Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 1993



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inter house drama produces two nights of high-ener entertain t

lion Ir, 1111 Ih, ad'udi*ajor a u 1.1 "I' ' '' Prim} 111e hislory of Hant"k. wit, w". \cn kern for "11 ODNr!unii} Tor itn litd. pill. p\, ch, - lire Sth"11 to hate inI upreriuni*' to tout"I viciq ni Ihe eFitcis of 111i. see a play. Nilh such a sireng 111esFagc. huu. eh, Id cleaning app, rJiu*" ,11 The piui rocu*ed on Ajic* and two jeeringCTS. niC Lull, IC cuncepiI\" ", I rel* or gunniian angels. uric chainin cl"*\\idea", lid an uric\,, ticd chance 'er Whatitc. "belk I b, '. 5 U\\Casel* amazing rid-jibbing The dance oilhe housewires drew an Shelle^ 11iife was a wonU, rful Pre especially sri, rited runense trolli Ihe *en!er and Lucy Burke and Bi, nc" nudience on the 11iglii Thresh gave in o51 con\inclng The progmm on Ihe Friday. highi "dudi*h' performance*. Den" Dill, n began wiih Hirschfeld's "Dream a also produ"d a sirong Terrorm"rice Liille. Dream'. directed by Naoini Just who ajs , . . e adjudic"mr said Iha! this play ara o4an. This Interesiing play' Tartjcaiide"wiih fine satincal\. t' g The final play. or Ihc RSIiL"I I\", The penomiance or Sumh Morgan us Gibson 's "Uncle Eruie's Portr, ii' Mange" who* ambiiion was to be a wriiien and direci, ! h Kar" Allen me Iher was a high!Ishi. as \Lag and produc*d bv Claire .\ddle*ee This play wits an interestinn blend or ' ~ in P O a n} mined some git. at "one' Iiiiers"




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chaiiges bv each backsia"e crew and. above all. Ihe mienied aciin" or the girls. Shc was also inmressed nieiiied on Iheliigh energv of each PI"I. . the quick and erricieni sei alld unknown Italiano* invading a ramil}'s quiet night logciher at h. ni*. This pi;Iy was a dimculichuice hurlhe choreogmphy was a hi, blight O\era11. 1.15 Benner coin

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"Sorry. wrong Nuniber". per loaned by O'Connor. was a corned>- jinller wound around an overheard leiephone call Ihai gave demils or a planned murder. Eva wood. us 1.1rs









runnances from the casts. However the sureess of the 1993 Festival wasin

Kym Smith

Scrogings as the leader of the heroes SIe\enson. and Calllin Hunicr. as Ser and an interesiing villain in Heidi geani Dully. stole the show but were Pieizner. resplendent un uniform. ably support*d by the many. dancers

The interhouse Drama Festival rin small measure due to the dedica was held on 25 and 261.1amh and lion. enihusiasm. and " Tsuasive" played to packed houses. Interhouse lethniques of Ihe House Druma Ca - rivalry ensured acti\ely involved au- lains diences and lively enter"in merit On the Thursday evening. Eng The adjudi"10r of the Festival. land preseniedilre first play: "A Space Sue Bellner. slated how dimeult the Oddiiy". directed by He Ien decision of chuming a winner was Chrisiinson and Kaiharine Wei"Ih"I. ause of the extremely. high stand- This play. about supervillains in love ami or all 111 the performances bui with superheroes trying 10 save Earlh. MinonWoodh d G ' lit y n we supporjed Each of the seven Houses pre. cooperative efforts or 77 energeiic . play with lively and compellin" per House members and featured Kelly ICOACHTRANS I PACKAGE I Save 50% on Full Prices I semied an aciion-packed. his11-energy

Reeboks. and dummv and Ihe leiephonisis who made Ihe by' Ihe fact Ihai inari\ girls had e Secon p ay un I e ' bill' au Ience g Ihal Telecom is au10- \, '11 h ' ' . Palel. _. .. , .. wo action-packed nigh!* of qual it> entertainmeni. jusiifj. ing theire Snow White andihe ina it ' woodh, incn OUS errorls pul in by all the

I Chess IOUmamenj un Bangkok was paduced as co cert and was a d z I ZllnE eveni. to which over 180 musi- clans conlrlbuial. For one week Tomin\ Knitrg. Grace Knighi. Glen Shor, cL and \'eneiia Fields rocked tile Suntory Piazza at Southbank within, Andre\, LIDyd \\'ebbermusical. "Ch*\s". The slury or Ihe love manglcs belween two Eels of lovers connected wiih a fifty-piece orchestra. the Brisbane Chorale. and an eighi-piece rock band. A few familiar Grammar also King Anhur and a flock olducks Virginia Jay's hairy-chesied Prince drew 'ridniiring" glances alld Ihe freeze frame MCIions of the seven The Woolc, ck House drama Uust Equal" direcied b> Kaiherine Girls' Grammar contributes to Chess. Naomi Just Also. Christ tipher Pairick liencher Dr cello! was heavily involved in Ihe produciion in his POSiiion us Orchestral Lianager. The show was a verv EUC cessful event. stunning jig au diences wiih rini only musical brilliance bui also high enier- ; lainmeni value. TITe co- uruina- ; lion or In usic. dialogue, jinhi ing. sound and movemeni was very. effective and Ihe \how leti a 1.51ing Impression. To itchie\. e Ihe niliinaie r*cogniiioniide*trved ii only lacked one Ih, rig: a longer run





dancers. This play was the result of Ihe dwarfs were hilanous






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lie\"I it had been a rewarding and merit wereob\inus 101heaudience. " was obviousihar the uhole cas: be

Emma Taylor

Special I^Iue Price Also includes

IIJou witnessed Grammar'sinu- siCal produciion. ^b!onS. at

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memomble experience the beginning or ADrll. you would The 1,205 American nan itr haveseen"ridrecognisedihei"Ienior background or EU^ mude the whole cast. The principals. An- jinllihe niore exciiing and differeni SUF Grant. Bill Johnson. Marvel andihe American accentsadn led by Domey and our own Naomi Just. alithe cast ga\e am, re auiheniic reel R"chinl Boldery. Serah Black. Kale and contributed 10thCSuccess clench Eltham and Kara Allen, ga\e out- performance. $1"riding and professional perform- 11wasnitjustihec"51 who \\riched an cos each night. hard; Miss Witch. r and Miss Audiiions began righibackin the Buchan"I from Boy<' Grammar ul wond week Drierin. wiih pans de- in itemendous energy and effort and cidad aimosiiminediaiely. Rehears- Iheperfonn"riceofeach casimeinber alsihen began and conlinucd right up benefited from Iheir expcrti" uniiliha"y beforeihe openingnighi. rug^ jusi would not The twenty-fi\e gins form years Q 10 have madeii. if tile band indri'theen 12 relre, rwi hard for seven ILeeks a success and Ihe^ deserve to be before the pertomiances. while Ihc praised for Iheir hard work and per swig managed to pick up Ihe dance 10nnance steps quiie quickly. lint hay$ Mere a if}nu, .J missihi* energeiicpro bit uric*-ordinaled and look a little duciion. }nu missed a gre", SL, inn longer. Hot\e\er. they' did c\eniu- and ajile-, Ize ventriloqui, :'\dummy ally catch on in lime fur opening which eliciied an hilarious r'spnn, e nigh:. froinihe ;Iudiencc. You alko in i'sed when 111e cast e\emuall\ rollnd vime ni, gic"Iru usic, rid "citing cor I e rehe"r, al iconiinns. many hours runies. EU^ \\, s an o1her nih"rd v. ork were, hcad bui. In per- tel> Lurec\%Iu! and enjoyable 'Dini miniance. Ih. enihusia*in and. Iuuv- Gramni"r*' production.

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Page 5 GRAMMAR GAZETTE. Term I 1993

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