Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 1992
interact continues SOS tradition to aid Nairobi
Girls' Grammar committed to eommunity service
dents were part of 111e EEA pro"rann. nily for sinei Lids 10 toriiiiiue Iheir educaiion. Thi* Drugraiti is SLIP- The school's Exiension Edu
Nothing could I'LLe been atcum- wilded men in 1111us 10 the Jackson Five
Rebecca Roebuck
Ingrid Hadgraft
Bhshane Girls' Groinmar School cation ACiivities prosmm involtes purled by bulliihe stale and inc"I The Sal\antin Amiy and SCF; iqlocaiedonGregoryTerracein Spring compulsory community service. Mori governineni, . but more aid is 51/11 Slantp*. Sales and Sunar; Siress an, PIi*hed withoui the lielp of Mr Em Hill. one or Brisbane'sinnerinnsisiib- of 111e service tile ECliool provides for lined, d. Brisbane Girls' Grammar SOS; Service and success. So ends cry. o11r palieni. emcieni and ever u, bs. AIDn"side tile numerous newly 111e Spring Hill area is a resuli of this sindenis arc involved through Ihe ano1her y, ar of dedicaied cuminuniiy supportive Sinn Co-. adjnainr. who. renovaied lownhouses. which nave proprani. Trod, lion"11y Findenis ill EEA program us volunteer teacher *enice by 111e BGGS In Ieraci Club finchn" himself at SOS on singe. in a recenily beeoine Irendy. are various grides eleven and twelve panicip. ,led aides. 11.1ping and encouraging 111e and its dili"eiit menibers. whose tom. juju. and dancing alongside the very cen!re, aimed to help the elderly. the bur this year only Ihe 11igher grade participaiiis The School also al. hintd erroris raised much-needed brave Mr Elmes and Mr Rennett. fi disadvantaged. Ihe in rind Ihe nandi- look pan. minugh 111e progran, in- lows the FlexiSchool students 10 funds for numerous cliariii. s rinlly came to regret saying: "t'11 do capped. Bhsbane Girls' Grammar is. \. o1ves o1her areas or Brisbane. a great use sonie oI our equipment in- Our club Ihis year coniiiiued the anything Tor thanIy" and has been For many years. in- part is aimed to provide community cliiding our science laborainrie< irudiiioii or guppyning the SOS Cliil- However. the fact 111.1 he. along Tile school's invulvcment volved in coinniuiiiiy service spyciii- service in 111e Spring Hill area dren'* Village in Nairohi. Kenya. by side so many of our niember. DOES in some or Ihese renires 11"s tie- cally un the Spring nil! area. Tlie The school 111rougli Ihe sinnin" Iw. u "SIudeiiis' Own Show" niake a special errori at all limes. scliool participaies at Ihe Spring Hill EEA program provides service at cliiied 51iglilly Ihis year A1 Ihe ISDSj contens. realurlng live bands. explains wily so many people in need Community Centre. SI. Andrew's SI Andrcw' s Hospital in Spring Sririn" Hill Cuminunily C. nlre. Ihe fileaire sports und \-ruinus innov"- benefit iron, Ihe efforts of Ihe BOGS Hospital. the A1ber! Park R, xi-5.110ul Hill. Students are volunieers at the new adminisiraiion. did rinl re- Iivc SPCciacl** ran"inn from In11. In lentt Club coffee shop and in Ihe nursing quire studentsin provide their serv- and Brisbane Central Sinie School.
The Spring Hill Coinniuniiy nome. In inc nursing home tiley iccs. Tli, EEA prosrani has been Centre it a niceiing place wh*r* Ihe in Iernci \\, 11h Ihe palicnis. r*riding reduced 10 only nail the numbcr Spring Hill Cuntmuniiy can come Ih*ni bool. h. pin}ing 3,111c* or uru- In\, Ived 1.51 year. bui Ihe school it's cuminued 10 participaie us '11/11 logeilier. h provides aid for runny or 111y 1.1king willI 111.1n. A1 Brisbane Cellir"I SI"Ie a* POS*Ible in tile provision o1' the di Voiee of the future! Eva Wood telns 10 be: "Lei's see 1:0w ntucli we - by innney! Tile general aimude Tile \\', rlJ En\Imjinieiii " ai. pit Ih;11 \\ e nilhc"r \0 1,111cli"haul. bullhe can make. in Ih* snortesi ainouni of Thrnugli 111e EEA pm, rani Chh I. n. " \I, ,. 111 in Mick till 111* windu\\< n! 11ur c:11\ or \,. 111,111in, 1.1 init rib, ui '11/1"7/1/2111iiig it 111;11 11'\ I, .\ innn hall 111c unrlJ'*impulnii, 11c"LiLing '11/11c *11,111h* lireLl i, b* in relictiLi"1.11'it\, ER, LLC. ,I. . jilt Dr. .till :Ind I'LiiLir* 1.1 ,r. ,jiltm\ W'c. and nih, r I\e*ICrii ."1.11, * ,1, , 111,111"11 r. K*. ;1,111,111\ .1.1\!. inc 111*.!ning Mill, \1,111 " jilt 11nhlci"* dii\c .ironiirl in ,ui nunUred innu- *"rid 11.11"r c;11\ and IL"I Cliin" 111.1i Ih"I I. "* ,\,!I PI. !11.11 11.1ni, I FCnnL\h" , I, n* \*., uii. 111.1 \h, uld b* e"\ir, ,rim*niu!11 in*11,111 Bill"h\ \11,111d I**14. .Ihle 111,111 11n, I^ prt, Jn!. I I. . .1.1. !11,111i". I, , *, I u \ I, , 11.1*11. \I 111,111.1"1,111 11. 1.1 IIJ\ * .111 11, . I" \till. \ ul' Ihc ILL cull*111 I\ .I 1111, , \, ill' FCi*11c, ,lid*"I "I \1.1\. C*1111/1 \ . Limit " jilt *;1111* 11/11, . Ir\ 1.1 ill;IL, Ih, it*I 111'111, hitld find .,, inc .!11.1ri* L' nit cr~, it . 0.111"I 1.1. ,*. tillL, lit' \'.,"111 ,.! .\u. .I, .111.1 " jilt I Uru ! .wilt^ \.. I\ 1.1 111.1i e 11Nii' 11\ " '11/1/1.11'1- .init" \\111,111;*,. I\ 1111/11nkin. \\* \Limit. 11 F1. ,I, *,. I. ,\ h, *, 11.11k, \, :I, * n*tti ., 111, in ,*I .In\\. 11*re .\. I\ IU JCL*hit " IN. 11\ L*I**Cii IIJ 0,111*I *\, 1,111, d 111.1i Su '11/1/1"hle 11,111'. " I'dlit, C F. ,,'\ lit 111L' \..!I DC'.*1.1, Inc"I , jilt '11/1.111\\\*I :I""I GUI 111~ itI. E. .! .,. 11N\, 11Niil Wiltii p*, IPIe inc \1111/11g in it, ,r!. .I\ " ... I\ 111\ Lulliiihuii. .11 in 1111~ \*. Ir \ \\', ichi SUIiiiiiii in Ri. . J* 1,111cir, .. .I-. ;I ,""jinUii!I} .111d 11, .I 111\I I. ,r 11, ", 11nl 1.11"\, 111.1:I\ * ., I' \I'll. 111"11 \,. 111 11. 3.11n. un1> 11Nii \\ 111 111* *. 11nii, '. n 1,311i I:.,, Ii*I 1111'. 1.1'111 lit L. 1111* 1.1 Lit. 'Jk 1.1 1.1 Jul". 11 Eru fur 1111* to 11,111\:11 t. 11'1,11* till, " *1.1\t. .!11.1 I I\ J-, 1:1, ; .. ch. 111. ,* in 111* it. I, it ni. "11,111!\ .11' 11u 111,111 Ivin, \ \\!!I lint, in ,\tur *11nu*111.1, pi**"; ".,,.,,,-,,,.,., \UN 11'\ *. I\\ " *, 11,111ilullbi\!I 1:111. *. \\, 11, I'll*, I 1/1/'11ii. .I\ 11* I*ILl in jilt 11,111i .Ih, ,,:I \, 11.1 it. 111\ 11.1, - 111 I. , din^^*111 nil**. I*I " 1.1 01 PC*pi, ,, n, , ill Pi. I .:lid 11. ,\. lull^h iru 11* ,!, 11'1 C\ *" .,*111 in it* .Ibl* in d" 111.1 11'\ IIJ\ 1111 tit *Lir ,*liti"11.11 10 11nnl. tit. " " 1.1"' I" "" 11,111i, I it , 11"11/11*I ., I' nic .it*11 '11/1. IL"1111. A1* I\ c gwills 10 say 'lye* tit it. \ n, ,11.1'! Ar* ,\* Loing 10 he \ ,u!11 ,\11i;111. *. " *.,, 1.1\ ill \\ hiLli 11, IN, "!11. fj"\,, 11, U in 111.1i ~cli, ,,!. 11, Jhl* to \11.1r* ,"r \\ *"!111 willI 111,111il^ \\. I\ ."11 " J \ ci \ \, tall. lit. I, *Iron :! lion* Ih. 11 Ii\ c un p, \ cri}.'. we 111, \ tv, 11 ha\e to Ii\* \'err .111d 111"11"1.1, ! it, !d, r. BCC. Iuv, ., I' 1111\ lit it 11n\.. .. 111,111cd litre"gh 1111\ dintn!till, 10 ,ur pareni\. willjouiilie Iu\11ries 111"I \, c knotv now. Tilerc is ,r, Lip by jilt gu\~*milleii! .in, \'"ri a big difference in suniiig yes and o. 1\ ,. 111er ur. '11/5"lion\ o11 en\iron aciu;111y living inni way. Tile one incni"I i'su, s concerning youIh EC, nullii. itr, \\111 " Ih, war. in Ihiiig Ihal we all ha*e to ask ourselves willcli Ih, \\, rid i\ ItIn at Ih* 111,111eni 15: "Do we really nave any choice"' 81^ E, eetrjeal Special/51ng in Prompt Service for HOME, 0. E^12:1CE, I N Q-,^11 Sv:F RY . DATA CAB if HOT WATER a ?^" ro ' A^Is ,,,,,,, Radlo - ntrolled Vans 22 Thurlow Street, Newmarket pre^^ Homemaker S cotals " I " I11 I *^^;^^i^;:^;#" I, I I Homem8k, a Specialg. - , a. ,,, I I I Free PairingI with Ve, *Ie=I ear", IN re. ", '., *., g. ,", ",.* ~ .~, \ *. " re, "," mm ~. .. ,.,.." * '"",*'. * . .",,. am *,,.,. ......., ...,. ,.'~*, , Only $79 . nets to ,"" ami*" ' '"" ,*it~. " t . ",, , "., "" Free Triple LOGk *v. *' Save 20% JR " ~*,,~~ ~*un ,, *,.*C" =;g== 1.1~_r\ ^~~" -^-^ * &,- ~., ,,.., .,. .** ~ " * am ~ ." mm ",* ,,, ~ at".,, r" ^ =:^=^= L. =L, =. ^-,~- ^== .=^=^=. ^. e. g. . FFftT, Free Trim *, roman *.,,. i'^ ""' "' ""." , . ~,, at ."" " I"*, a * Un us, " .*, ,", ,",." ," ' ., *"," "" ..".* ."" " to. ".,,. .." ,, ,., " ", .,*=. ,, ~..". ,."* or, "*, In, * Free installation **" A"^ , I " E. ,",,. "."." I I" ~~~"--"" I I , a. ^ ;:*:,,,.,,,,,, " , . ", .,~~**,~ Only $169 -,., ""* ton ". .** ..~-- ":",, J b a. ,". "" am .," "" " Jam^. Save 20% ~.,., Bus, un .".,, ". R. in. "* .*. WEE , ., .,,, ,.*,.,," "" it, ." . .. Phone now for a FREE quote and design and Golour adviee. Q , "~ Prermei: SII*OS, A*\I\CS, 514LRii\ You I MD o1 ;iru ~:,,>~ Only $99 . us to Can *" ,"* PM" .~ '""""' to U. a" *, ~'"' " ".=. " ""~: "",,, ,".,,, Page 6 GRAMMAR GAZETTE. Term 4,992
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