Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2000

Grey'Min4i!r's^^^on'Pollie:71$;-11':On^:! 01tland and sea and in tile air - vileUier playing Softball. Cricket. Water Polo or S\vinuiting the Granmiiar Spiritis ~ ~~. Anna Moore - Sports Editor ^,~, ,, - .. **

it inny belhe Scliool's 125" binliday and the first time Womens Water Polo has been included in the Olympics but Girls Groininnr Waier Polo 11as also had plenty to celebmlc and cheer about this year. 11 was our 25th birthdav and the first time that every GranmnnrieaiiT made tile seniifiiuls orer 120 students play water polo for Groinniar andihis yon tliey were captained by' NicoleMariinand SIIzieFraser. Three sindenis: less Moles. Sunie Fraser and Alum Moore. were nulledin tile Australian You111 Squad 2000 and travelled to a trailting cainpin SydneyiniindDeceinber Queensland. While tilere nave been manly successes by our representaii\c players, special nic"lion 11/11sigo to 111e Under 18B learn whose spirii and GillliiisiasiiT 11pify. I\InIGraiinnarWaierPolois allaboui Dimngilieiriiieiiiomble sellxifiiia1.111ey inariaged 10 pilll on'a inclsyinaiioeuvre siinulatingllie 'Flying V' in tile Mighty Ducks. Tlie dereiice was fooled and Eleiti fullhony 51/01 front over 11alhvay 10 score a "oal Two preiiuerslups by 111e U13A's anId U15B's as wellas tit0 1110re closely fought grand finals by Inc U16A's and U18As silo\^ Ihe great depth and brigllI future of GriniiiinrWaterPolo F1iriher representative successes rollo\\ed in February \vileii the Scliool Tealit won the Slate-\\idel, lockout Coinpeiilion becoining tile ClinnipioiiScliooliii


e\. cry\vliere. Dimn" uns 125" Birthday year. our Head Girls-Ellie and Eieni challenged us 10 Drum, , 11. Dare 11. Do " and nounere 11ns nits been more e\. ident than in tile snorting arena. Perliaps iris the facttliaiiiian OlympicYear. Sportis certainly infous but BCGS Sporting Tearns 11a\, e been living lip 10 Pierre de Collbertin's motto - "Tile 1110s! nipoi. lulli Millig Is 110i to 11'111 bill to ink'e pnrl. T'here Irus also bccn a 101 to clieer aboiii titis It ar in the sporting arena and the Clieersquad 11a\e beeii 111ere e\. err tinic supporting andiiispiniig o11r Giniiuiiar Ieains 10 ticitie\ e 111eir poleiiiial


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3111/11/11, Ig h '11/1/1g ChJJJ, in .\b"s, , 11'ti\,, I ,T!/ flint/ 1101'k'

Graini"ar Softballcrs. capablyledbv F1, Ti\

piioio ribo\e shows soilic of line aq!Ianc acii\ nits an ailable ai lite new NODSa Centre. Altiunbcr of time trial canIi\ als indicated illedcplliof Grainniar swilluiiiiig and 111e Einergeiicc or a rel\ lie\\ sinrs Tile QGSSSA S\\limiting o11 18 Marclishowed 111e 11Tie Graniinar Spinl. More sirectalors 111aii e\er before slipporied Milliilie Clieers, Iuadlendiiigihc \lay andiioi slopping 111eir clieers 11/11il ille post caninal party' at Cellieiian. Pool. Firsi Placegeitersincluded: Sarah Holiain. Caroliiie Gregory. Stepliaiite Boilglien. Conriuev Guniblev. Nil\ Hillliousc. lessica

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Bradbenr 11ad a 11/05i 511ccessful season

10 collie Inter ill 111e \ear. 111is nashieiia \err POSili\ e sinn 10 Groiniiinr Softball


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muslin^g ill 111ird place. Strong

perlbniiances by. 111e nilcliiiig-catching diio orceordie Snailiioii"lid Gem \Vriglii"lid lustter 'calcli all\' ball' R"!;111n biiili o111hc skills jind mienls of 111e resl Drille tealn Tile Senior A leant eixio\e





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A milli"I\ mining canin at NODSi sigii"Iled inc SI:Irt o1'1hc SI\niliiii"g Seasoii Nc\\ Yc"r 85 and a lie\\ Teaclicrin CIMrge. 1,111c MaruJoiiiedilie cainp willled at biii!diiig ICai"\\ork. 51, inland fitness. Tile

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Moles. and Cotapiains Alma Moore and BenndaNevell. Tlieiiiosiexciiingincus of the day were 111e 16 and 17 years Medley Relays which were wonby BGGS teams and 111e OpenBroc!, vavwhere BCGS tintshed a close second to overall \\iilnets SomervilleHDiise. Coacli GrainntMule. a

The firsi Ierni's sporting achievelitenis can best be represented by a short poem adapted froiiithe S\Fillmiing Captain's sneerI[ Inade at the assei]tbly prior to the cosSSAcaniival:

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fomier 01yiiipiaiipmised an the Swilluners W, Fee lurid clieers. for Ihe g, ,Is in B!I, e. who ga\, e 111eir hasi. especially 111e 16 years Grn, ,In Jar4i/Ileies lilyoi, g/, und into, ,gli age group who won 111eir di\, ision SIMpi, ,g I" us one glenl lean, , Granutiar Cricketers pro\, ed a force lobe Tile, .e 3 tribe, ,s. 1/1eJ. e * n d, tnn,

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reckoned with this season. Fielding five tennis - tile largest nulliber e\er - tile

Sia, ,chi, g ., trollg a, Id sinnd, 11g rail. results indica!e the depth of talent for 111e .I\for one, ando, Ief, ,' "1/'

future. The Firsis led b\. Kale Clarkon tinislied second in 111e first di\, ision going down bra\, ely to Brioidine ill the Crond Final. Justeer R, "klrra took tile onIv lint wick of tile season and was ribly supported in tile bowling by Calmetiiie hinds. Uie I\iimer Drille EncotinigeiiieiiiA\vard for 2000. The Seconds finished top o11heir di\.!sioii but were tillformnaieh' healen b\ 111e closesI Inargiii in inc giniid filial againsi SI. John Fislicr Tcgaii D;I\c\. ring Inc second inglicsi nili gelicr ill inc Etcoiid di\is 1011 hiki Claire 011\, bo\\I'd coilsisteiiil\ Ihioii, 11,111 111e s*:!3.1.

EveJ'I'dayi!*11'inn. IFn, ,,. IrniJ, . Ig, ,o1'e file sirn, ,I. und dor, I coll, pin, ,,

Are I, PB * find reco, tis 100. Prochce clieer!!IgBLUE. BLUE. BLUEl


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