Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2000


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The Real Game at BGGS

Ken Hyndman & Robin Farr

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Year 9 sundcntsalBrisbmie Girls Graniinnr SclioolaTe enjoying participating in The Real Gaine as part ora pilot sclienie Torniirty Austinlian schools. Tlie Real Garnets an inIemcii\e and exporiciiiial career-c\PIOmUonprograiiideTelopediiiCaiinda. Tileprograin allo\\s snidenis 10 lake o11 adult \\ork roles. and by play'-aciing in the 111 rind coinpleliiig classrooiii and r'scnrclie\erciscs. learn riboiiiinnn}. of 111e aspecis o11.1c Ihniihe\ Mill incc as adjilis SIIcli as: earning 1110/1c\. budgeiiiig. a aluaiiiigjob sansrnciioii. gauging personal ripliiudes and Inniiiiin!! for 111c '11/11rc Tlie Real Gainc is designed 10 Ginpliasise tile \"111e orall \\'ork find the jinpori"lice DTDngoiiig cdiic;in o11. ridnpi"bini\ and POSiii\'e alliitides The live assuiiiptioiis about lire as all riduli and adotiiilie world o11LOTk NIIicliiinderlie 111ej, rogiaiiiprovide a sound Ibctis for processing the acti\'11ics. Tliese "inglifi\e" assuiiipiioiis are: inni change is coilstanI. Inat learning is ongoing. and nut it is jinporlaiii to focus o11 tilejourne^ thinuglililb 1110/1ust tile goal!. to folio\\ rollr near! tiliaiis to

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Gennaii 51udenis pill 111eir langia:!e kilo\rledgc illlo pmciice 111 April. fociiard Hameriiik. inc Geminii nan\'e spatkcr. look 111e girls 111rougli a warin-lip and ingn introdiiced 111.1iiiolhc skills orbitopeaiiliandball. Noioirly wereiheinsiruciions gi\tnni German billtlie girls also 11nd to provide someinteresiing sentences mille langiage vile"a'er ing' \\^e passing 111e ball.

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Tile experience or working '11/1e One World SIIop is CGr!ainl\ pleasaiii. So pleasantin incl. 111ailanino\\' working

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Saran O'ReillyHarbid"e

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An jine"relpariorUie Year 10 ciirticiiluiiiis there as a pail-11/11e \'o1unicer ouisidc Service. 11\T's de\eloped 10 ni\e snideiiis scli001 1,011rs. Annoiiglilliejob requires a tile ODPOrluitih to nuke a conitibtiiion 10 Significant alliouiil or independence. as the broader coinmiinii}.. and do solncthiiig tilerc is only' one position a\'nilable at eacli store. Ina\'GIIe\erreltisolaied because for others. While lised 10 balance atoning there is always someone willing to lend a crinuml and academic calmiiiUnenlS at hand During nay 11'cots tilere. inn\ e been school. it also enables girls to provide a gi\at brierlessons bv in ore experienced lielping nand wirere it is often needed \o1unieersin e\ery aspec! o1/11e SIore's Students have assisted in \'o1uiiteer orgaitizations. childcare and also ancd care operations. froiii now line store aids facilities muleBrisbane area: for exampleit dadoping collunuitilies to now to deal with CUSIomers. Inal;ing your presence is typical for girls to work at funnies by, known to thenI willIOUt niakin" tilemlbel international. tile Holy Faintly Childcare InIconiformble Centre andloimRetiremenlVnlage Conmiuitity Aid Abroad Truthiig has - - ' ' ,. muleasurably. pro\en to be a great snoress and pro\tits, . Jil'.: _ hundreds onobs toriiiider-privileged "':':/',;^ikS InusI go 10 Mrs Hancock and Mrs workers in countries sucli as ladia and .'\;';-*$@^Ikygon for srippor!ing and organizing ,.. I*..}^unit ^ -,,,,, ,^.... . . cm^e. ::@111';:.;^!Di^^t LSI ':.'.', ,J. ,\**.". ""**:~*, .,^. I. ,. 1.3, ,. I^,;!^,. IrX. 11^^. Z!(.(. I. Senteliaslielpedine gro\\, initiany ways and it 11ns lielped my peers 100 11 provides students I\jin ^allmble lessons in the 'Teal' I\ond. especially 111einiporiance of 111e in leadependence or people. Sucli a sinaU annount of giving can lielp us all As a Yam 10 snidenilliave spent each Thusday alienioon at a One World SnOp These 510rcs are run by Collunuitity Aid Abroad. and all part-time workers are volunteers. This organiisation raises manev to lielp developing societies




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Sillde, lis I'll, DINed I, I file Ren! Gaine

listen to your omanis and strive for Iheiii). and 10 access yotir allies \vilen you need lielp The Real Game is being run one period a week over 111e first Semester. The sessions are being facilitated by House Group teacliers who are enthusiastic about the \\ay The Rail Game pro\Ides students Milliilie OPPoimnity to "experience' careers-related issues Feedback ironibotli staff aiid 51ndeiiis is being sent to DETYA roepartmeni or Education. Tralntiig and You111Affairs) \vliicliis playing a facilitating role ill thenitradiiction of The Real Gaineinto Allshalia This feedback twillbe used to lielp DETYAdevelop anl Australian version or The Real Game as it recourusedihat allAusimliaiiversion is necessary to allow sindents 10 gel inc 11/051 out of the prograin


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Hello from Enka Chatani

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. 1'111aii e\cliaiige snideiii trolli Tsusltinia ' Girls HisliscliooliiiJapaii. Inrri\adjn . Allsiralia o11 10 April and 1'11i going 10 ' slav torn Tear. 1'11iiiill Hitsch{bld . \\hicli has a lot o11tice girls, lvh. nohbies ' arc lisieiiing to Innsic and \\at chill!! . nio\ies. 1'111 interCSicd ill singing and ' dancing. so Ijoiiicd a clioir 011 11n' 1105i . sisicr's rid\ice There are sixjxopleiii ' 111\ millil\. Orco"rse. I'\ e been 111issing . Iheiiibiiillia\GII'111nd a reeling of ' nomcsickiicss 11 is because 111\' nosi , millil\ ITcnis jilt us ill ticrc o11c Drille G millil\ nild BCGS silldc"is tire \ err I{ind , 10 111c. I 1101, = 111al I will 11n\ c a good 11:11* " andilinilc;111iiiipro\cm\ Engiisliniid , illsoiii\5.1f

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GAL;IAI. IR GAZETTEA{41'2000 - Pdge 17

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