Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 1999
Strive, - ton'-"S. -11:C:CeSs
Dreams Can Come True
FPS - Three teams to Melbourne ! ^
After beintr awarded the Australian Defence Force Academy Scholarship on Assembly, my memories of sinnointhe gym, in Year 8 watchin'g the same scholarship being awarded to aYear 12 student flooded back. As I began to research Treatised how suited Iwas to attending the Australian Defence Force Academy or ADFA as it is affectionateIy
attending ADFAin 2000 became quite daunting. The biggest problem arose from my vision, which did not allow me to become a Sanman Officer. instead of tins I apphed to become a Supply OthceT. a sinaU diversion from my initial course but it kept my options open. The reality of my dreams More intensive research funowed. By the begimiiig of Year 12, the thought of
The 1999 FutureProblemSolving GPS) year would have to be undeniably Girls Grainmar's most successful 12 months in the field of FPS competition. Bunchno on their winning success in the AUStratian National Finals last year in October,
competition agalnst the other
Australian competitors at the Dealim University from 21-24 October. The scenario for all participants is Lifelong Learning. Team members are Year 8 <1 caned. ICOuld notbelieve that a place ERe hadbecomemoreand more difficult. asl ADFA existed. To me it fitted every tnng moved thou"h the rigorous selection that I wanted. it offered urnversity procedure. The initial stages of my 1998's sentor team consisting of Katie 9 (Kavita Paw, Genevieve Bumoiis, Mendra, Rebecca Farley, Emma Prior Saran Hancock, Shebara Mendis); education with an emphasis on sport and salection blend into a 10n" hue of fitness as weU as amitary environment. interviews and tests. I was told that and EUzabeth Webb won the elusive international titleinAnnArbor, Michigan, USA in June of this year Year 10 (GabrieUe Tang, Jane and above alespoused many of my own passing itxis was quite an achievement. but Humphreys, EUzabethFrancis, Clane feelings and befiefs. To me the Slum the biggest hurdle remained. To be 01son) scholarship that bad inspired me was no accepted I was required to appear before a longer an issue, nor was the fact that as panel of two Naval Officers and a Naval they say. Iwould be 'paid to learn'. This Psychologist for both goup activities and The girls' bearing an enOrrnous trophy Imust take this OPPorrunjty to and smiles an round, returned home congratulate the team members of the avenue seemed just right for me an individual interview. This took a day from the USA to a rapturous welcome other dedicated Girls Granimar ERS and was probably the most invaluable Now I had decided to attend ADFA, the at Brisbane Airport. Along with their experience I could have gadied teams for their strenuous efforts which question of which service to join became brief period of fame in newspaper placed their teams amongst the top paramount. Out of the Army, Navy, or Air Whether or notl accept my offer to articles, these remarkable girls have rankings in their divisions this year. I Force. which would nom and which become an officer in the Navy. the peoplel generated a great deal of interest in am convinced with continued effort, an service would be of most benefit for me? have met in the process. the experiencel AUStratia for FPS, as won as teams win have the right chemistry for This decision is not the easiest as each has have gamed 01rough that process. and my recognition world-wide forthe six-step success next year its strong points. My final decision kilowledge of the Defence Force. have process of solving daunting futonstic became the Navy as it offered a ERat deal nTade my endeavoirrs worthwhile. My The processes associated with FFS are of troveI. Being on an Anzac Class Frigate, biggest decision now is to choose the path ~~ erugmaS not restricted to solving problems in for example for six months, could mean you Iwant to take and follow it, howing that if visited any number of ports and would be I do not accept my present offer. the option The euphoria associated with their competitions but have been adapted to involved in a tightimit community for an is always there to joininlaterlife success must have inspired our current classrooms durino the past few years extended period of time. The Navy, I Whatever my decision. 11mo\v that Thane teams with their future scenarios, Year 11Economics, the Science decided. provided the challenge and done an that I can do to follow that once namely: Living U, Ider the Sen, coniculum and now a course of interest I desired umeachable goal Coring 14ter Error and Prison advanced thinkinoincorporated in Year Alternatives. A Year 8 team, a Year 9 8 Social Studies have benefited from team and a Year 10 team have performed at a level of skin litoh enough for them to reach the National Finals. Now with newly replenished skills in bradistoimng including - twenty problems, the underlying problem, twenty solutions, chieria and a plan of attack. the three teams are confident of achieving a binh standard in Melbourne the application of the six step process , ., . ... *" \ Many thanks must o0 to Mrs Stubbinoton, MrAltinson andl, its Wall for their long hours of cominttment towards this club. With the combination of deter muled and enthusiastic teams. Future Problem Solving at Girls Granunar has a bright future and we can only hope that we call emulate the success of 1998's semor learn Itf .~ 4',\ ," ,-* "~, . jilt! !,,**; ,-. .** -; " \ ."" , * \ I. .. . ^ ^a, . ~ , ~" An of the participants melookino fonvard to tinee days of tiniemnu # * *,' I LL. *, ** r \ * J ~*.: ~,~~ * -~ ~. \; J < :, **.*.-,.. ,** -} ABOVE: E red 111 lier $1000 sc1, @1ni'ship by U Pan! TV/"Tinker of the Allsira!toll Naty WallChdp, 'Sp * 3. - . . ,,,-*. {.. " I ~, $ * . \ , RIGHT. BGGSladr 8 FPS T pmc!ice 101' 1/1e Nano, ,"! Filial \I % I * , I *.,;, ~J GRAMMAR GAZETTE OCTOBER1999 - Page 18
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