Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 1997


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Easter Celebration Sets New The lenth of Apti1.1997 willno down in 111e history of Brisbane Girls Grammar School as tile day new heirhts were sei and achieved by the Music Department. WillI new Swing Co- ordinalor Mr Mark SUIlivaii taking centre 51ane 161' his first mayor concert at Groinniar and a combined Grammar clioir consistinn of Girls Grammar Senior Choir and BrisbaneGraminar's "Groinmarpliones". it promised 10 be a spectacular evenin". but no one It alised how special an experience 11 would be. percent. Tile result was electrilying. Members o11he audiences aid anenvards that nanicularly during the beautiful solo by grade eleven student. Alexie it 11. the Ilairs o11 tile backs o1/11eiriiecks stood up. 11 was all exhaLis!ing but \, ery I'ewni'ding perlbrmance \vliicli everv always been all eveni inucli anticipaied The encl of yeai' calliedral service has Heights waiting for finally aiTived. file joint choir look its Inace hellind Ihe Chamber Orchestra. Expectations and hopes were running high. As the 11rsi noies of Sc/inncrt's Aid$, Ab. 2 ill GIIiqjni were played and sung. 111e audience knew they would 1101 be disappointed. From the height oilhe sopranos and violins. to the deptlt of 111e basses and celli. everyone was giving it one nundi'ed Catherine Chapman

Senior musicians shine






^;* '11/1ric. g, Wry$ n, ',' "111'1/"71" to go A'. 19,711'ill lid n I'dA flinticrl/ I'mr/ur Bri. *bullc Gill$ Ginr, I"I'll .Scho, ,I. t. *


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b. .

Catheriiie Chapinan

Sillgle person Dieselii. including 111, 'ts I"ru' fins b, eJi ,I s, ,. IeJ of

in 111e school calendar. bui 111is ycar it was clianged 10 an Easter perloriiiancc

flitce, $, SI^' nip ,Mirsic DeptiJT, Ileiii

performers. enjoyed inlinensel}'

.\/ifi Ih, $11cc, s, '11/1e C"flitditil to avoid Ihe crush or events at Ihe close Tile niglti concluded will, analj, , """"' ""'111',' ill 1/1e .win'. !/IC Sailjuj Drille \, ear reading 11'0m PitteciFrancescaGas!c - ''''P' "'.'It' Coll"F1 11', IT lidjt/. 7/,,-., eicii! r/lull'c"s"', I 1/1, MIC"1.1 off/I, and two pieces 1101/1 111c Initrniediaie Once sealed. Ih, audience was treatetlio Selli"r Coll, ', r! 8,111, /. P, ,tiffw'o11 Choir. under the direciion o1' Nits all Inspiring rendiiion or Albinoni's Elizabeih Wilsoil Biseiiib/,. Sellioi C/10/1'. C/,, 7111b, I' The henuiiful Indrigi'0 ". a haunting. beautiful niece of OJT/Ie$n'd rill, /1/1e Sino, Bulld hamioiTy or "1,511 roll, 11 of 10\ In us IC many niay Teijiember from Paler Urnni/^713 " \\'as alloiher memorable weirs master^ece. "Gd//inn/I". Tile 7/1,1/11/51'c c, IPItii, if. ,tiff, \., ti Hit'k, \'. liem from the evening Chaniber Orcliesira under the dii'eelion K, fir N, 11.30"!e illid Led/I Kill, ,o11.11'111i r u Ivan. accompanied on tile Reverend A1an Dale's add , ''"" 'ntr}' till, / hi", 10,011r wrenci, . I in ': .. e ,' was Inspiring. with ' '''" " piece with at$0 '710elic ". in/e, 11 ainazing Inatuniy and after 111e service sensilivity ni, Seijior Colicerr Bulld '01/11, life$ 10 Words cannot express Ihe appreciation Tile choir and official party then Gritei'ed del e/OF in 111"nil'in' rind t's, ,,, wilte rind that niusi go to all in Lisic sinn. in 1011 '." it ' ' ' the 911ee, , of^/, b .. ' P ' ar. rs EliZabelli Wilson. Mr , _. I' lire in F1ni. again by the Chamber Orchestra. Mr Holley Ibr creating a very s ecjaj P'"""' ''""' 'ibi/fly 10 nhi a ,I. er evening for all involved. 11 will be ''''"' ""'11,113!, 13 I, pelroir, .


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Bodysiiatclimig at BGS

Eninia Prior

e service PIOgressed with tile Senior difficult act to follow but 11 I I A SriTnll town is in\. rided b . , OiT perlOnning two pieces. "Sled/ coinmunjj has an oilier ''" fi'"^'ice e, ,trillfinsiicn/I\' received 10nii \vhicli the b ,,' , , . , tile jusi notes echoed Ihrouglioui the fulleric S"b, e Dullce bJ Ih, X-Files. Govenimeni conspiracies, cal edral. the audience sal in awed On Sunday15JuneaiCii H Ml PerciJJ'10/1 Eiiferiib/,. 1/1e piire 1.0jces paranoia. lie0-11azis. nos ~ ' ,I' - .. silence. TITe emotion conveyed by inc orWi, Senior C/!oil 11.11/I A10*IFT\ A1. e inc FBIand more thrillei"ht , G . Grammar Music Departmeni will be singers was tell by every member of 111e Vennii tilld 1/1, bcniifmi/ N, "10 performing a gala Proms Concert. This 51udents - 11 call only he Bodvsiiatcliers audience. Tile centrepiece o11he nighi, SI, innm/. Sled/Alit^^ to IeJus. diid file innOvaliOn promises 10 be all excjjjj, 'rr 11'trJ' 10 errr, . djj 1/1 nowevci. was stillto conie. music, U experience. All families d """""' ''ThC, 11n Play'1113 11, Its b\ Bodysnatchers is based o11 a 1950s B friends o11he sellooi are illvjjeu to all d ""'"' tmt/ FirrCC//. ,is 11. e// t's Ih, ginde science ficiioii rillii called After a reading by Head Girl. Barbara in. e{v Hoe Doll, ifr0,11 Ro, /eo b\ to niakc this ne\\, event a resounding "In\asion o1' the Bodysi, atchers" alld AleKay. the moment all had been cupfulin has been nunpied by Air SiC\. e Uszinski Tiff Singe Bull, I colic/,,,/, d 1/1e SIIccess. for Ihis year's BCS senior PIOduciion. But Bodysnaicliersisliardly desiiiied to

plug, trill 11'1!/I tt $el rim!pror, ,/ ^,, T popi, /a, ' 11,111i 1/1e in, dierice. Solos b\' likely 10 by a small. innmate analr. One JeSsicn ErrWrungvie o11 re"o1- an\- tilld realurc \vhicli seis it a an I I Hc/cJi SIM"JP o11 ,/1'11"I$. antij. cm/s bv ITrOdUCliOii* C\'eiiiiiille cal'lie 't I , All, I" P, 11^,,, r, fi, of Ledli Binc4jbrd itS de\elOjtiileiil is iis 11ni Ile 10 , . choirc, I, ,of 1/1, ItI, is, of Mie, 11/11 flits growl. 7/1*' F, e, 11, ,/ 11'e//F1',/, dryd/b, ' The cast is di\. Ided into gioiips. alld thrill, ,17b, ,, writ'a ", 1/14/7131,1/1-, iris se\'eral dii'rereni scenes will be school bull, ! to play' ill Iht' 011, .cJir/inId pertOi'111ed him 1111aneoust}' o11 sep"ra!e 1.1C. F, J/11', 71 11'111i ruin/! in ItICc 111 singes. Tliis 111eans Ihni You. 111e ,, 11\ '11/1. be just a B-grade production. nor is it



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audience. will bc able 10 decide \vllicli tunes }', Li Maicli rind \vilen. wini Ihis innqi\.;111ve ami',"ch. Bodysiiaicliers '10/1/15, s 10 he all}111iii:! 11uloi'dinai\


7/1,11/11Fi, ' 1111, $1", it. 1,111! ,!!/ 1/11, /,. IIJ. , pin\ills 11,141,111. ,. ing 11n//Iu, ,11.1'. Juli. Mt' Sit"~: All'I'll'1'1'.*. J\If '14/1/1'"!I. .IIJ',,/,/! init/ All:, 11'11$"11





Ritecii Grammar gilt aic in\o1\ed ill , t'-,,,'I', till"Ih, 'I' hi. q 17,111id 4.1p/,/, Jilt, IhC riniduCiion. including N ' 'in jar', 1/1 flitr'I flint/ 11. ,,!t. nor o111\ 11.1yj Cla\'"rillu. illl CM . Susai , C ', .. the ill, /^\'11/1/'11 Kuni", bindl. \o in 1/1, Ality Fricnd antl Allann Siniili in innj, I' 012,111, ,nil0, I ,I '11/01hci' grrrii ci'4111. 101es. Bodysnatclier* will be Fellbriited In inid Augusi. and o11,111inn's Ibr sure -


BGGS Chin^, b, I' 01'c/IJFi, n pad, ,Tiling in Ih, . E, ,Fin 5.11. it',

ffi/Ie p, 4101"lullce$ 10 offIIJ b}. ille

it's going 10 be big. Doll't nilsh it GUAIALIR GAZETTE 1997 - Prt"e 6

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