Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 1999
Then and- . Now
A MMsez, in at Girls Grcimmerr
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The first Year 8 student to walk into the School on 31 January, 2000 will be the 17,669th student to be educated at The Girls Grammar School, Brisbane.
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assembled and changed with relative ease. Two mannequins win also be used to display aspects of the uniform over tune.
The Archivist would like to thank the Brisbane Girls Grammar School
Mrs Jan Ritey, Archivist
Parents and Friends' Association for their generous donation which has enabled the on thinng of the museum spacein the on ginalSchoolBuilding. The Schoolis now weU equipped to display exhibits of badges, medals, This donation of the P & F is their dirt memorabitia and photographs which document life at Girls Grammar over towards the 125th haulversary the past twelve decades and the celebrations of the School There are now seven museum standard cabinets, a flexible hanging the community. it is a wonderful system and perspex mounts to enable resource for which we are very displays of text and photographs to be grateful contributions and achievements that girls have made both at School andin
filerelms been a worldedi, ! respo, use to tile If you nave "lateriaiyo, , wislito donate to article in tile May is$1, e of Ihe Grant, ,mr the Archive please do mothe"Tale to contact Gazette in Ivhich I@skidfor don'tto, is to "Ie a! School on 3332/358, email the Girls Grammar School Arc/live. Many inIey@bggs. qM. edita" or wrtte to Mrs Jan of these donations are on d, ^play in tile ,, e", Rilq^. Archivist. Brisbane Girls Groin"mr MMse"in ill the Maili Biti!thing near School. Gregory it FF@ce. Brisbane. 4000 Reception The Archive has received items such as Below is a list of those who have ge, Ierously Preferis' badges, aLmey Medal, aBeanland donated or loaned i!emu to the Arcl, tve Medal, a brooch and lipstick case presented dance programs, certificates and prizes. AslEN. Mrs Clam (neeEUiott) magazines. newspaper clippings and BARDSLEY. I!frs Jan(neeRalph) photographs. I am indebted to the donors BAYLIS. I*figsAilsa as we now have some interesting exhibits BRIGHTMAN, Mrs Dorothea (nee Shamn) which win become the basis for displays for CERNELL, Mrs Beryl(neeJack) our 125" haulversary celebrations next year. CoLwit, L, Ms Robyn I would like to ensure that eac!I decade of DAWSON, MTS loan (nee Taley) DEARl, OVE. Ms a. ee) the School's history is weU represented DRONEY Mrs Sue (nee Taylor) We are particularly in need of badges which GooMA, Nits Elanie (neeClarke) we can attribute to a particular time period. HORN, NITSlmda (meeChadwick) There is little known of the history of the revD;G, Mrs Susan(neeHan) development of the design of the school JACKSON, Miss Shaley MARSH^L. MTS Elva (nee Colvin) badge and when it was first introduced MASON. Mrs Shaley Photographs of the Principals: Miss NorGATE, lvfrsValma (BooneU) Macxhilay, Miss Beadand, Miss Fells, Miss MOODY MrsAlison (neeGray) to debutsntes at the Old Girls' Association 1944ALU^ICO^TIER J Annual Ball. exaintnation papers, school ERVreR, I, frsAlison (neeBerry) These women have probably featured in incHOLSON, MSDulcie(cored photogmphs with student groups. We have OSWn. I. Mrs Noda (nee Kreigher) a number of early photographs of sriff and OXEN, Nina (nee Colvin) students which are undated and which PETERROBEYPHOTOGRAPHY therefore makes identification of thosein the PopPER. MssEva photograph impossible. If you have any RLEY. Mrs Desley (meeAshton) early photographs, which you can reliably ScumARTEN, MrsLyle (neeWhite) date because you have a relative in the SHORT, hitsMargnet(neeMoins) photograph. I would be very interested to TAYLOR. Mrs Margaret bee Broke) see them. Please pass this request on to THOMSETT, MrsBetty(rigeBaylis) others who you know of who linght have TmPER. MsEva(neeMCKiimon) hadrelatives who attended Girls Gramrriarin UNDERWooD, Mrs leimy bee OSim) the years preceding 1900 or in the first 20 un, LIAMS. Ms Mson (nee Leslie) YORKSTON, Ms Sue (neeAland, MSDn) years of the 20' cantory Want on easy way to keep tm towch with your former class mates ? The School has an Email Register of Past Students on the Internet Go to our homepage WWW. bggs. qld. edu. au - click on Keeping in Touch, enter the Old Girls' Association page and register your details on the Old Girls' Email Register. Scroll down the page and see if any of your classmates have alreadylisted theirdetails Wuhanns, and Miss Walker are also a very MarT, Mrs MSDn important omission from our collection. MYERS, Miss loan
HeIen Wreford (George) 1943-1996
Jin Harrison (Der Greenhalgh) & June Fox (mee Forster) o" bell"Joy'the Senior Class @11960
house in Hawihom which He Ien extensively restored overthe years.
He Ien Wreford was born in Bombay. India. the much loved child of Ian and Barbara. Her childhood was spentin India and at St Lucia with her parents and sister Elizabeth
HeIen was a devoted wife and mother and at one stage was a Counsellor for the Nursing Mothers' Association Further transfers took the family to Brisbane and Bandung, Indonesia
At Brlsbane Girls Grammar (1957-60)
she was a brilliant studentwho demonstrated high achievement in all He Ien returned to tertiary study in academic areas especially science and Melbourne. majoring in Maths and Information Technology. She assisted language. In her senior years HeIen herbcultyin developing software was taught Maths. Chemistry and systems. Employment followed in the Physics by teachers such as Miss Popple, Miss Burnetl and Mrs Ryland. software development field including Miss Elliot encouraged a greatlove of teaching English Literature and He Ien reread Life was farfrom smooth sailing as the Jane Austin's novels when she was family experienced workenforced battling her final illness. Fellow separations, a serious accident students remember He Ien's success also in French speaking competitions. involving one son. and some major After the Grammaryears. HeIen studied health problems. In 1996 He Ien was diagnosed with cancer and during her at the University of Queensland to intense illness she kept in cheerful obtain her Physics Honours touch with fellow students from the In the sixties it was often necessary for Grammar years graduates to travel interstate to obtain HeIen was a woman of intelligence and approphate employment and HeIen commenced work as a physicist with great strength of purpose. She loved the Weapons Research Establishment music, art and literature and was a loving friend to many. Heriife and the in South Australia. in 1967 HeIen mained engineer Simon Wreford. On courage and fortitude she showed transfer to Melbourne. they lived in East towards the end of it are an inspiration Maivern. Theirsons Michaeland Peter to all her fellowstudents from the were born in 1971 and I 973. He Ien and Grammar days Simon moved to an old Edwardian
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