Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 2000
sziJij^^pointjrzgi;foe"'COMi:?2341ti^' The Big Projee't gets bigger
Benedicte Grinchet & Tess Palmei
. ....~.~.~.,,,~~
in SeineslcrT\\0. Big Ployecisenicelias jin'Dived Ineiiibcrs frontalI seciors o1/11e
Will1111e presenlaiioii of o11r fourili
clieque. another \ci\, special girl \\as BCGS coiniiiuiiih. Tilelielp Divear 10 anId 11niided o\a'10/11e Hospiial Etcrniniiiar 11 girls \\as grcail\ anprecinied alllie girl and in1.11icd anist Ainue Woolr\ cli Racecoiii'se Rond FCsii\ al: hinds coliccied PIOdi!ced a beaniiful silkj, niliiing ITliich '11/1elbsinnl\\'cii!10 Inc RCH 511c genci'uush' prese"ted 10 Leigli Clean'e Tile nailiiiii:: 110\\ lakes pride or place in 1111/1clirsi\\tel; orTenii Tlircc. I\ICiii\ -n\ c 111e Ile\\I\'-btiiliiiiniiirccepiioiiofilie RCH
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Year 12 girls \'isiicdilic HDspiinl one alla'11,011. Tile \, is11 gin'e illc !!ITls all Dpi}orttiitilv 10 nicei soilie Drillc cliildren and gain alliiisigliiiiii0 \111cic o111 hindraising erroris laid. Sinceilicn. I\10 Year U \'ISIts 11n\ e hall collduc!ed. alld 111eICar groiip is eiiibrnciiig tile cliall. jigc
TinouglioL!lime\ear. 11m!I\ Gi;ui"liar girls 11n\e collducicd I\eekl\ \'isits as 111embers orRndio Miniro\\ rule Hospiial's \o1unieer progmiiii. Tlic coiniitiinieiiioiiliesc girls silould be coiniiieiided. aminospiial sitttr
Coilsisleiill\' coiniiieni o11 tile sellsiihih ing Big Project offers. Me'11/1g Ihe children and coinpnssioiiolilic EGGS gills who denititel^ nial;esilie \ear-1011" Inndraisiii" \islion aweekl\ basis erroris stein \\'DinT\\!lile find 111e eiiiirc concept o11he Big Project i"11gible. and Me We liar'e found 111e sen'ice aspeci to be nave subseqiienily eiideavoured 10 gi\ e one orgreaiiiiijion;Inc. 10 111c Big Pro^Ci many stridenls 11ns OPPorltiitil}. A Noi o1/11' lime we directly 11.1ped line Chiisliiins \. isit is being orgaitised for Yeni' childreiialilieHospiial. bulllie Granunar 12 snideiiis. asilie finalIsen'ice acii\11\ I\e coinniiiii^'11ns combined siren, ,ills 10 will conduct as a year groiip before produce a \. err 1111ique on ICOme handing or er 111e Big Pro^Ci to 111e seniors or 2001
R'SS Prim, "I' nild Belied, cle Gohdiei twill 1/1e slit pn, ,, rillti '10/1ul, ,/ bi' pns! silldeJii. ,11/1/1e liboh. 'cli. 11h!c!, 1,011. I'Sides 111 Inc 111,111 IVC, PIJoi, o1/11e Rovn/ C/111d, un* HDsp, to/ Service at The Lady Gowrie Child Care Centre
PreNral!on 10rihe School E\"u was cumni*nccd call\ in Tcriii 3. \\1111 nil crier!I\c ant, *. 110.1 ITee PIaiiling \\orking-bce '11/1e GEC0 511cd. The
Erophyli" Castrissios
Tlic Grammar E"WITonmeninl Coilservaiiuii Schuol E\11n GECO literc!mildisc \\ "s 1.10muicd Orennis"lion. GECO. I'llnclied a successlill \car in a 11reScnlali, 11 at a 5.11nnl Asseinb1\ 11rior 10 will1111c ring. Ingiiiteresi"rich toriirihuiions urn tel Ihc c\ cii1. \\1111 inc aid or VCIl-kiln\\ n '11/1, ren's fuelirv dcd, caled me inh*13 GECO proiiiuicd 115 itnc, Jiid a SPCc. 11 lintiii"!ing A1bnur On\ nild cainpJi, 11 10r 2000 \\1111 nil 1115:gillLiil *kii o11 inc 11nj, ,rinnc. ,1'11*,* un lite .11\Ironineiii Ass, 11,111\ lienion*Imjing currccl ,lispns"I o1 riibbi*11 in jilt "Heiji" hill Tills \\n\ Ihllo\\ *d 111 011 SLlin. I Dan. CFCO ,old a \ ringi\ o1', innis a ,11cccli nind. L\ 111e I, r'sid*111 "I GEC0 101 "n. 1st, Jling* 1,111,111i. 111Queciisl"rid ATb. in D"\ 2U00. Flopliyli" Cn*irissius. vim o, 111iiicJ Ih, 11n 100.10ber. us \Lei! us gre. n libbons to ,ling UIOCCO itiihiii inc 5.11u01 '01/1m""11\' and *nc. urns* Ih" Ihcme or ","TIT, "ni, "1.1 ITici, '11/1ess" A 11r. 111 o1 5.50 uns 1.1*ed linenv o11 n \Lit!*r ginb"I FC"it Pinc"eds will he to IN, r, Ie, 110 111e \V, r!, I wildlik Titc .r. "111*"11.11 1/10/'01c, I "Clenii Up An*11.11. Flintl I\\'\\'F1 '11/11re 111,115 mr GFC0 .,"*151 nl Day ". willI nilinci!VC 11.51, IF di*;.!;". CLI rimu", F1"niliig 111,111. rinl earleiis nil hulli 111e sellool Ihe SLli. .I On I9 All, 11,000 GECO ureaiii<*d a tnnt, uh all, in all, r, \ c, 11nhlic Ticiniiies BTille unifoii"^lee dress day' 111 \\ tiltli lint 5.11, ,I ", d\ *lid ,I 11/15 \ *"I GECO lion's to plaitl Ihc \\."s clieo"raged to wc"I a gi, eii 11,111 1:1 n\\, rents, ,\NZAC Memorial Gin. lull at lite Schon!'* urineen, 11nnm. 111 GECO raised ripj, 10\11n"1.1\ nani, ulc GEC0 20,011n, 11nd gre"IWCc. *s. ,Iuc SIGOO. \\hicli\v"sineseiiied to a ICprcseni"live 10 111e '11/11usi, $11c coiniiiiiniciii o1/15 5111deiii 1,011i Planei Ark. '11/1/1p Eijiigli!. :11 a Scliool niembers. ant! 51.1T. Mrs wondfoid and Mr A'seiiibl\.. antr a 11,1111icarlcd quiz *1101\. "Tlic Wilt"tIcy Billis Ri"111
Priie Craiist0"11 & AnnabelleM"ithews
*- tnn*:.\;-:-:;,.
111"'11/11'ns n GJ\!11/11nr o11'1 I, /:e 1.01,
Lncli Yc. IT 10 c!rigs 1111. uglin!11 111c \ unr lakes cliildreii alld n*5131 Ihciii Milli deln""ding Inhs pan In lire nilsb, lie Girls Onin^"Iar Schun! Culliii, "nib' Scr\ICC Pro, 1,111 Eacli, 111 is \\'e 51ari, d on \\ Drkiii, Milli c1111.1reii 1111 to 11ro\Idc, I '11/1 illc o1,110,111iiil\ to '55/5i in a Ihree \eJis. gladu"11\ 1110 vin. Ihroii, 11 to '11/1d. arL. ciilr*. 1,111,111ciilli"me. lull"rig kind*rearicii :in till nail\' 10/1/'11re*cli. o1 humeriic, mm"nil} "Id allnp. '11/1"g'r"rill Where wellnd 111.1i\ u1, .11 ,r"i's! I. \\ e I 15iied 'Ih* L"d\ Gut\ Tic CliilLI C"re etilencncc* Cell!re. 11" \\, CLI\ hasi\ After vigiliiig ing L. Id\ Cowlic Child Cnre Tile "\11"Ticnc. s we slimed willI '11/1dreii Trolli Cellire Ibr " Ie, 111. \\c 11nve smiled to h, hies to firc-\ cor olds 11n\ e SI\ cii us " IPPicci"IC inc '10/1nuus ciToii, "U glimpsc nl wit, 1111c 15 11k. un " child care r'sp, ribihility. 111v, IVC, I in looki", ,ner an In hill Tileiii, 11\ \'alu"hle c\perleiic, s \\ c 11nd cenlie '11/1c cciii, e sirengiheiic, I. Impr. \ cd nild fin\'e 11* niJny n. \\ skills
I \
A1 jilt .cnirc ite 11"ipc, I. ui IN. cuminl. !in, sinn11 1:15k*. \\ hitii Ien Ie"clieis willI innrc lime to crimplel, nioreiinpor1"1,110bs all, ! inletacl willt their pupils We also 11nd tile OPPor!unity to socialIse and play willI Ihc
Servicc at T!1.1. ridy Cowrie Cliil, I Care cellirc was a valuable Experience \*. rihy to rentember
Geeo Ing", he's e, ayby ,", sing E, ,v, run, ,, e, ,in! thud, a, ,ear
GinA^R GAZETTENO, ElmER 2000 -Page13
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