Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 1997
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Saran Bitomsky ran in first - every ye she has run or the school. The
with an exceptional display of team
17 years, Ranhelle has firtished in the top five runners in her age , oup every year she has competed. After winning Ih Cross Country Shield for three successiv years the school was keen fo this year's runners to carry on what has ruined in 10 somewhat of a tradition. The question of their ability to remain the bes was answered, but support from the school coinmurtity, evident at reliminary meets, was one decisive inclor in the runners' performances support of the school gave the athletes Ihe Incentive to perform 10 their potential in the critical roces The comradeship buil up within Ihe team was strong and a significant factor in its success. Within these friendships, the girls continually encouraged each other to do their best respect their coach. His knowledoe and positive relationship with the team are both of great significance it is from that pride in being a part of the team that led the QGSSSA cross country runners to success for the past four years The Grammar cross country runners love what they do and
Kristine Cooke
spirit and running. Georgie Mewino, lowcs score in an ag group wins. Kat Pippos, Danielle Collins, Me can This is the sum o the places achieved O'Connor, Saran Davies and by the runners - of which the s four Courtney Climbrd-MCFeete have "run
A very wise man once said: "You only perform as weU as you train". 11 is under the guidance of this same man that the Brisbane Girls Grammar Cross Country Team has led the Cross Country field in QGSSSA competition for' 111e past Ibur years As Cross Country coach, Mr Tony o01h expecis only Ih best from the runners. He is a strong believer in setting goals, and stickino by them 10 be successful. He encourages consistency, competitiveness and maximuiii personal pertoriiiances The 1997 leant won the coveted pennant with 47 poinis out of a possible 50. The team won by 10 points from More ton Bay College and Brisbane Stale High School who lied for second Outstanding resulis were achieved on the day and non better than the 16 years age group who attained first place for the fourth year running The Brisbane Girls Grammar A Sailing Team recently created sailing history at the Queensland Yachting Association's Stale School Teams Racing Championships becoming the first all-female Ieain to win a nituor stale sailing final in Australia Following on from this, BGGS will now become tile first all-female team to repicsen ueensland in the 1997 Australian econdmy Schools Teams acing Championships from 5 June to I uly at Mooloolaba. if the girls are successful, they will go on 10 represent Australia at the Freyr Patterso"
Cross Coll, in3 Cupful, ,s. Roc/, elle Wi, a, ,d SIeplim, i S, ,'11/1
count. Th 16s' SCOr wars only 4 - one of the lowe I scores ever recorded. As weU as Saran4s first place. Hannah Bishop (3rd), Cairnn Madey (4th) and HeIen Clark (6th) contributed to the
together as a pack all season" said Mrs Lynne Mungomery, staff member in
charge of the sport.
All other age groups came second with Sophie Cameron 3rd in the 13 years, Erin Lambe 2nd in the 14 years and team captain Rachelle Wu, 5th in the
The 15 years age group camein firs
EGGS Sailing Wins an Histori First
are the most successful team in the history of BGGS Sailing This victory was an added bonus for Usa Charlson and Saran Roberts Thornpson who, prior to this regatta, competed in Ih Sydney International Sailing Regatta where they were placed first' in the Women's outh and second h the Women's in their 420 sailino dinghy class. in the process they beat the Women's outh Champions who w'libe representing Australia a the World Youth Titles In July. The two are now aiming for year's World Youth next Championships and will compete at the National Titles in Adelaide in December. The partnership has received a grant from the NSW Yachting Association.
hampionships in
Danielle Medek, Kale Maney and Kate Sufidge under the guidance of teacher in-charge Mr any Greatorex. They
Two and a half nionths of competition cullntnated in a four day event for the BGGS sailors The A team won the Queensland Secondary School Sailing Championships. prior to winrtino the Queensland Girls' Teams Racing Championships. in doing this, the A team defeated fifty three teams om thaty-nine different schools. Grammar was the only all- emale team entered in the competition The~'amazing' Grammar A team consists of team skippers Lisa Charlson Sarah Roberts Thornpson and Julia Palerson and also included Brooke Schmid ,
GRAMMAR GAZETTE 1997 - Page 12
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