Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 1997
U 1, '1<^:^11tU^t't;^$:- *', When the Ocean Is \
^ ^
NO Longer a Boundary. ..
A grade eight view of grade eight
Paris at the moment
Alex Moles
society Ihis century
All of theseiopics provide vital cultural infomiatioii about ihe liteiiTes studied in
As a SIudent. the Internet provides a pieiliora of infoi, nation. easily accessible
"G Block. \vhei. e's that?"
They say today the \\, ond is a "global village". The ocean is a barrier to neiiher faniily or coininunicaiion. A person in Tokyo Inay send an e-mail to 10 speak. read. write or lisien; it is ribo I someone thousandq o1 Senior Fitnch
and useful 10 Inariy aspects or $1Lidy. Wiihin school lire the popularity and To leani a language is 1101 only 10 learn 11nporiance of Ihe Internet call only increase over the next few years
"Solnaiiy girls!"
"I \\'ISIi they'd slop talking ribout 1011riieys !"
kiloinetres away and Ihe ^T:
Using 111e lintmet. sindenis can expand tileirkno\vlcdge anti vocabulary as Ihr as the coin p u !er sireiches and can mentally explore another country. without physically inoviiig nom Ihe loont Languages noloiiger and now ai are abarrier between countries certainly
*ecoiids. . -~.,\,.*.
Tliai\ pi-, 11\ ITtucii \viiai \VC \VCI-e all 1111nkiiig o11 tnni 11rst day. 111.1 now seei11< so 1011g ago. Bv 110\\' \\. e all kilo\\ \vhcie G Block is. we kno\\, a 1010/1he gills. alld Ihey'\ e linallv stopped inIkiiig about jouriie\SI But \\, liar was 11 like. o11 11/05e first days'} HD\\, did we ninke the I'rieiids willI \\'lioni we now sit every day? \Vhai causes us stress? wily are there so many exira-curricular activities? What causes me tile niost stress is having heaps orltomework. and one day to complete ill Also. there's 100 many tests!" 'There's so many extra-curriculai aClivitieS! I nieaii at primaly SCliool we did sonbnll and choir. Here there's everyIhing I'rom Japanese Dancing to Ihe Shakespeare Club!" "I think Ihere should be more lime 10 change in belween gyin and youI next class. " IDon'I we all!I "Making new friends was kind of liard at first. bui now I have new be 51 friends. " "How I think rininary school is dine^en: from ingli school is Ihar higli school gives yoLi more freed o111. and Ihe teacliers irust vou "TITe older girls nave beciii'eally nice. I thonglti Ihcy \\. ould be meali. because niy Dad 101d Inc riboui how lie got 11is liend nushed in 111e 10ilei Drinklirsidnv orhi"lischool!" Our welcome 10 tile big world of high school was much warincr 1111d 1110rc \\, elcoiniiig inari Ihai! niore. Talking to several grade eight classes. we found 111e answers
\\illiiiiilie LOTE Faculiv Ihis concept provides perliaps the be $1 OPPoriunity 10 learn anti be 11niner*ed in a foreign '11/1ui'c willIOUl moving 1101/1 tile clansrooiii. The internei provides a bridge for learning riboui tile cullure. tile language anId real life situations
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presented in foreign collntrie '
Brisbane Girls Graminar School. with 111e recognition of the IntelTiet as a useful and vital source of infonmation, the ocean provides no boundary or limits to explore the richness of another country and culture
understanding a different culture and in the French Depaitineni. for exaniple, appreciatino subtle differences bel it is possible to access the "Homepa"es" ways of life. To ex lore 111e of French Banks, collect information differences so easily and freely with the from French Medical Advice columns bilemet is truly one of the most useful and learn about job opportunities in and am azinti facilities resented t
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Ihrougliihe seinifinals. The Firsts were well supported by their ballin" line up. but it was their bowlers who continually did the damage. Emma Bi'and. Debbie Lauiiiz. Kale Wellsley. Alexi Dreiinan
Sport isn't just Sport
Freyr Patterson
Alexi Drennan
R, ,"1111/8 800 weir, $ is 1101 I", I "boili Once again the First Xi completed their and Jusveer Ral. ah were tile consiste I cot. eri, 18 the offtrailc, . Scorni" n '11/1'ee- wliole season undefeated. lastintr until achievers. laidno wickets in evei '01/1!er' 171 basteibnl/ is 1101/11ri fibo!, I tile final game where they lost to trame. gelling ti bull 111,011g/! 11 1100p. Doll, " a Morelon Bay in a 11nrd IOUtihi ntatch. Tile Seconds had a tireat season will On S a great Season ith ,n, Tii'/lee/ rill 1/1e b, ",,! in "\'in, !", firs is For' the third year in a row the Firsts good balling and bowling froin ntany '10/1/1$1 fibo"I brim"ce. missed oui by a whisker. This lime the players, especially Captain Elizabeih effor[ was repealed by the Second XI Niem \v]10 opened the bowlinti and 'll Qf Ihese tinivi!i's Jini e richeJ who SIormed tileir way through 10 111e balling. The Seconds were well on their """"'iOJiS inni colli, -ib, ,I, 10 a, l illdii. idi, al '$ sellre of 11'el!-being. finals. only to lake a leaf out or Ihe way 10 clamting the cup for division nappii, ess. $11ccess ",, of fell-esl, e, ,I. Firsts' nook and go do WIT at the very preiniers. navin, , only game left end. The finrd XIplayed a "Tealseason Thougli they played well. they went If *-on'I, e ,iai, ,r b, " db/, , I o, ,, coming a well placetl fourth in the same own in a IOUgli match against 1/1e ribo, e tilld \. o11 e, rir!. I ' ' I division as the Seconds Brtgidine feel life/,}$1 11/11e yoii11,111n//y 'Innle 11', The Firsis all 11ad a greai season. but The Tliirds snowed theIriselves 10 be 111e Tile c/, nil, ,I"e of bel'11" rib/, to o " \ SPCcial merinon 111ust go to Capiain. Aji improvers of tile season. finisliin" a fillt/ brrln, Ice tic, ,dell, if. $1,0 nilig. Fainicr. Great balling by An Fomier respectable fourili. Annou"11 man of '11/1/1rul. In 1,111v rillrt rel"Anlion "till. flier and Debbie Latiniz helped the team the players were new to the spori. they un' '10/1, el J!,', fs"of o111.
all played willI enihusiasni and Intproving skill to achieve a ino51 coinnTendable result. Congi"11/1ations to Briohny Paine. ginde 12. who ledihe learn so ably throughoui Ihe sc;150n
Hall' I'eg"toy pnrii'tip"11'01i 1'11 sp0, 'I o1 ,,, Iy Iyp" Of physic, ,/ "cli, ,11,1,011' c", I esmb/,,'" In',/o118 I, fine, T'S of b, I, ,g
1/1/'01, ,d.
Tnni bv 111\. ills liar 11,111".\. 1,011 b, 'odd",, Next Season looks promising willI all \'Offr eApr, ','eiic, s. FAi/!, inId '01/1/7/eiice. influx of talented grade eights \vlio dJ 11',!I us 1'0"1'1r, ,,,, Ifhi?s displayed 111eir skills in two grade 8/9 male!Ies against All Hallows, \, Ihjcjj 'F"" or FF31, /or Phrsic, ,/ t, rin, 11- offejJ Initc/, ,, lore Ihn, I I'llri file ph\', icn/ they won convincingIy. TITanks In List go b, ,'41/5: 1'1 off, I'r sod', h1. '11/01/01!all. to all the coaches and coordinator< o1' t's, !nil. , till, / '11/11. b, sp, , 1'11jn/ b, ,!'11/3 clickei for such a great season. Also ,I. , 11'e!/ inarik you \, ery 111uch to Mr Win'leii. for innse won'trful slickei's " G, ,I nil;!out/ 111 .,/,,, v. he 1111. nil. ,-of! chillg! " GRAMA/AR GAZE7TE 1997 - P(foe 10
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