Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 1997
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- . ..-, t*.... - .. ^ .. .., ,, ^ Wonder tile 57 strong cast. but dynamic and consider. " Mrs Edwards said. "B eruoiive are starting Do ints. Special commendation 111ust go to Menssa Hickey and Lean Kirinon. the lead girls. They pertonnedihe son's with passion and ITUmour: they were true professionals. With Inarie leads of Miehael Cooke. Shalln Devetlish Me ares. Gyioii Grantley. Peter Kelly, and a superb slipporiin" cast. V, !est Side Story is a production the and at least sixty for the rinnor ones. "We were obviously 1001dntr for goocl singers and dancin" was another jinporiant aspect for us to after that. we were looking for the girls to have a certain presence about them on stage. " Preparation ran smoothly and to schedule. TITe onIv problein that tended 10 pose itself was teaching some of the boys how to dance. "At one stage, it took us about anI 110ur to teach tree steps. it certainly was an experience to remember. " Mrs Edwards explained
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not have been possible without the dedication of the Drama staff, in particular. Mrs Sybil Edwards. The staff 11ad been preparino for the production since December. 1996. TITeir tireless work. allliouoh bellind the scenes. wars evident Ihiouoh the professional performances from the cast ITienibers. Despite all the gruellin" work put Into the production. all who were Involved enjoyed the experience. The school collununity should look out for future drama productions toI a wonderful evening of entertainnient.
Odin, e anusirui & ^ A. ^I
Not only clid Barz Lulu'mann manage 10 trollspori Rollieo and Junei 10 a modeni day era. but so did Jerome Robbins. creator of West Side Story. Instead o1 Verona, we are in Mannanan. the West Side or New \ ork. where TITe Sharks andTITeJets replaceilie Montagues and Capuleis. They I'ighi. and they kill. They
audience will never forget
The exemplary perlorinances would
The Ii"his between the Puerto Ricans ITlie Sharks! and the Allie ric a n s IThe Jetsj choreogmplied skimilIy and the death scenes handled \viih maruiTiv and sensitiviiy \\. ere Along \viih the stunning perloniiaiices by the actors. the cosiumes
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repent. and they, die. backdrops were veiy effective. "We tried to make the costumes as life This year. Anglican ChurcliGraininar like as possible. so most of IheilI School. Ibeiter Iruowii 'round the were boughi froni op-shops and the hood as Chitrc!lie! and BCGS. backdrops were supplied by the coinbiiied forces 10 produce West Churchie Manual Arts snide is". Side SIory. ainusicalwillI one o1/11e Mrs SybilEdwards. GraminarSj}eech most powerILil statements for and Dr:tilia teacher. ex lained. 101emiice ever 10 be made on Broadw, av On May Sill, 9th and 10/11 an Morris audience nTeiiiber commented. "Ihe Hall. Cliurcliie. the sounds or the whole pertomiance \'as spot-on. We 51 Side boys and their girls riglit clown to the noies of eacli pumpeLlilrrougliihe floorboards and song. " the nearis o1' all andience members Tliere is 110 earsv \\, ay to describe the On average. I\\, eniy Grammar Gills SII'o11g alld energetic pel'forInailccs of auditioned tai' eacli oilhe Inain role . "11 is not surprising Inai the cast had been preparing since February". an
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Frogrm, , i, ,CIMleS. Gen, /!11'111fii'Off!'if, s John Will^^ills ' '71/1nssic Pal{"' tnn/of I \ Foilr Serlso, I$ Anditir LID}'d webbe, 's "PIid, !10/11 @111ie Ope, n" Gif e. ,! 1.0culis! Ginn Ce, \. o Se/ecii0, ,.,/1,111 "Le$ Afire, fib/es " 0001 111'ices. 1'11ch, at, Ig " "Toll',,' of Booki"/i, ,, 11 Aim ' R}till' Booksto, as TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM MARY RYAN'S BOOKSTO : Padding10n: PIT: 3368 1694 New Farin Ph: 32540444 Ciiv Ph: 322199,2 or' 1/1/'01igli BGGS MUSIC DEPARTMENT PIT. 333.1'73
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320 Sintyle $10 Concession $50 Family C Adults. 2 Children)
GRAMMA/? GAZETTE I 997 - Pn", 7
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