Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 1997


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'Sport *

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Granmna. r in the Swim Again

Brisbane Girls Granimar Swimiiting Tenjit reached new neights. The winning margin of 70 points. 7 records. 17 first places. Ihree Individual Age Pennants and a swag or personal best swiins set an Impressive SIandard to be emtilaiedbyihe 1998 squad. Coacli Grahani White. Ieaclier-In-chargeMrsIenny Omie and Capiains. Emma Huichison and Sonia While. musi be congratulated on













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Swiinnting Team


onin liftiie ", Id EIJI, ,In Hi, 1,111, till. Sdi"o1 Sinn, 11,111" C, Tpm"is. Fond/ , of ' I, ' I 01. ,lull Peril, in!I a, ,at Aid!I^^ Gaind Ci".

Alexi Drennan

disappointing. especially as the team drew with Morelon Bay and deltaied State High, the joint pennant winners Despite tremendous effort on behalf of anthe A Grade. the second PIacin". with two losses and one draw, was Congratulations must go 10 the B Grade as they never once looked like losing a game. TITe team aided by great pitching and barnn" from Finna

Freyr Patterson

Tile theme of winning was coniinued into the individual atie pennants \Vilere

the softball season drew 10 a close oddly set o111 diamonds, interesting bruises and the occasional accident. Afier six weeks of early mornintis. late afternoons, lost balls. muddy oround,

Once again Girls Grammar' has shown Gnuiimar was sue f I ' QGSSSA s y e. e tireeofthefiveagegioups, 13yearsand under. 16 yeai's and 17 years and over. in four years! 011 the 22nd of March

The 14 years age group gained an The A Grade came in a close second 1997 at Chandler. the Brisbane Girls . IT S Impressive second placing to SI Peters behind M , t \ uriar swinuning tealn blitzed the and the 15 years are groti erro d ' '

coinntitment. deptli of talent and school Gramniar swimnTinn was de d ' ea e . coinnntment. deptli of talent and school ' wit The SCOr- , e uric in enged and by far the best B Manning who scored the most home spirit. The scores go some way 10 by the achievement of an impressive Grade team Grammar 11as ever had indicate the team work and individual runs orthe season. cruised nitoutili eleven individual 11rsi places. as \\, ell as e ions of the swimmers. \vlio gained lop I'irs! three PIacinus ill Ih' I I I undercaled. Their dominance of tills The A Grade se^son. began well willin my'^de was proven b the f tin'ee placings in 28 out o1 the 45 I'ineen rein . evenis. brand new pitching and calching indi\. Idual events against : 187 10 35. They aciiievedilie coinbination. of Naomi Hands and remarkable result ot4010 0 antiinsi Tliei'e \\, ere many individual records Kylie O'Sunivan. boilionly tirede 10 Brisbanc Girls Grammar \voiT Ihe one opponent. broken o11 inc day : Alongan Grainger 13 SIudenis. Great hauln" froin Kale Mollie Gould Cup Iru' aggregate points years, Am anda NICKay 13 years, Lennox and Debbie hauntz lielped Ihe A few shuffles in the coach' ti for line Ihiid time in 10.11 venrs \\. illi an Haniiali Bishop 16 years, Carolyn leanl oui of many light situations. deparimeni brou"hi Kane Lew'. ' outstanding score of 502.5 points. 70 1011nson 16 years' Taryn Hanan 17 years Kale Lennoxled the balling averaues the job \vlio. assisted b M' h I poinis aliencl or second placegeiiers. and Emma Waners 17 years. Firsi willian exceptional. 379. SITe also Beuiel to ,' ,,-* Beuiel. provided great support for Ihe onIervi Ie Hong, . The margin or 70 places were also ,amed b C rl ' B learn 01' QGSSSA \ . y in . ey. ianna Hellry. Emma with 15. sharon Wouda (. 375 aVCra e The coacliing by Mrs Harvey-SIIori


Grainniar reinv leani or Bennda Cox. Dialiiia Henry. Emma \\'alters and Soilia WITiie caine a close second 10 A10reto11 Bay in inc Open Brock\\. av Cup. The Junior Blockway Cup leant o1 BCliiida Nevcll. SIeplianie I{all. Canv Croiiiii and Vic!uria Mon'ISOii caine in a close IOUrih. only 101n seconds bellind the leadcrs


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The 13 Years 4 x 50/11 freestvie B division relay broke Ihc record and the following leanis gained inst PIacintis: 16 yeai's 4 \ 5,111 B frees Iyle. 17 years 4 \ 50nT B Ireesiylc. 13 years + x 50m 111edley. 15 years 4 \ 501n medley and the 17yeais 4 x 50m nicdleyi'clay.


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Nn0"11 H",, d, . A Gruffe Sty'Ibul! pi!therp, ', pn, t$ to dclirer tin, 1/14, ' Sink, and 8 BBSj and Jane Mornan1.352 Kane Lewis and Michele B I I. d average and 9 BBS) proved to be the amazing scoring or Mrs Cooke for reliable at getting on base - tile first Ihe A Ginde. along willt some qiiaiiii step in achieving a winninti score habits in the A Grade 10 do willI lucky Fielding was solid with Naralic bats. gloves and bottles or Galorade, Perkins proving a reliable and SIoic andihe B's unusLialhabilotnamin" firsi base. Deb Lauriiz a reliable short mateli balls combined to make Ihe slop. and the outfielding of Kale season successful. nlcmomble and Lennox. Alexi Drennan and Sonia thoroughly entertaininti for tile White athletic spectators



7/1, I. itfolio, ,r I7Icd, , rill, I Oral' 4 x 50/11 Aid, 1/4' Rel"v led"!. 5011i" ith, Ie. Flui!d 1110rgn, I. Dial, ^in Halfy. EIJIi"n H, ,ichiso, I.

GinAIMAl: GAZETTE 1997 - Pn, ,e 11

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