Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 1999
plan for 2010, ,,*,,,*, enthusiasticaUy embracing the charrenge of this proposal with her staff A StudendStaff Support Centre providing
in developing our vision, we considered the We also ackiiowledge that the School is an present and filtere needs of our students and Brinerprise Web with coriumu, itty tints for staff. We are cornimtted to ensuring that our cumiculum eruiclunent and the special facilities continue to provide a safe, secure requirements tilts demands. The added and flexible learning environment renowned dimensions of Open ^arning Networks, as a centre for exceUence. We accept, international Data Bases, Sister Schools, however. that there must be areater relationships with Universities both local, flexibitity in the use of time and resousces
access to health care and counselimg services outside regular school boors
together with modem caterin, facihties for an members of the school coinmuntty is also on the drawing boaad. Its possible location is in a revamped Bam SIqd'Centre This laner development win naruraUy be in CO-OPemtion with the Parents and Friends and win lead to a relocation of the "shops" Above an the development of the gounds win in dude the opening up of the site to the vistas of Victoria Park with the development of Umey Way and the Great Court and the provision of interesting and varied venues for our active and involved school community What a wonderful way to CDtor the new MUGnium and CGIebmte 125 years of secondary education for young women in Queensland
interstate and overseas. TAEE, Business, Service and Sporting Bodies ensure that we are able to provide a stimulating curriculum which caters for the vast majority of young women within the School The outcome is a Master Plan that win dramaticaUy open up the site to create a dehghthi1 1001ntng environment for both
and in delivery modes. We value that the School is a major venue for socialising 11 is already open from around 7am until, at times, 9pm or later prompting us to include the development of specialst support facUities outside "normal" school boors, for
example, health one, counseling and
cared rig, to name but three
staff, students and the wider Girls Gram^ We value our BGGS learning Famework coinmuulty. it in dudes major changes to andin particular our team approachinYear Our ReSounce Centre andin particular 8 and 9 and the variation that this brings to The Bean!@"d Memorial Library. These are planned for implementation during the the size of goups under instruction at any fontcorninu Chistrnas Vacation time. We appreciate the increasing acceptsnce of the value of the Creative Arts 11 is planned to rebuild our Science facilities within the corticulum and the demands this to reflect the needs of our changing learning places upon reso. uses of an kinds environment. Dr Stephens is already
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