Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 1993


_., 111e in*I year. Perm"cuhure is a what , new at iruhil this I, "r? 1.1"I design \\slum \. hich in\, I*e* Following Ihc 1.3diii, n oilhe inst dejailed assessment uT all ;IFc" 1111rl twit yeah whereihe fowl\antand the hub*CLIu. in I planning for crier, y

I"ICr in line >ear Ihc ci"., e* wliu gu to irubil will hat' Mime ,, I Ih. ir 1.1t, rin, duced by Ihe*e ""rd, n*. Over 11N, 11 is 11nj, *d to h"\e in111 itces producing litreughuuim, *1011heye;Ir Thiuuplnycrcun*er\e*inoi*lure and . pr"\eni\\Lead"ed re"ching Ihcgrtiw- I Ing incdium. ,



Ihe pig pen were con him, led by Ihe

erriciency In remit LIT building*.

Years ele\. en andiwel\ e injeersied 11uman In\ulveinenl. and disirihu

SIudies girl. .Ihi*year. as" re*ui. ,I

11un ""d choire nipl"in* "rid ;iru-

Ihe is. P. canip. jinbil now boa*Is " runis in urucrio elimi""telhe u\* or large. rotted rhicken coup. a duck ariiiicial reriili*er* and pesticide\. a\ VCIl us a constant \upply or trekh peli. 111e firsi uT the Nom"culture Perm"cullure '11/1s 10 be reli-*us^ Leseiablcs. e\ en lithe quaniiiie* are ganleii*. und " irond. I"in ing ,rid is based on \er> sriund nor willcieni 10 *upply all Ihe needs file Year eleven sindenis bulli eculuglc"I principles. "11he Centre. The Year ei"hi. nine the chicken conp and duck pen and A1 Ih, level esiabli*hed at Imbii and I'm classes \*111 killvol\edin the acts, lark lent"tnny mothers 10the renn"culture "init to growfood plants sinnll"mount uimainien"nc" required day ,Id "hicks. it isjus: "s well Ihai for Ihe Centre not un1, \11h, ut dig once Ihe garden\ are eatJhli\hed the girls had to cease Iheir mother gills and wiih, ur bare ground I"rid On a musliSm:"rer Kale. at kilo. I ing to go ,, ul tin camp or ilie chick- Iherefore tt, thouiweed\! hulal" with- lit \""r IWCl\e I. S. P. grub:IF are cur ens niighi have Ihnughi Ihey were out cheniical* from out, Ide the sys- renil} u

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' chicken - sitting"


A1bert Park Flexi School offers street kids a ehance.


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lie\I \LITcoi rin:I he d. t\ , hnlii"111 !,!". As " t:u"ncil cmpi, *ee he w" tintred inc nulliun ."Id 100k up Ihe cli;111e"ge kitli"rd'\ L. in1111uni"lion. \kill\ hiki hatn noned to " lint ed. ., ., litr \c\cn }cam in Uning uric ,I jilt (", Iuncil'\ ni, re un"ICJ*"ni I, b*' d, - lit erin* ,\1.11, in 11,111C, \ ite jusiihrc* \c"n n. I\" 11"I bt\!n Lie"r *, 11/11g ,, nU h"\" 111u\NCU a ick 11.1r r"I\111* niuiiieiii\ hut. .in" t, Iu ,h. ,n'c Ih. whiml in 1.1*rill"n. Ih* re. renth* \I", eni\ h"\c 1.11. "rid the Lulln, I'm, Ih, > IIJ\* 111 RiCii"rJ I\ c\ IU*ni. Ih*. JP;, c", 1.1. ,Lih*re 10 Ihe tuliplc rule* nt, \*... ,1'11. \. .Ir \10^

,, 1/1/4;;* ''''1/4;,, "'~~' *;<:.,*.*. ^

Taryn Burns .^.^.^^ One'ing mum. und*r Ihe A1berl PJrk ripen "Ir Ihe"I, , hanc iten Ih* h, mr o1'111e A1ber, P"it F1e\I Scli, ,I I, r Ihe past Ihree \",. file <111kti pr, \iU, \ Ih. nitp"nunii} 1.1r BnL^ bune\ \Irecikid* to g. I, n "n "Uut;111, n "rid to jam 111e h"\IL flulhc"1.11cJl .in, innsu, Isc\1,111\ whi*h ".. runiiii"n\ re, pi, IJke inr grinie, . \him IOUr\can "3,111e "it \Irc, I kid\ cullir, nieU jilt Ihen Lur. I\tat, r. SJll}^Ann* AIFin*., n. wild *nu"Irc" "bun! *ICcpiiig ,ICcniiiiii!, d"11nii I'. Ir 111. ill, Incl*\. Livid~n 1.1' Dri\b. Inc it" drifting r, ,in\ in A1b*ri P. in. Ve, \ *113gL~iru I'm Fret, , I^. h, Iun


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* Wolf;ing on the pond



in Ihi\ *, Iu;!11.1" .I *,, alld be 1111 thing*inu, . fur IOUng PC, pit in SIM} in re*kibic 11.11 Iu ticL, ,inc In\ OILcd re, " 1112hi. Howc\*r. Inc, e r, ,, in\ h:Id *, in, 11} t\lib 111, *111, *111\ "lid Rich, iru rel, nil"I n in . 11, \ IJLcn .. n in* ,*jut. I r"it\ oreuid, \I ill*I 11 begJii "* * drop, n c, nir. .InLi I'll"i I, . 1:1:1, c Ihr 11\e\ 111 Ih, .e CLIiiibi, 1.0 \*. 1111 " \\11th, 11nL'11/11. 'nit huin. it\\ Lnildren ,. Ikit, ,Ind limit in, r, \", L*\\1.11 \\". jilt *ch, ,, I ,., \I"hit A1 pre**n, . w, Ih 111r** preg 1111. c, nc, pi \\"\ CLIenUe, I \\iih Ihe n"n! girl\, n 111c nill. Ihi\I\ 11.1"Iw"\. lielp 111 Ih* 8.5baiie Cii} C, until \1111pie 'Ih, 1.41 I. it. LLCr, 111.1 ,, rinu\ "1.1"I I it\I}cur A1h*ni'"rk Fit\I Sth"I "11,111ing nil educJiiuii Mrr* nilcn, , h", 11\ fini \I'Meni *nier 11niver*ii\ ,Iui ", Id " dimc"ticniiigi. L, , runi";n*, fitc hunt WITr\ "lid liedic. 111.1n pain in FCbru. !n Iq, Q Bt I, or, tilln"uih un nild *h. Iuld mate \L"L inr jujure budding \Iudeni\ kurince, and mud* \uc, tite* with Ihe '0 to A1beriP"rk. in IQ*2111ere or nil Ihc studeni* current1\. " 111e \, a. a recurd high 1.11**ni} litu $1u- tilth. I. *uruiy Ihere it unly it nio, " deni\. Currently Ihere are righieen un \!lite*\nil Iu!ure .Inc. U. Ihc roll "lid 11uiiiber* JP""r in be un En\bane Girls' Grillnni"r Sch", I Ihe Incre"re ,111c" F1, dc\ cie\"n "rid ILLej\c sir SIudeni. ;ITe \Iud}'ing mr 111.1r delli\111e LIP"minii\ to u. *"rvice at Julii, rand Stillor certinc"re* ", Id are inc \!heri Park F1e\I School to heI truly ticdicaied. h I* increrlib1.1.1 in inr 111e <111rlen!*. Thi* *i\ '* Ihe ., hvine 111" \urniuiidiiig\ in 1,111ch Unitinuniit 1.1 h"Ih ."I\ n! studciii. jilt*c hindcijj* IC;inI hill Ih, \ ni. 11.3, to IC, 1.1 Ir, ,in *.\h .,!her rinU hLr* I'm\I '. uLLt*\fullt. \11 ,, I 111,111 "it' .^^ lull> fur;*. " iru lint. \ \Lhi"h 11.1"11. *nihu\!.,, it jind 1,111!I, .1.1. "!11. Tilt. *!. t**ill, .. Ir, "*."litj. .,,,,,,,,,, illu*lire ", in I, ,. 11ni vin \In. I" .Milt\ " "*. Alit' " ;11r :.!11.1:I, ., rid ,' ..,, in"Ihin:! in;11 in. jilt " ,. I. ,,., , '11/1"I n. Irur. .., Ih, ' .. fun. I. Girl\ L'hit, Tii*,* vind*11n hillcih. inni. I- Iit"1111/1"r ni, k** .111,1,111".. I * n Hill I; \* i, , JUL. .Inc. Ih*1:1*I\ A '11/1" c, in- hull. ,n in Ih" I, rill u! unn;ticu 11,111 I. nilin* to Lirug=it to \ur. .I\" if, ,ni ,ill. h 11.1p\ I. , ill"FC jilt " 11.1, I'll. ""\ to Ih* lit\I *",! *I 11. , IhL 11, ,"I. 'Ir\\ bin \ * ,\I*., T!, L ,;..- 111 111, .111dciii\ h. ,\, ; inc} H"U\c, J, .,* 111,111*\ illrou, 11 Un3c, 1,111,111in, *111.1 I*, 111, hiur .*k, \I'll\ NILi\, 11\"... 1.11\ * "rid r", ul"r. Iu, ,nl\ illitiid 11\c "J. \ " in Ji jin c 1'1, .. I \th full .."n rillr* h "\, , \.. C, Ir, ,111 1:11"1.1.111 1:1 :., 11 pm it* liti"\ Ih*! .. Ih. r ,. Lh, ,,, I\ Ink. T 11c \illd, ni\ ,u, IheinLei\ e\ 111r, .u, 11 ;,, r F1.1111*d 111.1r L, ,ur**\ in 111, \I .;I\,\ I\11h Ih, \11 1.1 u. at rinimm"r ."11 h. in ticlp 111 \ nluni"r> lullir\ IL h, arc Nit" 111.1, , jilt h*11, r 1.1r Ih, \* in " "\ 1.1nu *Iuu"nL\ I rt, ni wit\ *r\:11c\ R:cli"I, 11.11. Sunniit inc fir\: \Lii. ,. 11 it 11.11 I'll, ,!. I I\ 111. Lu-., ruinJiui ,"' Ih. 111L LIPpiinuiiii\ prt. uni\ incl,

Two clubs undertake an economical mer er Megan Scott & Virginia Jay infomi;11Nh 11Nu; careen. jin Ll"h I. Tii. - c\econ\. I*..,,, -,, ill, J b ,,.__,:_, jin"rt"ni in nial. ing ,conuniic* a sub- Inclu. :*\ :hc inc\jutni*. \I . . \ . nieE, ,rinmic\S, "ith arcirl*' jeci, !'inICresii0"11,111rlenL\ filelir\I d\ . ' I . ' * '.. r. mm"r a, n, . to Fretit* it in runi Dr. *maiiun on , \I"rth fitu**ed un rum"n*I. Ih Sk. . . '. .'". wit, c \Iude"IL can lisi, 1,101h, ** Iheri"*andl"11,011he5i, "KMarLei I".., I. d ' : working un till ICreni are, . ;Inrl discus. and Austinlin'\ ecnn, ,nile \i!inn. 5 * lopic, . uith "L. ,,, unit impii"11.11*. *

The hocie:}' ha\ nit'eni!, Jiniiaitd \'11h Ihe Brisbane Grimm"r annom IC< Club. increasing Ihe diver*11y of ideas and tip"tinuniiie* for "uesi speakers. nits IC;arthe 51udeiiis hope to omange sneakers un lopics as var led as Ihe Rug*ian econoniv. econnm i's and trimmerce at Uniterally. Canirkll', Iai. eover of Ainuiiq. the I"\I lint Indu\icy und "crinumic* in businc**. B} di*c, I, Ina r. let"n, "rid lopicai issue* " *C:; J uneniii. \UUTce, . "I

Education the young about Cancer ^ Sarah Jane SI cjajr These assignnieni* were u*d at -.-.--, SI Peler\ Junior Scliool in a reqource The Lindenis in y"r nine ill 1992 cenire 10r Ihe children'\ educaiiun cnncluded their study or Healih with and person"I inIere*:. The relum or lese"ithing assignmenis aini. d at In- Ihe cuntrihuiinn* alro hrou*hi man: rooming younger incmber* or \DC1eiy postiive cumnie"15 iruni each grade aimui cancer. CTeaiing either a prim- Ivhich had gained wineihin" from Ihe phlei. game or vi. unl aid. *"ch pro^Ci creJii, c work Sume ganie* were 10.11\, ed un " \petiiiciyp. ,I cancer. relain, d for funher r*rerunce. giving U. S. ribing the \yin"I'm\ und Iru"!- b, 11h twin vin*ni and incrca\, U awnre 111"n . n. .. :,., \uu"ger whorll *Iudeni\






Mr meden was a chainiing and lieiprul mein byr or the sth"o1 eoni in unil}. His fri, ridl} Scumsli at rental\a}s briglilencd, ip hit gr"et ing wheth"r he Has selling up 111, audiiuriuni or k"epi"g nur gardens green and clipped or our grounds An nth"r delightful "a} h" added 10 sch""! lire " as the pres ence or his faithful. constant

Kristine Cooke On rriU", 26 Martli. Ihe mein hers of the Sclioolfnmil! furcwell"d a popular lieure in ,, n. or Ih" pmundsni*n. Rill PCd"n. Although \Ir Perle" 51ill intend* to w"rk part-tini" for " itw hours a wetk. 11" will pi, " up full-time work. inking things much eggi"r from no, ,

c, impanion. his dog .\rigus. Angu* ace"in punicd \Ir Peden tin his duii"s und. allh"".. 11 he was a paticnt "aceep, er" "I man} pats and cumin""is. he niaintained sitadf"$1 in his r"IC as \Ir PCden's flu"rdian. Tl, " until" school Mislies them both it"11. is erai"Iu1 10r their genuine cuminilm"nl. and hopes 10 see them both often.

Page 3 GRAMMAR GAZETTE, Term I 1993

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