Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 1993
Sports Inter house Swimming
Personalities abound at the 79931ntehouse Swimming
Ho se co ours flown at he inter ouse swimming
A season of in a y highs and a few lows
ClinchneGe in 'Ih P' 8 e- ey p ay with well as a calm and dedicated man other than Score rin . the A Crude ner, al broug1, "10the^rin a quali- softballers arerug .3 errors and 7
Krietlrre Cooto
inied a "clean swe ' by Woolcock who won Ih t. Col. Plant Challenge Cup which is awa, tied to the Housewhichgai"s them cot number of ' 15 for the
JO Largen
Over five Saturday mornings dur
ing first tern, the A and B Softball teams look part in the Q. G. S. S. S. A. Sumh Morgan with . 00 had the
The Valley Pool was again a blaze or colour for the 1993 interhouse Swimming Cami val. Allthe Houses performed
faced with Store High. they in 7 errors and only produced 2 hits. There were many factors involved in this
competition at Carina. Both reams achieved second place, h each case 10 Brisbane Stole High School
highest B Glad batting are roger. Chis, incalsohit2homerunsagainst S atgalel s. Kane Hansen scored
individual events. Wooleock enthusiastically, and o"se s int was h' h 14.1 h 00'n Griff', th 208, we , especially for the polen- member orWoolcock lied for the
but if the team had belief 'in its The A Gad was a young but the only run against Srii High with proven ribi"Iy, Ihis sinn, ion would motivated jam who were ably led by a home run Ihrougli leftfield. not have occurred. their captain and pitcher, Rebecca There were two major disap- Despite a dedicated band of par codveldt. Rebecca's pithing was a pointments about 1993 season : ents who supported Iheir daughters hi ' I o the season. She reduced again Gramrrnr succumbed to the each Saturday morning and Mrs 35 K2s for the lean andled with enthu- "Stale High syndrom " and the Hancock wlro enjoys being a spycm SIasm and by example. This reason SchoolcommuniLyofleredlittlesup 10r at softball nines. itI . de saw Rebecca pitch with ino control port to a ream that had worked so the Sc the School hardly supported the icon tonly dB. B. s) and more flunk". espe. hard all term. smiting pmciiceeven at all. Those who did tmv Cart ciallycurve balls. the mastery of which before the rest of the School had saw skilful. t' ked is an extremely advanced skill and begun classes. gave the players genuine encoumge would always clieit such an excited During matches againsi teams menu reaction from the catcher, Christne Peel Kirsten Valery was the "hitter" or , ,
all those girls who participated, ing 24 points each, Another out.
seco, adjn the sevent
over age championship, and also wontheOpen50mrreestylecl", n The Housegainingmostag. gregate points and the Liney pionship. Inter house Swimming Cup Other individual age was Grimth. They scored 314 champions were Sonia White with elly Iep esen coatrib- i e y ep esen contri - in the 13 years and under, W I k P. S. er ip t e 5 years age :;'!;11"t ahead o England years scoring 22 points. Griffith also took out the Alithese girls and the rest Burrell Cup which is or the swimmers on the day awarded to the House which must be congratulate on gains the most number of their efforts. These efforts points from the Inter house were continued on to the Relays. They gained 106 q. G-S. S. S. A. Swimming Car points with England on 95 nival where alithetrainingand dedication or Ih Girls' Gram
the team wiih a batting averag o, 523 and 14 RBI. s. Such power balling set up victory and inspired confidence from lire resr o the team. Chrisiine Peel with .458. Sally SIitt with .352 and newcomer to the A Ginde. Sharon Todhunier on .333 with 8 RBI. s were a strong back-up. Indeed. the total team hits were 51 10 the opposition's Th A grade blended into a smooth team who worked well logeiher and proved to be very supportive o one another. Th same can be said o Ihe BS
ewcomer Raelene Wouda was one of the B Grade pilehers and. as The A Grade Catcher: Chistine Peel
Gritfith was defeated de
mar sw, miners were rewa ded
Page 12 GRAMMAR GAZETTE, Term I 1993
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