Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 1997
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introduction to QCS
Grammar's Fashion Week
Grammar girls drive defensiveIy
Naomi Burke-Shyne
Emnia Lane
The lime has conie again and an o111ei group of BGGS Year Twelve snidenis are being introduced to the ever daunting Queensland Cal'e Skills Test (QcsI. The QCS test is lield annualI\, for graduating senior students and is used to delennine individual results. overall positions tops). and field POSjjjons (FFsl. Every Queensland student eligible for an o\erallposiiion sitsihe Iesi. Tile Iest consists or a writing task. short answer response paper and two inuliiple choice papers. The foul papers Iesi a nulliher o1 sriecilic skills 10 coinplci, Iy a<.;CSS silldents' ribilitICs Thc 11nj. crs am auni 10 sc\. un hours of e\aminaiioii Ihnt is spread o\er I\\, 5,11001days. Tlte 1997 Queensland Core Skills i's! will bc 11.1d 11n Tuesday anti \\'ediiesdny. tile 2nd and 3rd or Serve niber containing details of the test and will sit various practice examinaiions with past papers in preparation for tile test Mrist-read malerials for all siressed or anxious students are 111e '/I Hints/by SIIccess" and 'All 1,011 need 10 AJIoii' oboni 1/1e Oileci!sinnd Coi'e SAT\s refr" booklet. Tile QCS relrospeciives and past papers are available 10 students from tile Beanland Memorial Libmrv. FinalIv all Year 12s. on lite day. be sure 10 - use your perusal time effectiveIy. - plan before you ^espond. Tile senior body 11as received niuliip!e illfoimaiioii booklets and leanets
Susanna Siegal
Style. elegance. and grace are only a few words which describe the In omeni occasion fast approaching on the Brisbane Girls Grammar calendar. Fashi designers from Milan and Paris are eagerly awaiting Ihe BCGS Fashion Par d to be held o11 the 17th and 18th of July. in the Granm. ar Auditorium. Thin - ' grotip presentations will feature two nulldTed and two "Clammar Girls" stepping outin tins season's latest fashions. The choices have been difficult I Ile grrls. as various designer labels are just beggin" to be worn. Make-up. lighting. cameras and 'Granunar glamotrr' will cullninate t I WITai is stire to be a truly memorable occasion. The Grammar Girls will b making their fashion debuts on the prestitrious Grammar catwalk we ' u fashions from C/if-Chi, Bin"cn SI<6'111i. Lisa Ho. Rebel Spor!s. ESPiri!. Maths. and Cornii, y Rodd.
Earlier this year a representative from Quest Safe Drive 1000 approached the Year 12 students with a scheme to promote Toad safely At this presentatioit Quest Safe Drive 1000 was explained as a special defensive driver awareness course conducted to promote road safety, driver awareness and improve driver education for young drivers Following this. the Year i's were told that 111ev. 100. could have this opportunity. All Ihai is needed is a CUITeni provisioiial licence for bo!h the auioinaiic and niaiiual Hyundais provided. A1 Grainniar tilere were not many who could I'esisi a day driving broild new insured Hyiiiidais, Darncipaiin" in mock accident seenaiios and tierensive driving exercises in 1996 six hundred alld eight-six students from sixty-one Brisbane high schools panicipaied. excluding Grammar. However. Ihis year the Brisbane Girls Grainmar drivers are eager 10 show their diivin" skills in two Quest Safe Drive 1000 sessions iaier this term Tile typical Quest Safe Drive 1000 day includes a video presentation. in-car diiving exercises and a day of enterminmeni. Safe Drive 1000 believes eacli parent's greatest fear is 10 have their children in dannerous situations. especially niotor vehicle accidents. Therefore. the object of Safe Driving 1000 is to avoid these accidents by driving safely and defensiveIy. With Grammar uirls panicipating. Safe Drive 1000 will literally nor know what hit theIn!
Also on show will be the Imaginative. original CTeaiions or the Year 12 Ar
students The photogmphdisplays one of lite designs already, previewed 10 tlie School on Assemblv. Altid""IC of, P, I'lld, fir is Ihc realisation a dream thatchris!innCarter has had since Grade 9. The paper ninehe bodice and extravagant skirt made almost entirely of folded and stapled newpaper pages. Rachael Gelhin lones' Cocn-Coin creation stunned the students with a gown niade enlirely of dissected Coca Cola cans
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- manage your lime efficiently. - revie\\. your work at Ihe end. - and bring all required equipment
"Can jello set in half an hour?"
and therefore experiences very 10nrr winters. The only way into the village Is by small plane. or by boai in SUIniiier. There are rin roads. cars or irucks
For' those of you who warii tollush up on your "Yupik-Eskimo" speakin, skills. here are a few words and their nTeanin"s
Kanren lardine & Cam Spence
Open Day
Mrs Chris Mooie's grade nine
Grainlmar SIudents were iti\, en inc OPPoi'Iuniiy 10 "speak" \\, jin menibei\
Iruqaa - 11,110 aquiaq - ice crenni quartuq - Iresli \vaier fish qtiyan;I - Ihank vou
Gensinpliy classes eiiiei'ed Ihe world o1 IC, and inniis dunn. , Iburili Ierin\
o1' Inc Konik high school bv use o1 c Inn'riduction 10 inc intcmei. \. in Kunik, innil. Topics o1' conver 11 1997 In Ieresiing quesiions front Konik students. "How big anti fast do kangaroos gel?" "Do ally planes land ill Biisbnne?" "\Vhaiivpes or animals do you nuni?". These questions. and many more. \\, ere answered in relurn for answei's 10 questions of our own informalion was also received front Bonnie Schuiie. an American teacher who lived in Alaska as a child. Thanks to Bonnie, we now know how to sei Tello in 11alf an 110ur by burying it under 11rree feet of snow. and all about entering a blubber eatin. ' compeliiion in tile Alaska Olympics. Overall. it \\, us a very rewarding leiTn for 111e ginde nine geographers Everyone greatIy benefitied Ironi 111e time weni on Ihe inttruei. using e mail. and learning riboui a liftsiyle vei'y dil'ICreni from our own The modern technology made Ihis experience siraighiforward and emcient and tile correspondence was quick and personal. 11 made the students realisejust how powerful the World Wide Web can be in bringinn together people of such different experiences Displaysinclud, Tile :11/11 \\asi0 '11/1nncc the SIudenis kilowledge or the luridra Ihrougli email curter pond*rice willI a $111.11 Alaskaii sciiool in the village o1' Konik Konikislocaied '11/11e 1110uiliof the YLikuii River. and IT'S a popLilniioii or 400-500. who are in OSIly native inniis Only Ihe learners' 110Lises and 111e litundroinailiavc running water and sewage. annough. everyone has access to cable TV connections Art Rhythmic Gymnastics Theatre Dance Music Drama Japanese Dancers Academic Displays information Technology and More Konik annosilies on 111e Arc!ic Circle GRAMMAR GAZETTE 1997 - Page 8
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