered Ihis Tear Tlie competition WasliCld o11.8 0ciober alld once analiiour girlsj, errorinett \err well Can;I Sincrc!o11. \xisiiiiii}mines nild C;1111iii SiCpiiCiiSOii \\'CrC 511cCCssfii1 111 ginning hist jinzc millcir ECCiio"s. I\in IC Stillin!tilia Kilb\ null a second piize Tintd prize placegeiiers were LiiiliTnion" and Belliida MCRne mineii' itsPCcii\ e sectioi:s Girls 1,110 ITeie slicecssfiil in gulluiig a MeinioiiBieiimilicirage groups \\ere Frailcesca Biniiclii. Collriiic\ Lockc. C;nulliie Merollze. EUmlierliPamiz Elmi"e Willis. 1.11iinaLnii\on. AllHe\\\ Numbel Jointsoii. Numbe!Ie Vati"liari and BeliedICic Can cinei
Diinng Seinesicr 011e. 293 snideiiis '10/11 around Qiieciislniitl and Norilierii New Soulli Wales ciiicrccl Ihe Concours L" France Ton^1115 Zooti collipeiiiioii. wincliis for\tai 11,110 12 shid. 1115 on I\ Clamiiini shidciiis Liii",;I\ A1cGi;1111 anti Dolliiiiiqiic Muso Mac 511cccsshi1 111 re:leiiin, !111c finals and vimiing innjor prizes Li"ds;I\ 1,011 a Prix d'E\celleiice to \cn Ingli iiiei'in and DC1mniqiic was nunided a Meijiioii TrCS Dieii. I\11iclii\illbe a\\ardediiia special cerciiioii\' 111 Deccniber Collgmmlnlioiis 10 boili girls Toriiieir ticliie\'elmeiii Many snideiiis ciilercd 111c Bonjour Paris 2001i conip*11/10/1. This compeliiion is roi snideiiis in inc junior scjjooj and jinol\'ed a rulee or acii\111es o111/1e 111eine orP"lis and tile 111eiio vinclicelebmied its Cente"an'illis \ear Resiilis o111tis compelilion \\ere 1111a\, aimble nitlie nine of pniiiiiig
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nayoi' PI',. e 11'11,11,13 in 1/1e ,/I^^^ice I'm11 Congmmlaiionsio anthese gills o111/1eir splendid perlbmiaiices Guitar4R GAZETTENO, I^ER 2000 - Fade 14
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