Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 2000












Windy End to


^ 2000 Rowing Season

On, 'leiie Hamilton

PhDebeLv, leii


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Tlic 3011/1 Gininiimi' P. ,\\1112 Etasoii ciidcLlin " d;I\ *rim. .jig::lipoint111,111. ;!!itI c\11,111c mild coinlilioiis

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Tliciaciiig scasoiift, I inc 10n-otid EGGS ro\\crs 1<1.1:cclotf o112' ill1\ '11/1 111, coinbiiie, I BOGS/Stuni'11/01/11c Rc. alla. Grainiiiar's 1101ciirini f. I' Ihc seasoii \\as c\Idciii o11 ille ,Ia\. Milli a first place EDI inc DPCii Tltircl Foul'. allLl a s, rill!;ling or o:11ci'lilaciiig s Ihrou:!1101/1 tilt di\151,115 As inc Heatl or Inc Ri\tr tipj, 10nclie, I. 111c t!iris coiniiiiicd 10 siri\'c Ibr e. ;cclleiice initl illc pillciiigs. Inst kepi colliiiig 111roiiglioiiiilic leiitl-!ip TCUting I-inU11:1\ jiltoiigli 111e seasoii. an e\Ci!1113 11.11 addiiiOii. 10/11etioiii' all*"<1\ 5:10:1g 1,111i: tile linglih Tliiid Eiglii. Tills wasting firsi 11:11c Giniiuiini'11:1d eiiieic, 1111rcc Figliisiii illc coinj, eiiiioii. antislio\\cd tile incredible I Snellg!11 null Sill, poll o1,111' stilloi' rollcrs Pariiciil;Ir 11Nii!in 11/1/1151 ., 010 Nailc Ball"111inc Nilo longlii long :in, 11nir, I 10 gel 1111s CT^\ 103,111cr, Altollicr special 111,111ioiiiiiiislit150 co 10 one of Groiniiinr Rowing's glenicsi asscis. Kale Clarksoii. 11/10. as o11r Open Sin"IC Sciillcr. balllcd it aui ill a 111g!I-cl, ss ticld 10 1:1ke consisteiii firsi tilltl secoiiclj, Inc. s Ihioti"!jout lire Tli. biggesidn}' o1/11cICnrlbr Grailuii:it R0\1111:! \\, Eijioiiiiiiiciiial for solne asiisigiulie(1111c CLIliiuii"1101i ornini, . 1110/11hs orli:lad I\or'I. and effort. Mall\ ,, iris I\ere <115njipoiiiieci o111/1e day' 10 jailn 11mi111e Mind} condiiioiis \leic 100 clangeroiis 10 cuntjieic 111. MOSi In o, 111"g I nices Mere it111. lion c\'er as I\\el\ c 1100/1 lippr0;1.11ed. colldiiioiis becallic so bat1 111,111ncing I I\as 511spciidcd until fulllier notice. 1111/1e end. ille o111\' oilier t;iceslie1,1011/11e da\ Mere 111e Open Firsifoirr. alitlUie OpeiiFirsi;uid SecondEiglii Ears I\Till inc Open FirsiFoiu PCIloriiuiig exiteiiiel} \lei1.111e Third Eiglii pilliiiig ill a jin"till error'I. 111e Second Einin 11c\."' o1\ill" in despite a lack or siCering. and the Firsi Eight gi\ing 11 c\cn'11th^g 111q' 11ad. alld tileii some As the 2000 Rotting coilsoii drc\\ to a close. 111e Ro\\Ing coininuiii!^ was saddciied to near InatICniiy EdiiTiiiids. BGGS Rowiiig's Head Coaclisiiice 1998. \Lollld not be contiiiuin"in 11ns role leiii^ 11as been alienoriiious1155el to inc ROLLiiig pro"rain aiid will be grain jinssed. ' I Tile Sclioolgirl's Ro\Ling Regalta season for 2000 \I'S 11nrrked by coininuing deciicatioii. I deternunaiion andilie PMrsuliofexcellciiceiiioiie orcraiiuiinr'sinosi popularsporis. se;1501i 11/01e


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I Granunar netball 11as a lasting effect I on all those \\110 conic in contact I \\. 1111 11 Just ask illc Inam' liareiiis I that ciisurc that 111.1r daughters arc at I training I\\ice a \\cell and e\. er\. I Saturna\ 1110riiiiig duriit" inc Winter I F1\tu"c Season lis attraction Is snell that some cannot escape the alluie I that is. NETBALL at Graininar. I Tliis was so for 1011r pastsitidciiis/ I lielballers front 1999 tillo found I incliisel\ CS back ill 111e couris ill Rowl I Bltic. tits lime with COACH eiiiblazoned I across 111eir backs Rebecca Cliapinaii. I Jane Meinics and Kale Prosser conclied the SA. 8B and BC leanis respecti\ el\ alld SamliEshTickilic 9C's Tilese rollr very mienelballcrs loon soilie Drollr rolliigcr gills 1111der 111cir Millgs and introdiicecillieiiito Giniiiiiinriieibnll alld silo\\ed tiiciii Nilai ii is illl riboui - I friendslups. fulland kilt compeliiiOii. h I \\as a ne\\ and cliallciiging expel'leiice101 I tilese girls 10 1111roducc o11r \Duringr I players to inc long tmditioii Inai rocs Not oiil} did incsc \o, 111gladies Inninge 10 do alllliis bill line} nlso e\pencilccd great sricccss along inc way I\1111 111eir exLibcraiii^Dung cliargcs coinplciiiig a I ingl, Iy, unrestMISeas, ,1.1QGSSSA I Neiball. Season 2000 proff'ered a 11ti\ed I bag orresiilis for Granuiiar andilie final I Irefore eacli clie or 111eiii. c\ eii before I 111.1' stop onto inc conri.

resiilis for 111e \ cal' \\ cie qiiiic pleasin " willline innjonh of o11rleai"s finisliijiu 111 111e lop ; orilieir its PCcii\ e age


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As " finale 10 S"5011 2000 tile Open Sqii:Id qiinlthcd forthe Stale Filial of Ihc Mini wicki \Vilson Clip by collipleliiigilieirj, reliiiiiiian regioiial maiCliCS 1111deltaied. Mier a denialIdiiig Neckciitl of lion's lop lieiballilie girls eiiiei!!cd 111 1111rd POSiiiou. all elfori trial 1/11/51 be coimiiciidcd. Finisliiii, 11/11/11d place 111 it compeliiioii. Nilicli 111coij, on letl or ci' 240 ionins 11/10/1.1101/1/11c Sinic. is 50/11cihiii, 111;11 111cs: gins 511,111tl be \ ci\ proud Dr. To allpla}ers. conclics. 11n!pires and p. arenisiii\ o1\ediii QGSSSA Netball into11ghoiii Sonsoii 2000 thank You Once analn.




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IL-Ri. Roll', 11g cnjJ!"111$. frillJr, ,I- JincG, ,11.1 & PI, orbe Lt", c/, I"1/1 Krille Bullt, ,,, I", e tilld Anre C'/nil$011




The three women foilists in the Australian Commonwealth Youth Games Team held in Scotland

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(L-R): Girls Grammar's Lindsay MCGrath. Nathasha Howard and Jess SUIlivan, both from Victoria


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The Australian team finished fifth overall and Lindsay came a commendable ninth





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