Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 1997
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Eight England and Eight Woolcock participated in a cross-curricular activity Grinned "Ancient Greece"
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' 8 Ei!31,111d & 81,001cocA "011'1, I it Gull, e, " outside of the boundaries of
separate subjects and classrooms. After all orientation session of maps. slides and information about ancient Greece. \,;c sei off for a walk around the city to study Ihe legacies of Greek architecture.
in \vhicli five countries - based on our langiiage classes. conipeied The cross-curricular week CUIminatedin Ihe exiiavaganza of the Olympic Gaines. won bv 11nlv:
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a Greek reast prepared by o111 Heads of House, anti a Drama h was enjoyable working willI Showcase wincli \\, Quid nave girls froiii another class as we shocked Sophocles. Tile \\. inning completed three niain activities - play. "Perseus and Mediisa". \\. as Language and Biography. presenled 10 o11r parents at an Architecture and Consiructioii. evenin, \vilere all of our \vorl: from and Drama. Various locations. the week was displayed. Never including the library. conipuier before nave so many versions of the rooms and the auditoiiunt were Parthenon adomed BCGS! work stations for Ihese activities. In addition, we
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01u' cross-curricular week \\, as great! We learned so Inucli. made new friends and had fun
' trained" for our own unique version of the 01ynTpic Games.
Alen, IIJ^"", incht, in in King Geor"e Sqimi?
Null' 11'e fire 11. ill, },,. to roamde libOd!1'01* 111"d, IIJ I, ,is$ 1/1, slid,
Year 9 Two Week Camp Si, lee ille esiab!ish, ,, e"t @1the BGGS Men, on"landoorEd, ,c"iron Centre fill", bili Jus8. ill ' i " o I , I errr"di, ,g $011, e @1the year 9 C"inPS to fluO "'eekS Sillde"is have bee, , "i"e, , IIJe o on, ,f to I ' 'e. J 71efollowi, ,gife", s give dpicft, re @150me @1the den, joinmt @CCW, red of"rim 111e i I ' Have you ever been hight canoeing? One disastrous Beef Stroganoff. we set down a 20 nietre cliff face. I ,_,___, off in10 111e night. However. 10 one supported b two r h' e Jacinta paujj group's dismay, their catamaran started controlled by niyself and a tallow ,____, 10 come undone. Once that problem was student.
Slip Up
Susie NitCallam and Colette Brelion
Upon arriving at BCGS MOEC (Binbane Girls Graniinar Scliool Memorial Outdoor Educaiion Centre) it was evident ninjaciion was needed 10 fix an area of land that had slipped due to the 1974 floods and line fellin" of
solved we continued up tlie dam. We
As 9A splitinto two group s. Ihere was the excited chatter ribotit abseiling and canoeing. but canoeing at night was a Irea!. When we began canoeing in Ihe afternoon Iravelled approximately one and a half kilometres to the back of the dam. We were carrying poles and ropes the whole way in we
Tile area which we invesiignted 11rst. w. as owned by BGGS MOEC and was
soon arrived back at Following a brief erasli course. in lie car. loaded the wincli we abseiled a 5 men-, cliff and , located near the \vaie^ ianks. we also canoes o11 the back 2 nicire slope. we allenipied a 20 of the trailer and metre desceni. This cliff. usualI\
\'isiied altotlier landslip at a nearby dairy liti'111. TITe aspects we 11nd 10 111vesiignie \\. ere soiliype. antile o11he slop. . \\aler I'vel and vegciaiion. we vigiled Ihe alitcied area and ineasiired and researchcd lite iantl slip. We iaicr \,.'eiii to Ihe A jary Vallev Dair\. Fami and organised 10 111eci and in Ier\it\ ho!h tile local Dpi exper!. ;in11 Ihe tarinerabouiilie slip on his land. To gel a bellei'grasp on this lopic we \\, atched a \, idco on landslips which occurred around tile Soulh Easi Queensland and Sunshine Coast areas. Followinn this. we e\amined the BCGS MOEC landslip and decided upon a solution 10 Ihe problems we had encountered Our results showed that trees with deep root systems would be the most appropriate to plant. GiniWMAR GAZETTE 1997 - Pnge 5
slatted the long walk reseived for Cmdc Tell silldenis. \\us ack to tile campsite. by 1:1r Ihe must situacular. rini only Despite mishaps. because o1 its angle and neight. but everyone in the class also because o1/15 ainazing \. 1.1v enjoyed 111e nitlii canoeing.
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1.1mping Backwards off Cliffs
nona Hogg
order' to lie the canoes together. The final result looked like a catamaran After many successful dinners and
Breath in, Breath out, but don't look down. ' These thoughts rail through my head as I sat suspended halfway
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