Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 1993


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procedures. This School was placed dellniielynoisomeihing to be ashamed second on this list. Certainly this is a of Ave should all be pleasad IhaL at wonderful achievement bui it must Groinmar. each girl is encoumged to be recognised that these results are a explore all her different Ialenis and fIh 992 a lilies and it is this capacity Ihal congmiul"lions are owed To achieve results such as those A few dayslaierthe results from already mentioned you need niore every school in the Stale were pub- than talent and OPPoriuniiy: the at lisliad and the new sysiem of inIe- Iiiude of accepting and providin" ginied assessment was strutinised us mr. raiher than questioning. the de readers of The Corner Mall sought sire to work is what encoura"es to detect any discrepancies and jin- each girl to attain her gaols. Cer bai"ices in lire resulis before thenI. lainly. I anI 1101 so naive that I * could be expected. nuny of Iheni believe Inai this a lies to all ' e the h"uns unt s ,j ,- . . -. eV*ni} se\en girls, gap between rinv"IC "rid public of 1992 Year TVel\e* 111.1 ' d'- whorlls. 11w, rs hinied that Ih*, c it an \idu"11y did Iheir best d. unfair advan"g, in prtv"Ie thoul- a " 00 - group. alla:n, d Ihai commendable ', d, antageu'. . , e rinps we are pH*ileged. owe\er. whcn 1:11"ing ab, ui Ihe \. alue and xi, nilIC"n'e o1'0 S ch o01 Nil Sin* moilo Labore" - moiliing wiihnui liard un rk. Howe\er. whcn 1:11kin" ab, ui "ducaiioi, .linereis one imp, nanii"c 10r Inai lielph Gramiii"r vin* sund nullr, in Ihe rest : a desireio iconi. to "Youth must look to the future" thefts .bT. I r ? b ows once repudiaied PIe to shape our future is over- which motivates hunt"n acti \ e inningIy apparent. Our by CSpousi"g Ihal an innate con cmd I rl . r!I or one another is the key to it is therefore imper"live that to- At the end or Term one' many day s youth become increasingly students reassess their situation aware or the issues which will at recllhem and the wh I engcspnse X to realise that our goals for per Secure in the environment sonnl success are our means of rifthe schoolitis natural to s"e entering and cre"tin" a world problems outside our jinmedi- where greal things can be ate sphere as irrelevant or achieved fur the good orall. in a merely the subject or tenbooks. world so often seen as replete On the contrary, youth uricm- with grasping individualists, the ployment, equality tor women concept or a tenm of individuals and minorilies, and economic is obscured. Each person, cum in un, y, an nation brings unique ness and under51anding are vl- where the energy and enth"si tai. asm or youth has its place. As the school already pro- Within Ibc school a PIeth"ran vides many opportunities to con- or opportunities exists to develop ribute to the community and our social awareness. The 'in. our social . he in - ncrease th" scope or our inter- portance or such pursuits is not CSl in the nation and 111e globe. confined by the walls or Girls' this is not a daunting task. What Grammar bul is fully realised in is essential, however, is optimism our emergence into the adult and positive goals. community. The skills we ac While recognising the quali- quire at school should be used. and this School have many rid nuence endorsed. People. pan vantages. Our worth. therefore. ticularly young PCOple. need lead- is not determined by 111is Dud ersforroc. us andiuspiration. Iflhe fortune but by the use we make dairudi"n or our railh in human or it. Stephen Grellel once said: nature signals Ihc derision of lead- "I expect to pass through this ership. it threatens Ih" basis or world but once. Any good thing. your potential. inertrore. that I can do. or anv it's time for a ren"w"I or kindness I can snow. to any rello\, idcalism. The acclaimed creature. let lite do it now. for I acliievements of Fruitssor Fred shall rinl pass this way ariai" " Hollows and the swell or sun- Rather tini coatufuig our mitt, is purl fur the Fred Holln, ,s F"un- amimir!oninrulaiirihutcs*, iUiin wall drillon in continue his work is go oniond", IdIh*nicotineg, ni"faulthe evident" or such idealism. Pro- Norid's pittniial nut only to strive for personal r"Inline"I but also for the good or all. ties or hope and resiliency. it is tempting to overlook the dan gemus level or apathy and disil Iusionment. Too often cynicism is accepted and its destructive in- This generation. this counlry,


54- mirini, +0 90 ! I

Letter "'to .the Editor:

The possibilities for a new train serviee ratse for your attention an ,. hithis presenUy "xdusi, el:. used Ro alBrisl, H future Student or your school. I an , groups art's to salt. antimnn, e, to", raised. so fungi, e me it I am pre- the Slate Go\emuieiii to proifde a \\Tmi ha e Iitfor to the decisions pr"- kilnui. ynurhro"letschooLtheKd*in ri*talcum - ' ? ~ bane HUS ' I I h 11 "I Maid. Scott Blackt, elj

Letters to the Editor and other contributions

Th*,* thoul, by \ubnii!"d In Kn\lint Conk* CL 3. nl R'Sourc* T*"chen' Ronin Pii 831 I'mI DR^ C"men ready' artwork *h. uld be subn:illed to Paul Benneii a 2.05 Cumpui*r SIaff Runni Articleh and leiiers- un coinpuier disc HID!OS- \\. ilh 11anie and corn, ci



Editorial Committee

Ediiors Sub-milors/ Sport Sub-milor/ Arts Sub-Editorn'calures Sub-milorDesign

Naonii Jusi and 10h"rina Sing Eric" Dunsian and 10 halti; Kyin Smith Tar}. n Bums Eva wood

Staff Consultanis

Paul Benneii and Krisiiiie CUDke

The newspaper committee would like to express their appreciation to Iho e \ I encouraged this new endeavour by purchasing adveriisin", space. We would ho that our readers will support those who have supported lis.

That's what friends are for

been more aciivcin reminding Ihe buiwillalsn provide our Old Girls world or her age and her accum- willin neiw, rL of influence which

Felicity Williams

The Girls' Grammar School. pii*hnienis. of blowing lierirumpei. Brisbane has been around a long bu to speak? \Vhai about all the lime; one hundred and *ishieen oilier annivers, ri*s and celebr, lions years. in fact. Her binhd"y fell on in b. SII"red in Ihe injure? 15 March. alld in a 51*Ie becoming \\'cll. a new group. FRIENDS to a discreCi and dignin"d LLDm"n OF GIRLS' GRA\I\I, \R. i\ ah, ui or litr age. Ihe e\*ni p"*\ed \\11h to he launched *hith \\ill promnie bar, IF a ineniifjn un public. NUL\. "rid in*ref Inc in Iere*I\ 111 Bri\h"nc ii'\ rini us Ihnugli \11c * d, crepii - Girl\' Gritiiini"r SLh. ,ni. ,lid build " 111de*din, n, \"} \hc h in h*r primc mmu"111\uppurli\e ne!*"rL uii" rind ccrl"Init rini in 1.1 " nild-Iil, nutiic* Ihrnu, 11 ill, ,\Iumni JnU nili. r ITi*rid\ JnLl \uup, irkr. ,, iIh. \\h\ didn'111, rin*rid\. I, , \1,111* \. hi, ,I. in 111e ,'idcr c, .him"n!I* Ihing to 111.1, I. in* ,..,, I\111n. nut T, 11\ nL" uruu, 1.1;! 11.11 11ni\ 1111ghi a\;,. Shnuidn '! ine} hJ\*, tun, ,r! Ih* Sth, ,, 11 "rid 11* tnn, ,r"\ L ri\I\

may assist and menioriheni in 111eir juture careen and allou' them ac ce\s to irue equii, 111 Ih. work place

^'c \Libh F. 0. G. G. LLCil! E\, re\\I, n \ ni ini*re\I winulJ b* .!U"re\,.\*d " Ih* Printip"I' ~ S CL'rc1.1r\ B ri*hJn* 1.1r1. ' <11,111iii. !I S. h. ..,, G BRIS H \ 41,111

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