Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2000

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The bullday is being marked by 125 hectic days of celebrations and events which are showcasing the true spirit and lite of the School The cerebralons began on 15 March. the School's Foundation Day when the Gratinnar community took over Brisbane City Han for a very special assembly of Praise and Thanksgiving. The focus of the Assembly was Dream i, . Dare i& Do it. the theme adopted by lire Year 12 student body for the year. 11 was an inspiring event, combining reflections or the history ORthe School and women's education inIAushaha. with an acknowledgement of the outstondihg', achievements of past than Tom girls who have shaped this history The event was a musical delight add dedicated to the memory of the School Archivist, rifts Jan Riley, who contributed pertonned a muge of emuenging pieces and' preintered the newly{Diniiitssioned School Song, Nil Sine Labore, with words witten by English staff member, Ms Spyedana Hadgatt. and music composed by Dr Richard Gnu Another highliglit of the Assembly was the formal induction of the two Head Girls, BIGni Arithony and Beanor 0'00rman, along with the Student Executive of 2000. As leaders of the student body these young women pledged to uphold and bonotrr the School's . so much to the fabric of the School The School's leading music groups

Students also. cerebrated the birthday in a \ tF\, less formal mumier with a huge6irthday ~ ~ party oninq Stage!!. a^, I on. .161Mareh. * ,\ The party, organised!, y members 6f:\ ~ Beadand Hopse saw girls singing, dancing alebm^g'tithe hig^CSt spirits, * . ' \ ' Proceeds halo the pad;*went to me Royal ' > Children's Hospital, as'did the masses of * banoofis which were. taken to the'hos ita1 16 ' % .\'o brighten the lives'of the young patients. ', *- The next eelebratoiy event was a. . * ' "'*,., **. ~"""' -


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Sue forty - Photographer g"CS, Newspapers

and GritFr, "thing look into the history and

traditions, spirit and high standards evolution of tile Girls Gramnu untorm. Members of the Student Executive presented 125 years ago there was no uniform with symbols of aspects of School life, ranging girls waning the fashion of the times from House nags to masks representing Since the adoption of the uniform in 1925 drama. from instruments representing music, the basic design has remained distinctiveIy to sporting trophies. The items demonstrated Girls G, ,uu, ,ar with the adoption of many the inclusiveness and diversity of life at additional untorus for physical education. Girls Grimmnr


boarders and special activities. The. changes reflected the fashions bud. society. of the* times, and gavelstii", ts an'inti^ate jusi^ht .~%.. .. \ . . into the events, lives. of past students and social. conditions thatchaped'it^'school. The rest of the"year looks v6^. excitihg

The extraordinary vision and deterrimation of the founding father of the. School, Sir Charles ruley, was. acknowledged both at the Assembly and on 31 Mareh in'the Liney Ontion presentsd by the aiat Dr. the


indeed. - Board of Trustees, Dr Cherre" HimL AO .q~... .. , , L. * The inspiring oretion served foieement. uns \ chatlen ^ final ;^ the minds o1.59nior 4 June: Girls Oremniar alebmj, snidents. 'At the City. HaltAssembly, the \ - Gala Co ~'. *\.. C\ . * _. Principal offered'the'student^ the cftdllenge:. '' ' Ih 'inh '^i bf hj; dieam, , and September: Major Druma Production by, ., , , ,-,! \ laner, \guaad your inheritsnFeweU " \ 14 September CGIeb lion Dinner ' '\. * \-\,. * ,\\, ,,,**.. \:'~\.\.-'\i;;:!, "' ' ' ' L

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