Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2000

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We, ,-cueservec, ",>"."re 1'0r two Grinmmc, r at". etes



Kathryn Mereer

Year 12 student Maria Barker, a science fiction entliiisiast and avid Star Wars fan is excelling in her area of interest: Science. in 1111y she \will travelto Turkey to represent Allsiralia ailmentIemationalBiolog} 01}Tiipiad. Mariais the onlyfema!eiiiembcrin the leant niadelip orlonr secondary. scliool students Tlie coloriioii process sinned i'stIear \\inline National Qiialiijing emui. Maria was altarded Ihe Qiieenslaiid Gold A\Lard alld was accepted in10 111e Sellolar Tmiitiii" Scliool ainongsi tile lop fifteen snideiiis in Allslmli". Since linen SIIc ling liken pan In in rigoroiis progrnin or rid\ tinned and in lensi\ elmiiiiiig and cliallengiiig exams. 1111dcr 111e 91idailce DTEGGS Biology Co- ordinalor Mrs \:mislinniin. Tile Allsimliniiieaiii\\as annoii"ced o11 12 Ma\ alllic S\dne\ Sliperdoiiic. Hoiiicbiish. ill kccpin, I\11/11hc 01\, lipicilieiiie or 111c e\ cni Maria was also seiecied to compele '11/1eliiieniniionnlYouii" Pillsicisis Tollrnameiii to be lield SIIoril}' illBiidapcsl. After 111ucli considci'ajioiT Maria decided 10 relinquish 11ns position 10 1001/5 o1t lierj, rel, amiions for tile Biology 01uupiad Maria's acliievemeiiis are alleNaniple or\\Ilere liard11 ork. dedication and sacrifice call lake you -just like Allsimlia's sporting Olympiaiis. Tile School \\ISIies you antiic best Maria

Katherine Clarkson, Jessica Moles & Kristi"e Cooke

Groininar salutes to, o quiet but determined achievers. Eliza Gower (Year 10) and Lindsa\ MCGrath (Year I I I Boili of these dedicated athletes are on Ihc \ergc of participating in tile 1110s! InIPOrtant coinpeiitioii of illeir sporting careers: the Junior Conmioiiwealth Games ill Edinbtirg!I in August. Participants in incse Games must be under 18 Eliza. 14. is the Qtieensland rh\thinic grimastics champion and is lathed tliird in Austinlia. SITc recentl\. returned from Ne\\ Zealand \vlierc she competed in tile Senior Pacific Alliance toriinaiiteni Her placement as the inghest ranked Allsiraliaii in this event meant she qualified for the Ginnes in Edinburrrh


Elf=" Gol, eJ PI, o109'dpi!I' '01/1te$,' q1'Offesi Neiispnper, ICJ18273 Eliza \\111 compete Infotir appaTatiis rope. 1100p. ball. and ribbon. I{er suppleiiess and agility combine I\, Ith antieticism and energy' to prodtice d\namic performanccs. Her supporters at scli001 11avc no doubt that Litidsav MCGrath is the school fencin" champion and. remarkably, has onIv been conipeting in this spoit since arriving at Granmnarin 1997. To qualify' for the three-member Australian fencing teant to travel to Edinburgh. Lindsa\'had to nam 40 points froni\. allous Allstralian contpetiiions. To achieve this. she Competed in one Open and one 1111der 20 conipetillon. Liiidsa\, will compete 111 foil Liiidsay, Is lookinir FDnvard to repi'CScnting lier coniitry, along Milli the oilier t\\o Victoriaii nieiiibers of the leant she will not only be a credit to Ginnrrnar but also to her country





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Co-C;IPIaiiiorGniiiiinar S\Lin"11iiig. Beli"da Nc\ ell receiiil\'coinpe!admine Oninj, ic Trials ill S\ dii" and lier r'siilis or erilic \\cck were \ cry c\ciiing SIIe finished as S"' inglesi Allsirnlinii in Ihc 50/11 Backsirokc alld innde tile stilli finals o11hc 111,111 Backsiroke fling!ling 10"' msicst ill Allsirnli;iru a 11:11c oil. 04.97. Beliiidn 15 lobe congmitilaled o1/11er fine error!s so mr. as slit colliiiiiies to be all inspiration 10 Grilliiiiar 511iniiiiers or inc niliirc

E!12, , (L! rind &11 all Din, ,es IRi cor, ,pen, Ig/61 BGGSI, I ille A Grrrde Bn!I Section at file QGSSSl kiln, "lie GII",, inn's 1999

Gion^R GAZETTEM4y2000 -Page 18

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