Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 1999

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Nom-;;tom 1:1:11!in'^lid, lis

Official Opening of the Exhibition of Artwork of Past Students Brisbane Girls Grainmar School Old Girls' Association S October 1999 by His Excellency the Governor of Queensland, Major General Peter Amison, AO F1tsid, 111 @1the Old Girls ' Asso, ',"lion - M, s Ina. cl, uuse. InIdemh, Ihe eat, cairo, iaiph, 1050p!* Qin, ,file F1, n. ,'s F1'illcip"I - Airs JIM, W, Hancock Pre, ide, ,I of tile Pnre"!s alld FFieJ, ds ' coin, "ens, ,rarei"fill Ina, bell4 Associ"1101i - Ms Caroly, I Maso, , of Girls Grn, ,in, fir 11 is e$3,111, 'of, 111,121b, e, allai Ihe reJollyces PIONidedfor $11, dellis are 711""k yo, , for yo"r I'dr, " IPe!come 10 of 111e am"@, k, of Part Shiden, s. to promioie Bath"r" rind to me ith, 3 evening. As pore, ,,$ alld, o e"cal, rage Ihe rule"I, Tuft, th Ihis School of"" Old Girlqfihe School. we are deity filed conii""er 10 "",,"re to be liere. a"d to reflect Drill"I hoiv qi, ick!y fune 1103 passed since o117 dai, ghie" Tmcy, And in Ihis regard may I also coin, "end Ihe co, "PIeted Ile, 3eco"dn, y schooling Ilere in Sc1, o01tr Art Deporn"enrjbr i's callabor", ion 1985 A1 Ihe o1, fset, I I'd", to ack"o1v!edge Ihe demo, ",, role3 most a, "ply your comint""e"I to ce", endry offhe Old Girls' furoci"Ito11. rilld 11, edevelop, ,, e, Iranded"canon @1the girl, -Ih, * to cong, "", late 111e Pre"'de, 11 Mrs Cl, fuji"e is peril"ps file bust ganyo, , cn" give to 11, ear Pi, rvi, . ""dher Corn, "mealorp, o1/10/11, glint special occasion in 111e life 4'1he School with Ihe fumei", IDL Together Ihe ongoing MPPort of the pare", s and $14fi'10,111i, School DJ'sling, ,inledgi, ",$ Lad^^, tilld Gelii!eme, I Anditi, obvi0, ,, 10/11eInat, flirts a viei, snared by 111e Old Girls' A, foci", toll. tvhicl, in celebr"fillsiis ten, elm, >: I'ds c1, o3e, line veil, tie

Museum an appropriate limes

Christmehrvis, President

Our E\hmmon or Pasi Sindents' Art Works \\. as On Saturday 4 Septeniber. 65 women fiathered assenibled in greai style by Doriald Pineo!I and sinn. file effort giveii has been appreciated. The in lite Recepiioiiand Museuni areas Dime Associaiion gives chants 10 11is Excellency Major Sellool to begin exchanging memories of their Geneml Peler Amison A. 0. . Governor o1 days at Ginirunar. These 111einories on that day spanned seven decades. Lunch was taken in the Queensland. and Qincia! Visiior to the School. for Dintig Room. Prim Bameli"aye animfonnative opening our Celebmiion in such inlinelusive presentation about aspects of the School's life nianner. neartworks runged across many styles and media. being presented by women or the as evidenced through the collection of archival School between the 1930s and 1990s. Our Inariks material about past shidenis' achievements and

to the exhibitors for sharing their talents as weit as their support by responding to the invitation to partiapate in our Centenary Celebrations.

their activities. Pain had been the School's part time Archivist for several years, prior to the appoiniment uns year of Jan Rilcyin ami-time role. We thanI:Puntor shinng her obvious

'These memories on that day spanned seven decades'

huller Gould (1993) contributed her fiat with the designs for the invitation and the catalogue cover - thank you leadfer

satisfaction named from archval activity. and this School's history

Mrs Beity Thonisett (1941) presented the

AClmowled"meritis given to our mine donors School with 2 Book Prizes awarded to members of lier faintly. Mrs Iudith Honeock accepted on Antiquarian Prin! Gallery. Coaldrake's Booksliop. Nutri Metrics. Paddock to Plate. CloveIy Estate the School's behalf. one book from 1883 and a and Orlondo

Janis!,, e, hale"ch Old G, ,! @1the Schoolloo!J brickfo, Id!). on file Tear, in B, f, bane Girl, Grani"Inr and tipprecin, es file I. "h, e of the iris, ,'11niOJi rind Coll, isel. For Ihere are 111",, v

second from 1909. These flits winjoin o1her treasures in the Archives. to be displayed in the

Tile Old Girl, ' Assort"lion 11ns I"all\ 111,1110Jnble ,, chiei. eJ", 1115 10 fir credr! d!, ring

Membersl"p re*s will increase in 2000 from 3200 10 $300 for Life. and $10 to $15 for Yearlv. Th* .Annual General Aleetingis scheduled for 28 Februar* 2000. All positions fall vacant. To express an Inter CSi in involvement in the Old Girls' Association please coniact the President. Cltrisiine Punis on 33715962 or fax 33715522. Gruntudeis expressed to Iudilh Hancock and the many staff for their spontaneity with support

ii3 100 Yenr his for\.. ,tlore ill1",, 111"11\ 11:01, gh. lis MieJ, Ib, I'S rind 111e Frills, Of ticiii, flies 111ev proi, lore. 11"I. e clearly armb!, Vied, Die

1,111 allv"i's set pen, ,, n!A' $11cceed All in all, ill, \. are illsredie, 113 tunicli fille die"1,113, liarnre e, 1,011Jug, of in 11/15 School Ih, '11/3/1iiof illdi!',. 11, "/ goal, . by' "Ide, e, IdeJic, . ",, of ,I'll', 113 10


'The pursuit of excellence, and the heiref that young women can succeed in any career which they choose, undeipin the educatibna/ philosophy of Girls Grammar'

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,, I'dels/o, 111e girls nilhi$ Sc!, o01. across, !Ie 5,11001s 11ke mis one' aptiri $peeln, ," of "c, ,de, "ie, ants, it und sporting ende", o11rs

Sol, ,e, 11,118 1,411tli 11ns been reinorced to Ine in lily role us Gown, or isj, ,$1 1101v inncliive are


Jam $1, ,e ipe till agree litn, 111eji, I"re of o", blessed in 911ee"sinJ, d. I amp, o111p, ed to Jay stole glad, runo, , rel^^s heavily DJ, file 911nliiy Ih"I 111e ,"""yjine yo""g girl$ of this Sc!1001. of ed, ,carlo" whicli Ive provide for o1, r together lullh rho, ,s""ds of yo""g Queen3!ander$. clearly till, sly"Ie Ih", children 911e"13th"dpossesse$ a gren, wealth tyro!e",, Even if we adopt a very pmgm", ic poi'", of energy andcre", juicy view. titre!earlh"," Joimded"canon co"jars signjiic"", economic benefit, on inchvi'd, ,@is B"I drille endqfthe day thereis Jinle do"bi, h", ando", he society at large. it dresso, firo, ,gh iri, thelitl!involvemen, of pare"Is dad, henm, ,, nil, t"ring, hellow of navide"s a, Id, intrhg friends of Brisbane Girls Gramm"r Ih", the skill Jet offhe worky'orce tm"fomrsIhi3i"to an on, sinndi"g ed"editorial COMm, ,"iky, . And it is agrii, rst Ihis background Hojueve" there are simply Ihe economic chart"gain coinme"d, he OldGi, !s'Association advantages which 31em from a 5011"d for keeping alive ,he connection hamee" parr ed, ,canon and are q"ite sep"rule and apart shide"13 alld Ihe School andfor promoting a

G, ,errs e, troy a painting 1701" file alitb, t, bin of PasJ Sinde, ,is Art Works

Brisbane Girls Grammar School Old Girls' Association Inc







(Please notify anychange of name oraddress)




Year LeveVHouse

Year commenced


Year completed

MAIDEN NAME orapp!toable)

. $10.00 Yearly Subscription . $200.00 Life Membership

Mqior General PererAn, ison, AO. Mrs Bochor"Amison. Mrs Cl, ,istime F1, ruts and Mrs Hancock at ,he 007ci@I Opening of tile antbitio, , of Ampork typust SI"dents

I have enclosed (please tick)

from, hem0, "4 c, ,1111m!""dpbEiculbe"4:13 strong sense of 1,110tv$hip and be!origing. tunich are a coneeq"alee of an education of the type provided by Girls Grammar Bath"r" andJh"I. e very in"ch eru'by. ed viewing the range of SIPe, b works being athibi, ed. and F1, Fillermore. $1, ch a, , editedlion eq, ,lysyo, ,"g Jco"gratin", eIhe art's, SIbrmn, ,"g" wondetyi, ! people will, Ihe skills which are necessaryfor conr, ib", ion 101hel, "e offhe Scliool serf, co!men, . for personal enrichme"I. and partic"!"Fly. for '33/1mi"g Ladits and Genjie, "e". in TViJhi, ,gBntb"Ie Girls remy, inbiffhtsas cmte, us in acornp!exsociety. Gram, "", Scli00! o, 180i, 18 $1, ccess. iris rin, PI"y veryple"san, ditty to declare Ihe ahibinbn of filepi, ,31niqfexcel!e"ce. a, Id tile belief, herI Arm. orb of Past Shide"13 chem!!y open yoi, "glue, "e" can""reedi, , any career I, I"d, ,"ore

(Cheque made payable to BGGSOGA Inc. please)



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or GinilfAMR GAXEITE OCTOBER 1999 - PODe 16 email: s343889@student. uq. edu. au

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