Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 1999

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KasumiU, at Tsushima Girls high School, Japan





Australia's cities are in harmony with nature. There are many people who have a o00d Japan's cities aren't built to harmoitise with sense of humour. Some Japanese people nature. in Sping cherry and plum blossoms are the same in this regard. However. there are in flower everywhere. so iris very are many young people in Japan who are beautiful. in Autumn, the trees are tinged impatient and always want to be in the with red, and weiike the sound of ITeachig forefront of fashion. To dress weU is very on faden leaves.

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imporiant to Japanese people. I don't hint that Australians are very concerned with the latest fashion. They dress casuaUy in


AUStratiahas many winals. koalas, kangaroos. vJombats. kookaburras and crocodiles. Japan has animals too, monkeys. brown bears. raccoon and



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any style they choose




There are lots of people fronidifferent countries Iivin" in Australia. Therefore. thereis a great variety of culture and lifestyles. There are only Japanese people living in Japan. However. recently. the

trendnge witde, ,!snO"I Mie Hida School. Japan o, I excursion to Gold Cons!


AUShaha's amis clean and sineUs of nature

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The sky is very deep blue and the huge clouds are pure white. The seats marine number of foreigners living in Japan has

Kanako Nakase, Yoko Kits, Man rugashi, Musa Hayashi, Mai Tanaka, ChinainiNakakita Mie mob School, Japan

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wellnd alonely timeinAustralia. Many "uls Eaclt of us 11nd alove!yiime staying willI our at BCGS were very kind to us and taught us host faintly. They always cared for us. so we many things ithouiAusiralin. we 11ad some had no trouble while we were with them. We problems because AUStra"ais really different really love Australia and some of us even from Japan. but \. Ie nave many more good want to live in Australia! Before we came









memories innii bad

here. we thought that 4 weeks would be 100 long for us, and we had trouble ntaking oui'selves understood in English very often. bui now we think it

'We want to come back to Australia some day. '

While we were in Australia. we visited lots of places together or with our host fanitlies. The Gold Coast was one of our favouri!e places. when we visited the coast, we saw the





was too short for us to beautiful sea of briglit blue and green. and make friends with many girls, andleammore spentmostofthe me shopping. 11 wasrealIy things about Australia exciting for us. One of us wentto the school camp with her classmates for a week. She we want to comebackto Australia some day. spent her time doing activities with her and we want to do many ith"s we couldn'I classmates, ERG correcting the branches of do during our stay. We're sure that the trees for the fire, making spaghetti. goin" experiences from our stay in Brisbane have hiking, and so on. Sometimes she feltlonely. benefitied us and win help direct our future. but she felt better by the end of the camp. We thank you, and we want to say that we win welcome you when you come to Japan


7511sl"}, I" Girls Higl, Scliool arena, Ise sniden!s Kana 110. Kimko Bnb" a, ,d Kas, ,", i Ik"i wi", 120r U Japan"e cmr,

blue. When I went to Nexandra increased. Japan is stiU fun of traditional Headlands I stood lituh up on the cliffs and cultare. People win remove their shoes saw the sea. 11 was a panoraiiitc view and I before entering a Japanese house and stiU sleep on a futon or tareiixi. Many people could see the horizon clearly in Japanese cities the air smells of pollution. However, like Australia, there nuts and BBQs. Japanese foods include are places in Japan where the air is clean sushi. rice. miso soup, sake. tofu and and has the smell of nature. If you go to sukiyaki. They are fun of seasonin". so a beautiful beach in Japan where the sky whatever you eat tastes really delicious is blue and clouds are white, there are Each household has its own particular flavours and styles of cooking always lots of people. You can only swimin summer. but people enjoy letting off fireworks, whichis good fun Nthough there are many contrasts Australian people are kind and friendly. betweenlifeiriAustralia and Japan, there are some things we have in common also sleep on beds. Australian foods includetimtams, iaiimigtons. macadamia


HitoloBaba Tsushima Girls Highschool, Japan

and so on. They are different depenchi" This is my second visit to Australia. I came to Australia last year and stayed for 3 on the person but almost everyone takes months. iput on waghtlast year so I was rice and fried chicken, cooked egg. worried about this on this visit but I SIiU sausage. hamburger and croquette. I make not fat! So todayl'duke to write about "obento" every momirio in Japan but it's coinparin" AUStratian and Japanese foods hard for me inlayan we have rice and miso soup for breakfast. People have natto, cooked egg. cooked fish), but meatis more popular than cooked fisll and so on. These take a long fish with young people. We sometimes lime and alot of trouble to prepare. Solots have sushion special days. in Japan, we don't often have dessert after dinner bull of people have toast for breadast love ice cream and chocolate. I have found We don't have morning tea lime in Japan. that Australian people eatice cream and instead of that we have a big breadast chocolate much more than Japanese people For lunch. we brim, "obento". in "obento" do andl wonder why AUStratian people there is rice and some cooked food. salads don't del fat For dinner we often have fish (saslinni,











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Jap", lese etcl, ",, ge stirde, ,!spur, I Mie Hig/I School a, ,d 751,511i, ,, a Girls His11 School tt, ill, Mrs Lvi, dan L, ,="I

GleanlM4. R GAZETTE OCTOBER 1999 - Page 15

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